About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

15 October 2010


not much to say...

it was pouring at lunchtime so no Customs run...the cricket (Twenty20 match due to start at 3pm) got called off so I worked until 5:40pm before heading off to the basketball at the AIS Arena...

the Caps beat Sydney by 13pts after being down by 7pts at half-time...

tomorrow I WILL run in the morning before heading to Manuka Oval - ACT and VIC are meant to play in a one day match (50 overs-a-side) but unless the weather improves significantly I reckon it will be called off too...

if the cricket is called off, I hope to make it back to Cyber Bunker in Mitchell to play a round with Suze and Jodie...

then it's more basketball with the Caps playing the AIS at 6pm at the Arena...

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