About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

27 January 2008

Vets at Campbell Park...

remembered to pick up Rachelle on the way...got there nice and early...I was in Group 31 while Rachelle was in Group 29...

it was quite a warm run so I was pleased that I was only 2 seconds slower than last year on perhaps a slightly harder course after some modifications...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 19.7/71%
start time: 8:58am
total distance: 6.05
total time: 29:46
avg pace: 4:54
total calories: 453
avg/max HR*: 168/187

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
00:22 [Z2: 111-130]
00:19 [Z3: 130-148]
15:04 [Z4: 148-167]
15:08 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 4:56, 5:07, 5:45, 4:28, 4:33, 4:41

I'm pretty tired after 4 hard days of running in a row...will have to work on following speedygeoff's thoughts of how a training week should go...

"Mondays Speed / Tempo
Tuesdays Long Steady
Wednesdays Easy
Thursdays Race
Fridays Rest
Saturdays Tempo / Speed (opposite of Monday)
Sundays Easy"

BUT this coming week I'll be scoring the PM's XI v Sri Lanka match on Wednesday then I'll be in Melbourne on Friday to watch the Twenty20s at the MCG between Australia/England (women, 3:30pm start) and Australia/India (men, 7:30pm start)...I'll be back Saturday morning but will miss the Stromlo session...

so my running week will be something like this:

MON speedygeese easy run
TUES tempo
WEDS ?? easy night run
THURS track: 1500m/3000m/6 Lap Spiral
FRI - (Melbourne)
SAT - (umpiring)
SUN - (cricket in Sydney)

not ideal but you do what you can!

1 comment:

Ewen said...

You did well - I think the turn was further up the hill than previously.

I guess you have to shuffle things around at times. For example yesterday was a race, as is this Tuesday.