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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

07 October 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

last Thursday speedygeese session for the year with track starting next week...

attendees: Jodie, Joel, Nadine, SG, Troy, Yelena and me...a small flock with a number of runners preparing for the events in Melbourne on Sunday...

warm up: 3.45k (usual clockwise lap + jog to start of loop in SW corner + lap of loop)

4 x (~ 100m easy/200m effort/100m easy/200m effort/100m easy/200m effort)...Jodie did 3 loops continuously, alternating direction for each loop...

rough times (rest/effort):
34/50, 33/55, 39/60
43/57, 38/58, 44/61
43/57, 40/57, 44/58
46/54, 39/57, 47/59

warm down: 2.06k (reverse lap of loop then 3/4 lap around PH back to stairs)

total 9.32k in 70:10...starting temp/humidity: 16.0/47%...avg HR: 133...

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