About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

23 January 2008

Trivia night...

slow ride home last night (16.2k, 46:51) but did manage to sell my "old" bike - placed a second ad in the Free Classifieds and this time success was had...

didn't ride to work this morning as I am going to the Canberra Capitals Trivia Night over at Tuggeranong after work...so, this meant that I had to run to today's BootBox session over near Treasury...

good run there and definitely a cool down run on the way back!

there: 12:54, 2.47k, 5:13 pace
back: 13:48, 2.46k, 5:36 pace

the 45 minutes of the session flew by, we were so focused that I was surprised when Jesse said time to stretch...must admit that it's good working with Jodie as we both push each other to work hard and make the most of the session...

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