About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

09 January 2008

More golf...

played earlier than usual yesterday - 32pts and 0.1 back on the handicap (14.6)

up early this morning to help Tim out for an hour or so before playing golf again - 27pts and 0.1 back on the handicap again (14.7)....

these will be my last games for a little while as I will be either scoring (online) or umpiring cricket for the next couple of Saturdays...

speaking of scoring, it looks like the Indians are coming so I will be spending the next 3 days at Manuka Oval...

am planning to head out for a run in a little while, probably 6-8k depending on how I feel!

the cricket won't finish tomorrow until at least 5:30pm so I won't make the 3000m at the combined Vets/AACT meet because that starts at 5:45pm so am planning to run the 10000m at 8:00pm...

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