About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

31 January 2008

Hard work...

three events at tonight's track meet...

first up at 6:50pm was the 1500m...Griffin decided he would pace me after I mentioned I was aiming for 6:00...unfortunately I couldn't latch on to him from the start as there were quite a few runners in this slower heat...BUT I managed to knock a massive 10.72 seconds off my PB to just miss cracking the 6:00 barrier with 6:01.27...Griffin finished in 5:29.XX...!

splits (3 x 400m + 1 x 300m): 1:35.72, 1:40.22, 1:38.35, 1:06.98

then came a delay with the stormy weather where we didn't know if the meet would be abandoned or not...the meet got back underway at about 7:40pm...

next for me was the 3000m with Griffin again offering to pace me to get close to 13:00...needing to run 1:44 laps I was off the boil from the start, running a slow 13:18.64...

splits (7 x 400m + 1 x 200m): 1:48.25, 1:45.61, 1:44.77, 1:45.47, 1:50.03, 1:50.21, 1:47.76, 0:46.96

1k splits: 4:26.29, 4:27:42, 4:24.93

the last event was the 6 Lap Spiral...starting from Group 38 I managed to finish in 9th position, pipping Jim White on the line by 5 100ths of a second!...my net time was 11:23.53, which I'll take as a PB by a matter of 0.47 of a second!

now to prepare for tomorrow's quick trip to Melbourne!!


speedygeoff said...

now you know who not to use as a pacer in the 1500... at least he wasn't too slow.

Aki said...

Congrats, good job!

Ewen said...

Griffin was going to pace you and he ran 5:29!! Probably good that you didn't latch onto him at the start. Ask Spody to pace you next time.

Congrats on the 6:01 - that's a big PB - and any win over Jim White is a good one.

Glad scoring the cricket with pencil and paper still works.