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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

14 October 2010

Track returns...

firstly, yesterday was a relatively restful day...the plan was to ride to Jodie's work then back to my work for National Ride to Work Day but seeing as it was pouring when we were due to leave we piked out...I don't mind it raining when I've already started but not pouring before I go!...Jodie wants to do the ride next Wednesday so hopefully the weather will be good!

had a course to attend in the morning which cut into lunchtime so no run but at least I had baseball training (inside) after work...

tonight saw the return of track and I ended up having a go at the 3000m, 800m and the 400m...

6:02pm 3000m 13:26.39
splits: 0:48, 1:42, 1:51, 1:51, 1:52, 1:52, 1:50, 1:40
1k splits: 4:21, 4:39, 4:27

7:11pm 800m (2nd heat) 3:09.20
splits: 1:29, 1:40

7:42pm 400m (3rd heat) 1:19.03

plenty of work to be done there but a steady start...

the highlight of the night was the feast provided afterwards...I had 3 bread rolls, 1 choc mini muffin and 2 pieces of caramel slice...no need for dinner when I got home!!

tomorrow it's a half day at work for me followed by Customs, online scoring the Twenty20 match between ACT and Vic @ Manuka then watching the Caps play Sydney at the AIS...

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