About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

18 October 2010

Busy Sunday...

originally the plan was to get up early and run before taking Jodie to the airport (she was taking her nephew to the Motor Show in Sydney) and heading on to Manuka for today's Twenty20 match...

I decided an extra 90mins in bed was a better option!

The Vics beat ACT by 56 runs and the game was over not long after 12pm...I managed to get to Belconnen golf course in time to walk the last 8 holes with the last group in the women's club championships...

the 3rd round was cancelled yesterday (the course was closed due to the weather) so Suze went into the final round with only a one shot lead...however, she shot only one over the card on the front 9 to open up a 10 shot lead by the time I arrived...in the end she won by 11 shots and won the monthly medal to boot...

I finally got out for my run after 5pm...the plus was that it was warmer than yesterday, the minus is that it was quite windy!...I also tested a new app (Cyclemeter) I'm going to use on my bike - it has the capability to post run info direct to my Facebook page on the completion of a recorded activity...it matched up pretty well to my Garmin stats...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 14.2/48%
start time: 5:18pm
total distance: 15.36
total time: 90:00
avg pace: 5:52
total calories: 796
avg HR*: 157

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:04 [Z1: 93-111]
00:01 [Z2: 111-130]
14:53 [Z3: 130-148]
68:15 [Z4: 148-167]
01:54 [Z5: 167-185]

I swear Commando from the Biggest Loser lives in Canberra (if it's not him then it's his twin!)...just as I was about to head up Aki's Hill, he came running down the hill and proceeded to do some squats...when I was about two-thirds of the way up, he was running up again...very strange!


Aki said...

Yeah, I've seen him before. I've thought the same thing, too.

Friar said...

He's one fit dude.

And he does have a soft side as shown on The Biggest Loser.