About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

30 October 2010

Long run Saturday...

long run done this morning instead of tomorrow due to golf...

it was quite warm and humid...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 18.8/72% (finish at 22.7/55%)
start time: 9:17am
total distance: 15.58
total time: 90:00
avg pace: 5:47
total calories: 874
avg HR*: 156

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:15 [Z1: 93-111]
00:14 [Z2: 111-130]
06:58 [Z3: 130-148]
81:11 [Z4: 148-167]
01:37 [Z5: 167-185]

squeezed in a couple of caches at Goorooyarroo before heading to baseball...

we were taking on the Red Bears who have had the wood on the Black Bears for quite some time...last year's semi final was the first time we had ever beaten them...

today we SMASHED them!! 21-2!! we kept them scoreless until the last inning...we even had a lightning/rain delay for about 10mins...

did one more cache on the way home and then picked up pizza for dinner..

then watched the Wallabies finally beat the All Blacks!

a good day!!

29 October 2010

Customs #202

thanks to the Da Vinci Machines exhibition, the course was different today, in fact so different at least four different versions were run!

I think my version was the longest as I stuck to the path and didn't cut the grass corner either way near the exhibition...some cut the corner both ways, some did it only on the way back and somehow Pam missed the instruction to do it as an out & back and still finished down the usual hill!

anyway, I'm thinking of treating these runs as a tempo-type runs for the HM rather than trying to race them as my legs are feeling the affects of the track racing...my calves in particular are quite tight...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 18.1/53%
start time: 12:27pm
total distance: 5.14
total time: 25:21 (start 11:30)
avg pace: 4:56
total calories: 259
avg HR*: 158

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:08 [Z1: 93-111]
00:11 [Z2: 111-130]
01:02 [Z3: 130-148]
22:07 [Z4: 148-167]
02:15 [Z5: 167-185]

no splits as I forgot to turn that option back on after turning it off for track...!

tonight we watch the Caps play Adelaide at the AIS Arena...

tomorrow is my long run then baseball with some caching thrown in (hopefully!)...

Sunday is golf then some more caching!

28 October 2010

Track Meet #3 2010/11

three events for me again...seems to be my standard #

6:01pm 3000m 12:58.44 (field of 30), season's best, 9/35
splits: 0:47, 1:42, 1:47, 1:47, 1:47, 1:48, 1:49, 1:33
1k splits: 4:16, 4:28, 4:16

7:14pm 2nd leg of 4 x 1500m relay 6:20.39
Heidi (1st) 6:XX, Kelly (3rd) 6:33, Nadine (4th) 5:49

Hugh L made the other 1st leg runners look pedestrian yet Rachelle ran a PB 5:32!!!

8:21pm Adler 5 Lap Spiral 8:51.01 (8:51)

started off Group 35 (6:05), 65secs behind my target Ruth who started in Group 29 (5:00)...

tonight I ran in my glasses so I could keep a closer eye on Ruth's purple singlet...I managed to catch her with a lap to go...however Nadine (6th) blitzed past me with 3 laps to go to take the women's points lead...Helen passed me with 650m to go and Heidi passed me with 350m to go but I managed to flash past them at the finish!

I see that Nadine is now in Group 38 (together with Brett!), Ruth and Heidi have come in to Groups 28 and 33 respectively while Helen (36) and I (35) stay the same...should be an exciting series!

Adler Series Top 5 - Women (after two events)
93 Nadine
90 Bronwyn
84 Helen
68 Audrey
67 Ruth

27 October 2010

Easy running...

no running yesterday...just riding to & from work (quicker than the bus!)...

easy run at lunch today, very pleasant conditions, I even wore a sleeveless top!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 19.8/37%
start time: 1:08pm
total distance: 9.02
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:33
total calories: 467
avg HR*: 148

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:02 [Z1: 93-111]
00:20 [Z2: 111-130]
17:56 [Z3: 130-148]
32:05 [Z4: 148-167]
00:00 [Z5: 167-185]

baseball training after work...no mad rush to get there on time this week so no PBs in the offing!

does anyone like garden gnomes??

25 October 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees (22, 4 new): Abby (new), Andrew, Attlee (new), Brett, Chris, Craig, Damian, Ewen, Gareth (new), Jodie, Joel, Kym, Leanne, Marea (new), Nadine, Neil, Ruth, SG, Tony, Warrick, Yelena and me...

warm up: 2.90k (usual clockwise lap + loop of old Parliament House)

30mins...working around rectangle marked out on lower grassy square (longer than last week!)...3mins effort/3mins easy/2mins effort/2mins easy/1:30min effort/1:30min easy/1min effort/1min easy (change direction)/3mins effort/3mins easy/2mins effort/2mins easy/1:30min effort/1:30min easy/1min effort/1min easy ...the grass was still longish...I was happy with my last two efforts - I held off Nadine and caught Craig on the last one!...

rough distances (effort/rest):
685/500, 436/342, 328/234, 241/140,
635/467, 415/299, 365/236, 268/159

warm down: 2.04k (reverse lap back around Parliament House)

total 10.90k in 74:47...starting temp/humidity: 17.5/52%...avg HR: 143...

24 October 2010

Weekend wrap


played golf early with Suze and Bev...we got around in just over 4hrs...stableford was the format - I had 31pts while the other two had 33pts...although the score wasn't great, I did pick up two birdies while Suze got an eagle!

baseball was a tight finish with the Black Bears getting up 13-12 after being down 12-7 with only our last batting inning to go...the conditions were quite overcast at the start and we actually played through a steady drizzle for most of the game...


had a good sleep in then went for my long run at 9:40am...a good run with the pace just under 5:50...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 9.8/73% (finish at 11.8/59%)
start time: 9:40am
total distance: 15.53
total time: 90:00
avg pace: 5:48
total calories: 738
avg HR*: 152

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:01 [Z1: 93-111]
00:30 [Z2: 111-130]
49:57 [Z3: 130-148]
33:40 [Z4: 148-167]
01:04 [Z5: 167-185]

spent the afternoon caching in Goorooyarroo and Mulligan's Flat...

22 October 2010

Customs #201

slowest run of the lot in my latest incarnation as a Customs Jogger...

left work late so missed my start..as a result, no points earned...

was a struggle...bit breezy...my legs were tight, no doubt a product of last night...I'd ridden from Mitchell this morning (car in for service) but that should have helped not hindered...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 21.6/47%
start time: 12:29pm
total distance: 5.01
total time: 25:44 (start 14:15)
avg pace: 5:08
total calories: 266
avg HR*: 158

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
00:00 [Z2: 111-130]
00:26 [Z3: 130-148]
24:30 [Z4: 148-167]
00:54 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 4:49, 5:16, 5:04, 5:09, 5:22, 0:04

Overall personal Customs Ranking: 194th/201
avg time: 23:45 (range: 21:35-30:12)
PB set 12/5/06

Overall personal Customs Ranking (Floriade course): 53rd/55
avg time: 24:08 (range: 23:03-25:52)
PB set 15/9/06

golf and baseball tomorrow, long run and hopefully some caching on Sunday...

21 October 2010


three events for me again...

6:11pm mile 6:55.55 (2nd heat)
splits: 1:44, 1:49, 1:45, 1:38

7:17pm 1500m (3rd heat) 6:13.47
splits: 1:15, 1:46, 1:42, 1:30

8:21pm Adler 4 Lap Spiral 6:46.85 (6:47)

started off Group 35 (4:40), 40secs behind my target Ruth who started in Group 30 (4:00)...

Ruth's pink singlet provided a good target and I was pleased to reel her in with around 500m to go...crossed the line in 5th which I think is my best Adler finish...just outside my 4 Lap PB as well...Ruth finished 21st and I see will start a group earlier next week!

finished the night by drawing the raffle - pulled two numbers out and neither were mine!!

20 October 2010

Easy run...

was meant to be 50mins but only did 40 as I got out late and needed to be back at work for a meeting...

I wasn't that enthused about doing it anyway!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 18.4/52%
start time: 1:33pm
total distance: 6.95
total time: 40:00
avg pace: 5:45
total calories: 371
avg HR*: 150

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:04 [Z1: 93-111]
00:05 [Z2: 111-130]
12:07 [Z3: 130-148]
28:13 [Z4: 148-167]
00:00 [Z5: 167-185]

then I left work late and had to hustle to make baseball training on time...I normally leave at 5pm to walk at a leisurely pace to be there just before 5:30pm...I didn't head off until 5:15pm...it took me 13:21 - a PB of sorts!

Running rest day

but I did ride to & from work...

here are the ride details that get emailed on the completion of each ride direct from the app (Cyclemeter)...

Route: Ride to work
Activity: Cycle
Google Maps URL
Shortened Google Maps URL
Started: 19/10/2010 7:55:45 AM
Ride Time: 36:20
Stopped Time: 4:09
Distance: 15.20 km
Average: 25.11 km/h
Fastest Speed: 48.82 km/h
Climb: 217 meters
Calories: 375
Official Route: Yes

Route: ride home
Activity: Cycle
Google Maps URL
Shortened Google Maps URL
Started: 19/10/2010 5:30:02 PM
Ride Time: 44:09
Stopped Time: 1:44
Distance: 14.64 km*
Average: 19.89 km/h
Fastest Speed: 39.14 km/h
Climb: 61 meters
Calories: 372
Official Route: Yes

* the iPhone GPS struggled to get a good lock in Civic to start

finished the night at Phnom Penh for the speedygeese dinner...an excellent night!

18 October 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees: Andrew, Brett, Caroline, Cathy, Craig, Damian, Ewen, Graeme, Helen, Kym, Leanne, Maria, Mick H, Nadine, Ruth, SG, Yelena and me...

warm up: 2.86k (usual clockwise lap + loop of old Parliament House)

30mins...working around square marked out on lower grassy square...3mins effort/3mins easy/2mins effort/2mins easy/1min effort/1min easy/30sec effort/30sec easy/1min effort/1min easy (change direction) /2mins effort/2mins easy3mins effort/3mins easy/2mins effort/2mins easy/1min effort...the grass was long, it was windy - a killer session...

rough distances (effort/rest):
675/497, 431/336, 219/159, 110/78, 212/151, 410/312, 626/498, 412/317, 246

warm down: 2.05k (reverse lap back around Parliament House)

total 10.87k in 75:08...starting temp/humidity: 16.4/34%...avg HR: 146...

Busy Sunday...

originally the plan was to get up early and run before taking Jodie to the airport (she was taking her nephew to the Motor Show in Sydney) and heading on to Manuka for today's Twenty20 match...

I decided an extra 90mins in bed was a better option!

The Vics beat ACT by 56 runs and the game was over not long after 12pm...I managed to get to Belconnen golf course in time to walk the last 8 holes with the last group in the women's club championships...

the 3rd round was cancelled yesterday (the course was closed due to the weather) so Suze went into the final round with only a one shot lead...however, she shot only one over the card on the front 9 to open up a 10 shot lead by the time I arrived...in the end she won by 11 shots and won the monthly medal to boot...

I finally got out for my run after 5pm...the plus was that it was warmer than yesterday, the minus is that it was quite windy!...I also tested a new app (Cyclemeter) I'm going to use on my bike - it has the capability to post run info direct to my Facebook page on the completion of a recorded activity...it matched up pretty well to my Garmin stats...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 14.2/48%
start time: 5:18pm
total distance: 15.36
total time: 90:00
avg pace: 5:52
total calories: 796
avg HR*: 157

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:04 [Z1: 93-111]
00:01 [Z2: 111-130]
14:53 [Z3: 130-148]
68:15 [Z4: 148-167]
01:54 [Z5: 167-185]

I swear Commando from the Biggest Loser lives in Canberra (if it's not him then it's his twin!)...just as I was about to head up Aki's Hill, he came running down the hill and proceeded to do some squats...when I was about two-thirds of the way up, he was running up again...very strange!

16 October 2010


I managed to get my run in this morning but it was silly cold...my legs were burning that much in the first three ks that they were hurting...rain, wind, sleet, SNOW, yes SNOW!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 3.4/98% ("rising" to 4.7/86%)
start time: 7:57am
total distance: 8.64
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:47
total calories: 391
avg HR*: 155

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:12 [Z1: 93-111]
00:09 [Z2: 111-130]
11:39 [Z3: 130-148]
30:42 [Z4: 148-167]
01:55 [Z5: 167-185]

now I am sitting at Manuka (inside!) waiting for the game between ACT & Victoria to start (or be called off!)...it can start as late as 3:56pm for 15 overs a side, finishing at 6pm...

15 October 2010


not much to say...

it was pouring at lunchtime so no Customs run...the cricket (Twenty20 match due to start at 3pm) got called off so I worked until 5:40pm before heading off to the basketball at the AIS Arena...

the Caps beat Sydney by 13pts after being down by 7pts at half-time...

tomorrow I WILL run in the morning before heading to Manuka Oval - ACT and VIC are meant to play in a one day match (50 overs-a-side) but unless the weather improves significantly I reckon it will be called off too...

if the cricket is called off, I hope to make it back to Cyber Bunker in Mitchell to play a round with Suze and Jodie...

then it's more basketball with the Caps playing the AIS at 6pm at the Arena...

14 October 2010

Track returns...

firstly, yesterday was a relatively restful day...the plan was to ride to Jodie's work then back to my work for National Ride to Work Day but seeing as it was pouring when we were due to leave we piked out...I don't mind it raining when I've already started but not pouring before I go!...Jodie wants to do the ride next Wednesday so hopefully the weather will be good!

had a course to attend in the morning which cut into lunchtime so no run but at least I had baseball training (inside) after work...

tonight saw the return of track and I ended up having a go at the 3000m, 800m and the 400m...

6:02pm 3000m 13:26.39
splits: 0:48, 1:42, 1:51, 1:51, 1:52, 1:52, 1:50, 1:40
1k splits: 4:21, 4:39, 4:27

7:11pm 800m (2nd heat) 3:09.20
splits: 1:29, 1:40

7:42pm 400m (3rd heat) 1:19.03

plenty of work to be done there but a steady start...

the highlight of the night was the feast provided afterwards...I had 3 bread rolls, 1 choc mini muffin and 2 pieces of caramel slice...no need for dinner when I got home!!

tomorrow it's a half day at work for me followed by Customs, online scoring the Twenty20 match between ACT and Vic @ Manuka then watching the Caps play Sydney at the AIS...

12 October 2010

Easy run...

finally got back on the bike to ride to work...took me 42mins...

easy run at lunch...crossed paths with Nadine near Lennox Gardens...bit breezy...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.3/48%
start time: 1:19pm
total distance: 8.96
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:35
total calories: 471
avg HR*: 146

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:18 [Z1: 93-111]
00:23 [Z2: 111-130]
29:24 [Z3: 130-148]
20:01 [Z4: 148-167]
01:22 [Z5: 167-185]

it's National Ride to Work Day tomorrow and Jodie has decided she's going to ride to work for the first time (I think it's the breakfast being put on that's got her interest!)...I'll be accompanying her...

11 October 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees: Andy, Brett, Cathy, Damian, Helen, Jodie, Katherine (new), Kym, Leanne, Mick C, Nadine, SG and me...

warm up: 3.41k (usual clockwise lap + jog to start of loop in SW corner + lap of loop)

4 x (~ 100m easy/200m effort/100m easy/200m effort/100m easy/200m effort)...Damian did 5 loops...Jodie did 3 loops...

rough times (rest/effort):
35/47, 28/58, 43/59
42/54, 34/60, 46/59
47/53, 34/60, 45/58
44/52, 34/59, 46/56

warm down: 2.08k (reverse lap of loop and then 3/4 lap around PH back to stairs)

total 9.36k in 70:36...starting temp/humidity: 16.8/61%...avg HR: 135...

10 October 2010

Weekend wrap...


did a six cache maintenance run for Fore! (aka Suze)...this involved drying out or replacing containers, replacing logs and finding a cache some had thought had gone missing...found three caches while I was doing this...she was busy playing in the opening round of the club champs (she had 83 off the stick)

then it was to baseball at Aranda...as the home team (odd I know) we fielded first...I pitched the first three innings then Suze pitched the next two...we won 14-5 in the grand final re-match against Bandits Black...apparently it's the first time the Black Bears have won their opening match in 5 seasons.


up early to run before playing golf...did the same circuit as last week...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 11.9/80%
start time: 7:27am
total distance: 13.50
total time: 80:00
avg pace: 5:56
total calories: 670
avg HR*: 147

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:20 [Z1: 93-111]
01:46 [Z2: 111-130]
52:02 [Z3: 130-148]
25:27 [Z4: 148-167]
00:28 [Z5: 167-185]

had 91 off the stick for a net 74, the best score I've had since April (that is, before I broke my wrist)...the best thing thing though was having only 24 putts which I'm pretty sure is my best ever result with the flat stick!

Suze had 87 off the stick and holds a one stroke lead after two rounds...one of fellow geocachers is sitting in 3rd spot...

tonight we are having a BBQ with said fellow geocacher coming over with her puppy (a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever aka a Toller) named Cacher (pronounced Casher as her owner is American!)...Huxley loves playing with her and lets her chase him...

08 October 2010

Last day at the Mint for pod espresso

the subject says it all...

Tim will be heading back to Melbourne soon and getting stuck into training for the Marathon des Sables which is in April (2-12) next year...

Customs #200!!

today was my 200th Customs Joggers run...this was the first regular run in my "career" as a runner...

another good turnout...I managed to finish two places ahead of Tony to close the gap to 7pts...!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 15.3/45%
start time: 12:27pm
total distance: 5.09
total time: 24:17 (start 11:30)
avg pace: 4:46
total calories: 263
avg HR*: 164

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
00:09 [Z2: 111-130]
00:23 [Z3: 130-148]
15:11 [Z4: 148-167]
08:55 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 4:23, 5:03, 4:56, 4:48, 4:48, 0:19

Overall personal Customs Ranking: =151st/200
avg time: 23:46 (range: 21:35-30:12)
PB set 12/5/06

Overall personal Customs Ranking (Floriade course): =34th/54
avg time: 24:06 (range: 23:03-25:52)
PB set 15/9/06

Customs Milestone times:

#001 29/04/05 26:23 (did miss a turn early!)
#050 26/05/06 21:46 my third best time ever, done in a purple patch over 4 weeks when I ran three sub 22:00 times
#100 16/11/07 24:50 I'd been back running for 4mths following my heel surgery
#150 06/02/09 24:16

tonight we have the Ainslie-Gungahlin season launch for baseball at Gungahlin Lakes...tomorrow's our first game...

this weekend is also the first two rounds of the Club Championship in golf (four stroke rounds played over two weekends)...Suze is aiming for her 7th consecutive title...I'm not participating as I can't play tomorrow but I plan on playing on Sunday in the day comp...

long run for Sunday morning is another 80mins...this Sunday will see Jodie's first planned weekend run - she's starting at 45mins before building up to 90...

07 October 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

last Thursday speedygeese session for the year with track starting next week...

attendees: Jodie, Joel, Nadine, SG, Troy, Yelena and me...a small flock with a number of runners preparing for the events in Melbourne on Sunday...

warm up: 3.45k (usual clockwise lap + jog to start of loop in SW corner + lap of loop)

4 x (~ 100m easy/200m effort/100m easy/200m effort/100m easy/200m effort)...Jodie did 3 loops continuously, alternating direction for each loop...

rough times (rest/effort):
34/50, 33/55, 39/60
43/57, 38/58, 44/61
43/57, 40/57, 44/58
46/54, 39/57, 47/59

warm down: 2.06k (reverse lap of loop then 3/4 lap around PH back to stairs)

total 9.32k in 70:10...starting temp/humidity: 16.0/47%...avg HR: 133...

06 October 2010

Sticking to the program...

last night I did some pitching work as I'll be making my debut on the mound this Saturday v Bandits Black...a scary thought indeed!

did the 40mins as listed on my program today...a nice short run!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 21.1/50%
start time: 1:22pm
total distance: 7.19
total time: 40:00
avg pace: 5:34
total calories: 355
avg HR*: 149

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:09 [Z1: 93-111]
00:25 [Z2: 111-130]
16:29 [Z3: 130-148]
21:54 [Z4: 148-167]
00:50 [Z5: 167-185]

this is also the 1st week of Jodie's program as she trains for the 15k in Maui...I might even be able to get her to come out to the track...I reckon she would like the Adler!

she did a speedygeese-like session on Monday morning at Amaroo Oval while Suze and I played golf then she did 40mins at lunch yesterday...

baseball training after work...at least it starts at 5:30pm now instead of 5pm...gotta love daylight savings!

I've added the draw on the left for those who might be interested...

05 October 2010

Golf, sheep and a run...

yesterday's golf was almost as ugly as Saturday but at least I had 12/13pt split as opposed to 6/17!

we headed out to Good Hope in the afternoon (near Yass) to visit one of our baseball teammates...she is agisting some sheep and Hux was allowed to practice his skills on them...unfortuantely he's not used to doing that outside a pen so everytime he ran, they ran away!...still he had a ball and was a very tired puppy last night...

it was warmish at lunch for my run as I trotted around for 50mins...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 21.5/53%
start time: 1:11pm
total distance: 8.95
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:35
total calories: 438
avg HR*: 156

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:05 [Z1: 93-111]
00:21 [Z2: 111-130]
13:17 [Z3: 130-148]
31:28 [Z4: 148-167]
01:05 [Z5: 167-185]

some of us are having an extra hit tonight with baseball starting this Saturday...we have a title to defend!

04 October 2010


Collingwood finally won premiership #15 which more than made up for an odd game of golf!

Started out with 6, yes 6, points on the front then scored 17 points on the back...means I played to a handicap of 30 instead of 17 (oops!)

this morning I did the first of my long runs in training for the Maui run...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.8/77%
start time: 8:30am
total distance: 13.12
total time: 80:00
avg pace: 6:05
total calories: 638
avg HR*: 146

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:06 [Z1: 93-111]
02:58 [Z2: 111-130]
55:19 [Z3: 130-148]
16:33 [Z4: 148-167]
01:46 [Z5: 167-185]

we went out to Hall markets in the morning then Jodie and I went shopping in the afternoon for some new running shoes courtesy of mum & dad's birthday present to me...came home with a pair of Nike Zoom Structure Triax 13+ and a pair of short Skins...first time I haven't bought a pair of ASICS in quite some time...

watched the NRL GF then head out at 8:30pm for a spot of night caching with Suze, Jodie and three of my footy teammates...was great fun!

golf tomorrow morning then a road trip out near Yass where Huxley can practice his sheep handling skills...

01 October 2010

Customs #199

another good turnout today...Pam M started with me but left me before we hit the path at the bottom of the Archbishop's Hill!

I was 10 points behind Tony O heading into today's run and managed to finish one place ahead of him so the margin is back to 9...lucky for me he's a noisy runner!!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 14.3/61%
start time: 12:27pm
total distance: 5.08
total time: 24:16 (start 11:30)
avg pace: 4:46
total calories: 252
avg HR*: 164

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:07 [Z1: 93-111]
00:12 [Z2: 111-130]
00:27 [Z3: 130-148]
15:08 [Z4: 148-167]
08:56 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 4:28, 5:03, 4:57, 4:51, 4:37, 0:20

Overall personal Customs Ranking: =148th/199
avg time: 23:46 (range: 21:35-30:12)
PB set 12/5/06

Overall personal Customs Ranking (Floriade course): 33rd/53
avg time: 24:09 (range: 23:03-25:52)
PB set 15/9/06

with another long weekend ahead I have golf on Saturday and Monday...watching the AFL grand final replay (go the 'pies!!) tomorrow and the NRL grand final Sunday...

maybe some caching on Sunday after a longish run...

I also need to get out to The Runners Shop to get some new shoes!!