About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

20 October 2010

Running rest day

but I did ride to & from work...

here are the ride details that get emailed on the completion of each ride direct from the app (Cyclemeter)...

Route: Ride to work
Activity: Cycle
Google Maps URL
Shortened Google Maps URL
Started: 19/10/2010 7:55:45 AM
Ride Time: 36:20
Stopped Time: 4:09
Distance: 15.20 km
Average: 25.11 km/h
Fastest Speed: 48.82 km/h
Climb: 217 meters
Calories: 375
Official Route: Yes

Route: ride home
Activity: Cycle
Google Maps URL
Shortened Google Maps URL
Started: 19/10/2010 5:30:02 PM
Ride Time: 44:09
Stopped Time: 1:44
Distance: 14.64 km*
Average: 19.89 km/h
Fastest Speed: 39.14 km/h
Climb: 61 meters
Calories: 372
Official Route: Yes

* the iPhone GPS struggled to get a good lock in Civic to start

finished the night at Phnom Penh for the speedygeese dinner...an excellent night!

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