About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

31 January 2008

Hard work...

three events at tonight's track meet...

first up at 6:50pm was the 1500m...Griffin decided he would pace me after I mentioned I was aiming for 6:00...unfortunately I couldn't latch on to him from the start as there were quite a few runners in this slower heat...BUT I managed to knock a massive 10.72 seconds off my PB to just miss cracking the 6:00 barrier with 6:01.27...Griffin finished in 5:29.XX...!

splits (3 x 400m + 1 x 300m): 1:35.72, 1:40.22, 1:38.35, 1:06.98

then came a delay with the stormy weather where we didn't know if the meet would be abandoned or not...the meet got back underway at about 7:40pm...

next for me was the 3000m with Griffin again offering to pace me to get close to 13:00...needing to run 1:44 laps I was off the boil from the start, running a slow 13:18.64...

splits (7 x 400m + 1 x 200m): 1:48.25, 1:45.61, 1:44.77, 1:45.47, 1:50.03, 1:50.21, 1:47.76, 0:46.96

1k splits: 4:26.29, 4:27:42, 4:24.93

the last event was the 6 Lap Spiral...starting from Group 38 I managed to finish in 9th position, pipping Jim White on the line by 5 100ths of a second!...my net time was 11:23.53, which I'll take as a PB by a matter of 0.47 of a second!

now to prepare for tomorrow's quick trip to Melbourne!!

30 January 2008

PM's XI goes down...

last night's ride home was quite warm - still 34 degrees at 5:45pm...16.2k, 45:56...

went out to dinner to Wild Porcini in Nicholls for Suze's birthday...excellent meal and service...we gave her a TomTom One V3, an in-car sat nav and she's had fun playing with it already...

today I was scoring at the PM's XI...it was a shame that Sri Lanka didn't bat first...had a few technical issues which made it an interesting time and more labour intensive than usual...I gave dad my free ticket (as a member of the Meteors) so he spent the day in the outer...

might go for a run later if it gets a bit cooler otherwise I'll save myself for tomorrow night!

29 January 2008

8k tempo...

good solid run given the heat & humidity...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 31.1/24%
start time: 1:22pm
total distance: 8.00
total time: 43:45
avg pace: 5:28
total calories: 600
avg/max HR*: 160/236

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:02 [Z1: 93-111]
00:03 [Z2: 111-130]
02:47 [Z3: 130-148]
33:04 [Z4: 148-167]
04:14 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 5:26, 5:25, 5;30, 5:36, 5:28, 5:30, 5:23, 5:28

Car update...

rode to work this morning...16.23k, 41.22...

my car will be going in to be fixed Thursday week (apparently this time of year is quite busy)...it's driveable but the passenger door doesn't open, the bumper bar is split, the bonnet protector and left headlight protector were smashed, the bonnet doesn't sit right (although it opens easily enough) and the front number plate will need to be replaced as it was left hanging by 1 screw...I don't plan on driving it again until I take it to be repaired...luckily for me, mum & dad have lent me a car for the odd day I need to drive (& I get to swap for the "big" car with cruise control for any Sydney trips!)...

the other driver's insurance company rang this morning and the other driver also rang to check everything was ok, she still sounded a bit shaken up by it all (her car had to be towed)...it could have been a lot worse...

on the running front, I'm planning on doing a tempo run at lunchtime (~8k) but won't be doing the first Summer Series race at Stromlo Forest Park tonight...

28 January 2008

Change of plans...

I was planning to attend the speedygeese easy run session tonight but I was involved in a relatively minor car accident on the way which put paid to that...thankfully there were no injuries to either party but the cars were a little worse for wear...

after reporting the accident to police and putting in a claim for insurance, I ended up going for a run with Jodie, Suze (on bike) and Hux around Yerrabi Pond...they made me do the extra small loop at the start and another extra bit later in an effort to get us to finish close together...Jodie ended up finishing well before I caught up...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 32.6/16%
start time: 7:32pm
total distance: 6.03
total time: 34:03
avg pace: 5:38
total calories: 452
avg/max HR*: 156/209

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:08 [Z1: 93-111]
00:31 [Z2: 111-130]
05:06 [Z3: 130-148]
23:23 [Z4: 148-167]
03:15 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 6:32, 5:24, 5:27, 5:32, 5:37, 5:15

27 January 2008

Vets at Campbell Park...

remembered to pick up Rachelle on the way...got there nice and early...I was in Group 31 while Rachelle was in Group 29...

it was quite a warm run so I was pleased that I was only 2 seconds slower than last year on perhaps a slightly harder course after some modifications...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 19.7/71%
start time: 8:58am
total distance: 6.05
total time: 29:46
avg pace: 4:54
total calories: 453
avg/max HR*: 168/187

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
00:22 [Z2: 111-130]
00:19 [Z3: 130-148]
15:04 [Z4: 148-167]
15:08 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 4:56, 5:07, 5:45, 4:28, 4:33, 4:41

I'm pretty tired after 4 hard days of running in a row...will have to work on following speedygeoff's thoughts of how a training week should go...

"Mondays Speed / Tempo
Tuesdays Long Steady
Wednesdays Easy
Thursdays Race
Fridays Rest
Saturdays Tempo / Speed (opposite of Monday)
Sundays Easy"

BUT this coming week I'll be scoring the PM's XI v Sri Lanka match on Wednesday then I'll be in Melbourne on Friday to watch the Twenty20s at the MCG between Australia/England (women, 3:30pm start) and Australia/India (men, 7:30pm start)...I'll be back Saturday morning but will miss the Stromlo session...

so my running week will be something like this:

MON speedygeese easy run
TUES tempo
WEDS ?? easy night run
THURS track: 1500m/3000m/6 Lap Spiral
FRI - (Melbourne)
SAT - (umpiring)
SUN - (cricket in Sydney)

not ideal but you do what you can!

26 January 2008

Stromlo session...

since my last post, I watched the Caps win not once but twice, done my first Stromlo session and played a round of golf...

last night the Caps beat the Perth Lynx 89-56...

this morning, I joined speedygeoff, Rachelle and Kelley (Kelley joined us after we started but didn't do the 1k repeats due to recovery from injury)...

we started with a 2.5k warm up and then followed that with 1k efforts split by 1k jogs...I managed to do 4:11, 4:20 and 4:15...we then did some stretching before finishing with another 2.5k lap...

had a shower at the golf club before my round...didn't play too badly just not consistently enough...

tonight the Caps beat Bulleen 83-69...

tomorrow I'll be picking Rachelle up as we head to Campbell Park for the Vets Handicap (8:30am start)...

25 January 2008


…do people feel the need to tell other people that their PBs are "soft"?

I'm sure I've spoken about this before…I've got no idea what my potential is or what my body is capable of so how would anyone else?

I list my PBs for MY benefit, as challenges for ME to lower…I've only attended 15 track meets over two seasons so far which adds up to:

  • 1 x 60m
  • 2 x 300m
  • 2 x 800m
  • 1 x 1000m
  • 3 x 1500m
  • 1 x 2000m
  • 6 x 3000m (most improvement made with this one)
  • 1 x 5000m
  • 1 x 10000m
so not much experience gained as yet…pacing is my biggest challenge (everyone knows that) but I also don't want to focus on just one distance, I want to do my best in just about all of them…

I'm mostly happy with my efforts, shouldn't that be enough? I'm not looking to be a world beater…there, rant over…

    Customs #106...

    when I woke up this morning, I wasn't feeling like running today but sure enough there I was jogging to the start...

    another big turnout but no Jodie this week (slacker!...actually work's busy for her)

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 22.2/38%
    start time: 12:29pm
    total distance: 5.00
    total time: 24:26 (start 13:30)
    avg pace: 4:53
    total calories: 375
    avg/max HR*: 158/177

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:01 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:01 [Z2: 111-130]
    00:09 [Z3: 130-148]
    20:01 [Z4: 148-167]
    03:58 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 4:44, 4:57, 4:59, 4:59, 4:44

    pretty pleased with this effort after last night...only 6 secs slower than last week...

    24 January 2008

    2 PBs...

    managed to shave a massive 2.16 seconds off my 800m time to finish in 3:01.27...managed to run a much more even race passing through 400m in about 1:30...

    the 1 hour run was held 24 minutes later...Rosemary Parker volunteered to be my lap counter (thanks!)...

    started off ok (i.e. not fast!) but slowed over the course of the hour...totalled 12137m...average pace 4:57...

    Jackie Fairweather (16056m), Trevor Jacobs (16121m) and Rad Leovic (9744m) all set records for various age groups...Jackie's was a world record for W40, Trevor extended his ACT record for M55 while Rad established an M80 ACT record...!!

    my lap times were:
    1:51, 1:51, 1:53, 1:54, 1:57, 1:58, 1:57, 1:59, 1:59, 1:56, 1:58, 1:59, 2:01, 2:00, 2:01, 1:59, 2:00, 2:01, 2:00, 2:01, 2:03, 2:01, 2:03, 2:02, 2:02, 2:02, 2:02, 2:01, 2:01, 1:57

    I think I passed through 10k about 30 seconds quicker than the other week...

    Option (e)...

    as per Ewen's post, I'll be doing the 800m and the 1 hr run...will get at least one PB anyway...

    however, I'm not sure that I can match speedygeoff's proposed pace to get 13.33333k in the hour unless he paces me and stops me running off like a headless chook at the start!

    (I'd be happy with at least 12.6k...)

    23 January 2008


    I'm in a quandary as to what to run at tomorrow night's Vets?

    (a) 3000m - 6pm start


    (b) 1 hour run - 7:20pm start


    (c) both!

    maybe I should set up a poll!

    Trivia night...

    slow ride home last night (16.2k, 46:51) but did manage to sell my "old" bike - placed a second ad in the Free Classifieds and this time success was had...

    didn't ride to work this morning as I am going to the Canberra Capitals Trivia Night over at Tuggeranong after work...so, this meant that I had to run to today's BootBox session over near Treasury...

    good run there and definitely a cool down run on the way back!

    there: 12:54, 2.47k, 5:13 pace
    back: 13:48, 2.46k, 5:36 pace

    the 45 minutes of the session flew by, we were so focused that I was surprised when Jesse said time to stretch...must admit that it's good working with Jodie as we both push each other to work hard and make the most of the session...

    22 January 2008

    The running year ahead...

    some of you may have noticed that I've added some countdown information for races on the right side of the blog...these are my key (non-track) races:

    • 12 April Canberra Marathon Eve 10k
    • 18 May Canberra Half Marathon
    • 06 July Gold Coast Half Marathon
    • 10 August City to Surf
    • 24 August ACTVAC Half Marathon
    • 21 September Sydney Half Marathon
    I'd really like to perform to the best of my ability in each of these...I've already booked flights and accommodation for the Gold Coast!

    my aim would be to go sub 45:00 for 10k and sub 1:45 for HM...

    the following races are more than likely to be added in as well:

    • 22 June Canada Fun Run for Cancer 10k
    • 26 July Bush Capital Marathon Festival 25k*

    *the 25k would be my longest race ever...


    rode to work again this morning, not as windy as yesterday...

    did another lunchtime tempo run:

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 19.8/47%
    start time: 1:02pm
    total distance: 8.00
    total time: 41:56
    avg pace: 5:14
    total calories: 600
    avg/max HR*: 162/229

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:00 [Z2: 111-130]
    00:40 [Z3: 130-148]
    33:59 [Z4: 148-167]
    01:18 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 5:17, 5:07, 5:15, 5:16, 5:12, 5:25, 5:16, 5:07

    quite pleasant conditions...reasonably consistent run and my second last k was NOT the slowest...

    21 January 2008

    Scoreboard Control...

    a view of the big white covers...the guy in front of me puts together footage to be used by the networks...as you can see he's playing chess to while away the time!

    that's my laptop bottom right...the two women in the middle are the official scorers...Ross Dundas is the guy in the white shirt, he controls all the screens etc...the woman to the left is usually the ground announcer for Cricket Australia but for this match was providing coverage for ABC Radio (she's a former NSW player and was the Aussie women's scorer/statistician for quite a long time, she's also a former Gordon player)...

    speedygeese #14...

    tonight's session was a good 'un and fun...

    after two warm up laps (1.85k around new Parly House & 1.15k around old Parly House), we were split up into teams of 4 with each team having two batons...

    Tim was in my group along with Margaret & "old" Christine...the idea was that the team would split into two with a runner with a baton at each end of the course (set up just inside the flagpoles, ~50m or so)...both "baton runners" would go on the whistle so that there was always two from each team sprinting...in the first lot we had to do 10 sprints each which we did do despite losing count, one of my sprints involved doubling up to give Christine a rest...

    after a short break, the teams were made more even pace-wise (I was with Gary, Amanda and Emma) and all teams were to keep going until the slowest reached 10 sprints each...my team managed 13 each with Gary doing 14...

    we finished with a warm down lap (~3.34k) around the lower trails around new Parly House to finish off...

    I covered about 8.1k over the course of 70 minutes...avg HR 138 / max HR 187...

    No live cricket...

    yep, drove all the way to Sydney on Saturday to get to the SCG by 9.15am for the WNCL Final between the NSW Breakers and the SA Scorpions...the closest we got to the match happening was that we got within a minute of the toss taking place at 10:45am (45 minute delay) when down came the rain again...

    so I floated backwards and forwards between the Scoreboard Control box on the 7th level of the Brewongle Stand and the Members...meanwhile the Twenty20 round of matches my club was due to play on the Sunday at David Phillips (UNSW) were called off at 2pm...

    then after the rain had clearly set in, the match was finally abandoned at 3pm...the NSW Breakers were awarded the trophy after finishing on top of the ladder (only 1 loss all season), their 10th title in 12 years...both sides were disappointed at not having the opportunity to play...it was SA's first final since 1997/8...

    it was also the first time in the history of the WNCL (started 1996/7) that a one off match was being utilised (usually a three match final series)...in addition, no reserve day had been scheduled...

    anyway, I decided to stay on overnight as per the original plan and went to the Hornsby RSL with my hosts (fellow club cricketers) to watch the end of the Test in Perth...

    ended up getting back to Canberra just after 12pm on Sunday...watched the Caps down the Bendigo Spirit at Tuggeranong and then did nothing much else for the rest of the day!

    rode to work this morning (I did check to see if it was still raining first!)...it was a fairly slow ride thanks to the wind...16.44k, 44:51...

    no running at lunchtime with tonight's speedygeese session...

    oh, I did take some photos of the Scoreboard Control box which I will post later tonight...

    18 January 2008

    Customs #105...

    after last night's efforts I was happy to go sub-25:00 today...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 19.4/52%
    start time: 12:30pm
    total distance: 5.02
    total time: 24:19 (start 13:30)
    avg pace: 4:52
    total calories: 375
    avg/max HR*: 167/192

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:07 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:03 [Z2: 111-130]
    00:02 [Z3: 130-148]
    12:48 [Z4: 148-167]
    10:54 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 4:41, 4:52, 4:54, 4:55, 4:54

    happy to keep all splits under 5:00 (a bit more consistent too)...bit windy on the part after you cross back under Commonwealth Ave Bridge...

    Jodie did a "slow" one (her words) - 30:56...Aki started 15secs in front and just kept getting further and further ahead...FlashDuck ran with Rad...

    got someone coming to look at my old bike tonight then I'll have to finish packing etc for my weekend in Sydney...another early start tomorro morning (6-6:15am leave)...

    17 January 2008

    Track- 3 events and a PB...

    no running during the day as I was "saving" myself for track (LOL)...thanks to Ewen I remembered to turn OFF the Auto-Lap (why didn't I think of that before??) so I could get the correct splits...

    1st event: 3000m...part of the Pennington series so Rachelle and I got to start of 5:37 (only 4 started behind us I think)...very windy in the finishing straight...time: 13:41.97...

    1k splits: 4:31, 4:43, 4:28

    fortunately got an extra break as the start of the 1500m was delayed plus I also got to run in the second heat...time: 6:29.53...

    400m splits + final 300m: 1:43, 1:49, 1:49, 1:08

    final event of the night for me was the 5 Lap Spiral...started off Group 39, finishing in 24th spot and ahead of Rachelle who started in the Group behind me...time: 9:19.46 - a PB of just over 10 seconds!...didn't bother with lap splits here...Katie passed me just after the start of the final lap (she started 4 groups behind me) and managed to finish about 5m ahead of me as I ran out of room to catch her!...

    found a nearby cache on the way home to round out the night...

    how about the cricket?? it would take something special for the Aussies to win this one...

    16 January 2008

    Orienteering @ ANU

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 24.1/61%
    start time: 5:52pm
    total distance: 6.67
    total time: 48:33
    avg pace: 7:17
    total calories: 510
    avg/max HR*: 149/163

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:05 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:50 [Z2: 111-130]
    18:43 [Z3: 130-148]
    29:28 [Z4: 148-167]
    00:00 [Z5: 167-185]

    #10 in the Twilight series...always a fast course...5.2k (19 controls) as the crow flies...only 1 navigation error (13 to 14)...Team Davcal got their feet wet crossing Sullivan's Creek twice thanks to today's downpour...


    last night's ride home was tough (or should I say, slow?!) as usual...16.29k, 43:56...

    after 4 phone calls, only 1 person showed up to look at my bike (he wasn't the original one either)...made me an offer well below what I'd asked so I said no!

    a little bit quicker on this morning's ride...16.44k, 41:45...

    rode over to the Rose Gardens near Treasury (~3k) for the Bootbox session...it was a packed 45mins and should be a good test for the remaining 9 weeks...

    just as we were finishing it started to spit and, sure enough, by the time I actually got on my bike to head back to work it was pouring...needless to say I was soaked by the time I got back to work...lucky I was having a shower anyway...

    now the weather's not looking that promising for the re-start of Twilight Orienteering this arvo at ANU...

    this weekend I am heading to Sydney on the Saturday to watch the CBA Women's National Cricket League final at the SCG between NSW and SA...now I'm going in an official capacity as the online scorer so I get to sit with the scorers, the ground announcer and the electronic scoreboard operator/statistician (Ross Dundas) way at the top of the Brewongle Stand...as you'd imagine, awesome views as you feel like you are leaning over the ground...I'll try to remember to take my camera so you can see what I mean...

    15 January 2008

    Warm work...

    rode to work, well to Tim's work...16.43k, 43:21...

    did a run at lunch - just as well I wasn't aiming to run further...boy it was warm out there, lucky there was a bit of a breeze...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 29.1/36%
    start time: 1:13pm
    total distance: 6.00
    total time: 32:27
    avg pace: 5:24
    total calories: 470
    avg/max HR*: 169/216

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:09 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:15 [Z2: 111-130]
    00:12 [Z3: 130-148]
    21:25 [Z4: 148-167]
    02:21 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 5:11, 5:16, 5:23, 5:30, 5:33, 5:33

    at least my second last k wasn't the slowest...LOL...

    tomorrow Jodie & I start a 10 week course of BootBox at lunchtime...it's Jodie's idea...this is what I found by googling it:

    "Bootbox is a combination of martial arts techniques with the cardiovascular workout of boxing and boot camp style training.

    Bootbox offers a unique fitness program because of its dynamic combinations. The program is designed to give you a cross-training workout for optimum results, with a mixture of moderate and extreme intensity. A 30% anaerobic, 70% aerobic ratio and strength conditioning is combined to provide maximum benefit on complete fitness. Some of the benefits include: increased cardiovascular fitness, upper-body and lower-body muscle tone, weight loss, power, speed, to name a few."

    I may or may not be able to use my arms for the rest of the week!

    oh, put my old bike for sale in today's classifieds, got someone coming to look at it tonight...

    14 January 2008

    speedygeese #13...

    rode to tonight's session at Parly House...it was a bit cooler than past nights (21 degrees/58% humidity) but a bit windy...

    we did a big warm up lap around Parly House (~1.8k) then another smaller lap around old Parly House (~1.3k)....then it was into the meat of the session with teams of two doing relays around the flag poles (~280m)...

    Jodie ran the first leg...we kept going until the first team (Mick/Tim) finished 12...we managed 10...

    Jodie's rough times: 67, 74, 70, 85, 86, 84, 81, 86, 86, 78...
    mine: 54, 60, 63, 60, 61, 60, 57, 67, 67, 63...

    I think the 7th repeat for me was when I was trying to race Katie!

    to finish we ran down to the lake (~1.3k), stopped for a bit, then ran back (~1.4k)...all up, about 9.3k covered in 73 minutes...

    I think I will sleep very well tonight!!


    yesterday after an early start to Sydney (the first match was at 9:30am @ Killara), we managed to win our first game while the second one was abandoned 1.2 overs into our innings as we were chasing 101 (we were looking good at 0/19!!)...we initially went off due to the proximity of lightning but then it started to rain while we were waiting for the storm to pass...

    I kept in both games (1 catch in game 2), batted @ 4 in the first (second ball duck, inside edged onto the stumps!) and opened in the second (10no off 4, including a 6 & 4 pulled off consecutive balls)...

    back home just after 9pm...

    back to work this morning....even rode in...

    looking forward to tonight's speedygeese session...Tim will be attending too...

    12 January 2008

    Short run...

    no running yesterday but spent another full day scoring the cricket (10:30-18:00)...attended the U19s training briefly before heading off to see the Caps beat the Flames...

    this morning managed to get out for a short run...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 22.5/64%
    start time: 8:14am
    total distance: 5.41
    total time: 29:28
    avg pace: 5:27
    total calories: 405
    avg/max HR*: 159/206

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:11 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:17 [Z2: 111-130]
    01:20 [Z3: 130-148]
    23:37 [Z4: 148-167]
    01:45 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 5:26, 5:20, 5:24, 5:21, 5:33, 5:20

    quite humid run, glad I'm not running later!

    ACT have declared at their overnight score of 8/292 to allow the Indians more batting practice before the 3rd Test on Wednesday...

    tomorrow I'm off back to Sydney for two Twenty20 matches...the club season proper doesn't re-start until February...

    11 January 2008

    10k splits...

    I only have the Garmin splits...it measured 10.16k

    1k splits: 4:21, 4:32, 4:47, 4:57, 4:58, 4:58, 5:06, 5:17, 5:10, 5:01, +0:34

    I did notice the clock for 3k (14:0X) and 5k (24:0X)...

    next time will take "normal" watch as well...

    10 January 2008

    10k PB...

    on the track anyway!

    cricket was good - India batted first, declaring 9/325 off 84 overs...Jaffer made 92 while Dravid made 62...sadly no Tendulkar, Ganguly or Kumble playing...the Turbantor made a duck...the ACT Invitational XI are 0/10 off 4 overs...

    finished up at the cricket around 6:15pm...got to the track about 6:45pm...

    the 10000m started at 8:06pm and it was about 31 degrees/27% humidity!

    I started well but faded steadily, really only picking up for the last lap to finish in 49:49...I'm pleased to run sub-50:00 as I haven't run a hard 10k in quite some time...I won't say I finished last (18th) as there were several withdrawals during the race...FlashDuck counted my laps while Aki finished 3rd woman overall/2nd interclub woman....

    09 January 2008

    7.5k tempo...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 23.6/64%
    start time: 7:50pm
    total distance: 7.50
    total time: 39:05
    avg pace: 5:12
    total calories: 561
    avg/max HR*: 159/170

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:18 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:20 [Z2: 111-130]
    02:46 [Z3: 130-148]
    28:50 [Z4: 148-167]
    10:10 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 5:18, 5:02, 5:07, 5:15, 5:13, 5:05, 5:21

    very pleasant conditions (although it was windy for most of it)...focused on "fast feet' after the initial k...very happy with the outcome...

    More golf...

    played earlier than usual yesterday - 32pts and 0.1 back on the handicap (14.6)

    up early this morning to help Tim out for an hour or so before playing golf again - 27pts and 0.1 back on the handicap again (14.7)....

    these will be my last games for a little while as I will be either scoring (online) or umpiring cricket for the next couple of Saturdays...

    speaking of scoring, it looks like the Indians are coming so I will be spending the next 3 days at Manuka Oval...

    am planning to head out for a run in a little while, probably 6-8k depending on how I feel!

    the cricket won't finish tomorrow until at least 5:30pm so I won't make the 3000m at the combined Vets/AACT meet because that starts at 5:45pm so am planning to run the 10000m at 8:00pm...

    07 January 2008

    speedygeese #12...

    up early this morning to get my car in for a service at Mitchell then it was on the bike to Tim to help him out for a couple of hours or so...

    Jodie and I attended the first speedygeese session for 2008 at Parliament House...

    the focus of the session was shorter intervals with short jog recoveries...each interval was not quite 200m and the recovery portion was about 60-70m...

    temp/humidity was 32.9/28%...

    from the car park we jogged to the Rose Garden so people could put drinks there...after a couple of minutes we set off on our big warm up lap (~1.8k)...a short rest while SG explained what we were doing and then we were away...

    6 x each rep...my rough times: 49secs*, 46secs, 47secs, 53secs, 54secs, 53secs (* forgot to press lap at the end of this rep so probably closer to 45secs)

    we then had another short break before repeating the above - I along with several others was to focus on the magical "3 steps per second"...

    6 x each rep...my rough times: 46secs, 53secs, 55secs, 57secs, 57secs, 51secs

    we then stretched for 15mins or so before finishing with a smaller warm down lap (~1.6k)...

    tomorrow is golf @ 8:12am...

    I wonder if I will have a cricket match to do the online scoring for this week seeing as the Indians are holed up in Sydney....??


    Friday did some beach fishing (early morning then again at midday) before finishing packing and heading home...

    did some caches on the way home as well...

    Saturday finally saw me play some decent golf as I finished 3rd on a count back and managed to lose 0.6 of my handicap (down to 14.5)...

    Sunday I participated in my 5th jogalong...my name wasn't on the start list (probably because my last run was in November 2006!) so I started in Group 40 with Anita Scherrer...I also ran sans Garmin as I had forgotten to charge it after Friday's caching stint (oops)...

    Gross Time 59:05, Nett Time 29:05 (4:51 ks)....my slowest yet but it was reasonably warm!

    03 January 2008

    Hilly Run 5...

    first off, yesterday's golf was ordinary for me, another 0.1 back on the handicap...Suze played better winning nearest the pin on the 9th and a ball (just out of the money for Div 1)...

    today Jodie and I did the same as New Year's Day...the weather was a bit cooler despite running later, there was even a misty rain...

    when we re-joined the route for the run home, she was slightly ahead of where she was on Tuesday but blew up in the home straight, stopping just before I passed her in a sprint...must have gone too hard too early!...both of us ran considerably quicker this time...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 18.5/84%
    start time: 11:24am
    total distance: 6.42
    total time: 34:49
    avg pace: 5:26
    total calories: 482
    avg/max HR*: 156/191

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:10 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:16 [Z2: 111-130]
    08:23 [Z3: 130-148]
    18:37 [Z4: 148-167]
    06:26 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 5:40, 5:32, 5:25, 5:28, 6:02, 4:54 (!!)

    01 January 2008

    Welcome to 2008...

    Happy New Year!

    today I ran the first hilly run again but this time Jodie headed out with me - she ran the reverse direction (like I did yesterday), omitting one of the smaller loops (cutting nearly 1k from the distance)...almost timed to perfection, we had a "ding dong" battle in the "final straight" (just over 400m)....nothing like a bit of competition to up the pace, over a minute quicker than my first attempt last Thursday & only one 6min k as opposed to three...Jodie was pretty pleased with her effort too...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 23.6/65%
    start time: 10:06am
    total distance: 6.41
    total time: 36:27
    avg pace: 5:41
    total calories: 482
    avg/max HR*: 166/221

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:02 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:02 [Z2: 111-130]
    09:18 [Z3: 130-148]
    11:29 [Z4: 148-167]
    07:56 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 5:48, 5:54, 5:47, 5:45, 6:11, 5:18

    yesterday we did a 200k round trip to collect 8 caches to see out 2007 - it was the second anniversary of starting caching for all of us...

    tomorrow Suze & I are playing comp golf...I think Jodie's planning to hit the gym...