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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

21 January 2008

speedygeese #14...

tonight's session was a good 'un and fun...

after two warm up laps (1.85k around new Parly House & 1.15k around old Parly House), we were split up into teams of 4 with each team having two batons...

Tim was in my group along with Margaret & "old" Christine...the idea was that the team would split into two with a runner with a baton at each end of the course (set up just inside the flagpoles, ~50m or so)...both "baton runners" would go on the whistle so that there was always two from each team sprinting...in the first lot we had to do 10 sprints each which we did do despite losing count, one of my sprints involved doubling up to give Christine a rest...

after a short break, the teams were made more even pace-wise (I was with Gary, Amanda and Emma) and all teams were to keep going until the slowest reached 10 sprints each...my team managed 13 each with Gary doing 14...

we finished with a warm down lap (~3.34k) around the lower trails around new Parly House to finish off...

I covered about 8.1k over the course of 70 minutes...avg HR 138 / max HR 187...

1 comment:

Ewen said...

"Old Christine"! She'll kill you for that.