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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

07 January 2008

speedygeese #12...

up early this morning to get my car in for a service at Mitchell then it was on the bike to Tim to help him out for a couple of hours or so...

Jodie and I attended the first speedygeese session for 2008 at Parliament House...

the focus of the session was shorter intervals with short jog recoveries...each interval was not quite 200m and the recovery portion was about 60-70m...

temp/humidity was 32.9/28%...

from the car park we jogged to the Rose Garden so people could put drinks there...after a couple of minutes we set off on our big warm up lap (~1.8k)...a short rest while SG explained what we were doing and then we were away...

6 x each rep...my rough times: 49secs*, 46secs, 47secs, 53secs, 54secs, 53secs (* forgot to press lap at the end of this rep so probably closer to 45secs)

we then had another short break before repeating the above - I along with several others was to focus on the magical "3 steps per second"...

6 x each rep...my rough times: 46secs, 53secs, 55secs, 57secs, 57secs, 51secs

we then stretched for 15mins or so before finishing with a smaller warm down lap (~1.6k)...

tomorrow is golf @ 8:12am...

I wonder if I will have a cricket match to do the online scoring for this week seeing as the Indians are holed up in Sydney....??

1 comment:

Ewen said...

You could go up and score their beach volley ball game.

Heard on the radio this arvo they are a 40% chance for the next test, so Manuka doesn't look likely.