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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

30 October 2007

A Tooheys?

I didn't read Ewen's comment until I returned from my run so not sure if today's effort qualifies...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.9/21%
start time: 1:15pm
total distance: 10.00
total time: 55:03
avg pace: 5:30
total calories: 751
avg/max HR*: 165/223

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
00:00 [Z2: 111-130]
02:03 [Z3: 130-148]
41:14 [Z4: 148-167]
03:40 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 5:27, 5:26, 5:31, 5:32, 5:34, 5:36, 5:31, 5:39, 5:31, 5:20

my 6th & 8th ks were the slowest although I'll plead a particularly hard headwind for the 8th!...I tried to be more consistent today by keeping a close eye on my Garmin training partner but as you can see I went a bit harder in the last one (the last bit was also downhill)...

we have a compulsory Cricket Australia "education" session tonight which runs for an hour from 6:30pm...I had an early start this morning as I was the stand in companion for Huxley as Suze was on a school excursion down the coast...

I'm thinking I'll do the 1500m (6:40pm), 3000m (7:20pm) and the 5 lap Spiral (8:15pm) on Thursday night...maybe fit in a throw or two at the jav & shot as well...

29 October 2007

speedygeese #10...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 19.3/29%
start time: 5:34pm
total distance: 9.26
total time: 67:00
total calories: 700
avg/max HR*: 142/188

*Time spent in HR Zones:
07:14 [Z1: 93-111]
11:16 [Z2: 111-130]
19:01 [Z3: 130-148]
10:32 [Z4: 148-167]
16:48 [Z5: 167-185]

this was a tough session with the main component being 4 intervals of about 650m with equal distance jogging recovery except for the last one (we only jogged back to the stretching spot - see below)...

my splits were 2:31, 2:47, 2:56, 2:51 but more interesting was the consistency of my recovery jog - 3:39, 3:38, 3:37....

speedygeoff introduced 2 stretching components in the (non) rose garden - one lot after the warm up but before the intervals and then again after the intervals before the cool down lap...

Jodie managed three good intervals even though she didn't feel much like running...

I'm disappointed I'm going to miss the next 4-5 Monday sessions due to cricket training...the 5th session I am due to miss is during the CA Cup so unless we have the bye that day I'm unlikely to make it...

after training I attended the remainder of the Cricket Australia Level 1 Umpiring Pilot (as a senior umpire)...it ran over time as usual and I didn't get home until after 10:30pm...still, picked up some interesting tips for my game...

tomorrow will be my second mid week 10k tempo run...hopefully I'll make it through that better than Saturday's effort!

A win...


it was quite a tiring trip to Sydney and I had to stop for breaks more than usual...

fortunately the winning Gordon team turned up today as we won with a double bonus point - after 4 rounds we have two wins (+ 3 bonus points) and two losses (conceding a bonus point each time)...

we had an dinner at Blue Gums afterwards as a partial farewell to our visiting Dutch international...

arrived home by 9:45pm, admiring the lightning show as I drove...


another double figure attendance at the gym session (10) as we did a cardio circuit with some weights:
  • boxing (2mins each just left right)
  • squats (3 x 10)
  • running (1.5 laps of oval - outside stands - 1/4 lap sprint / 1/4 lap recovery x 3)
  • bench press (3 x 10)
  • 5min bike (30sec hard / 30sec easy)
  • abs (2 x 10 of each of: med ball throw with push up / reverse crunches / oblique twist with weight)
will be attending the speedygeese session tonight BUT it will be the last Monday one for me until after the CA Cup as the coach has kindly (not) put our second session on this night...bummer...

    27 October 2007

    Catch up..


    had the day off work and represented my golf club in the Canberra Shield at Capital (teams of 8 from each club, each player plays a different club in match play)...my opponent was from Yass...

    through a combination of good luck on my part and bad on hers, I won 8/6 and our match was finished after only 12 holes...

    did some caching afterwards before heading home...

    the evening was spent at a Trivia Night fundraiser for the Belconnen Dog Obedience Club...


    up early to do my 10k @ 5:30 pace...didn't quite work out to that as I felt a bit tight in the legs and unable to lift the tempo...in my defence this 10k was undulating as required...it was already quite warm & humid as well...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 14.8/83%
    start time: 7:56am
    total distance: 10.00
    total time: 58:14
    avg pace: 5:49
    total calories: 752
    avg/max HR*: 152/215

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:03 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:00 [Z2: 111-130]
    30:41 [Z3: 130-148]
    21:23 [Z4: 148-167]
    01:35 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 5:50, 5:34, 5:48, 5:36, 5:46, 6:00, 5:47, 6:01, 6:01, 5:57

    off to umpire at Queanbeyan only to be contacted by my fellow umpire when I was at Fyshwick to say the match had been called off...which was OK for me but he'd driven 2hrs from where he lives in Bombala to do the match...as we weren't contacted 2hrs prior to the scheduled start, Queanbeyan will still have to pay for a full days' umpiring (x2) and will probably get in trouble for not contacting us...

    I quickly rang Suze who was on her way to golf to get me a start time then I contacted Jodie who meet me at the club with golf clothes!...luckily my clubs and shoes were still in the car from yesterday...

    it was a nice day to play golf but I was back to my inconsistent self!

    after golf I ducked over to Yarralumla to watch the Sri Chinmoy Sprint Triathlon - Tim & Al were competing and I got there to see them through the transition from bike to run and then the finish...this was Al's first triathlon while Tim finished 2nd in his category...

    afterwards I did two more caches before heading home...

    just watched the Thunderbirds Movie and now I'll have to get my cricket gear ready for tomorrow...

    must remember to put the clocks forward!!

    25 October 2007

    8k @ 5:30 pace...

    was going to do another 10k but got caught up at work (how did I let that happen?!) so opted for the shorter run...

    like Tuesday, nearly achieved the required pace...ran through reasonably heavy rain for about the first 5k...quite pleasant otherwise...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 18.1/74%
    start time: 1:34pm
    total distance: 8.00
    total time: 44:11
    avg pace: 5:31
    total calories: 601
    avg/max HR*: 158/192

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:02 [Z2: 111-130]
    04:08 [Z3: 130-148]
    32:25 [Z4: 148-167]
    07:43 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 5:16, 5:29, 5:33, 5:24, 5:41, 5:38, 5:40, 5:34

    Vets track & field gets underway tonight but I won't be competing as I am rostered on...

    24 October 2007


    12 attendees at this morning's gym session, a record...

    a strength circuit (3 x 10) was on the menu with:

    • Swiss Ball crunches / Swiss Ball tucks
    • dips/bench crunches
    • Arnies (shoulder press and pec dec motion)
    • squats
    • seated row
    • bench press (failure)
    • squat jumps/push ups
    tonight's training was much better than last week...fielding @ Kingston Oval for about 50mins then nets @ Manuka for 80mins...

    debating whether to do an 8k or 10k run tomorrow @ 5:30 pace given I'm rostered on for the opening day of Vets Track & Field...

    23 October 2007

    10k @ 5:30 pace...

    nearly achieved it...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 24.8/30%
    start time: 1:03pm
    total distance: 10.00
    total time: 55:11
    avg pace: 5:31
    total calories: 751
    avg/max HR*: 163/240

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:00 [Z2: 111-130]
    03:20 [Z3: 130-148]
    43:33 [Z4: 148-167]
    03:11 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 5:21, 5:17, 5:33, 5:35, 5:29, 5:29, 5:37, 5:35, 5:44, 5:36

    almost ideal running conditions in that there wasn't much wind at all for a change...this run involved a loop around Lennox Gardens and a loop around Central Basin with Commonwealth Ave bridge being crossed three times and Kings Ave bridge once...

    22 October 2007

    Weekend wrap...


    played my first round of golf in 6 weeks and it showed!...didn't quite reach triple figures though!!

    headed off to Sydney straight after to join the my cricket club's first social event of the season - Barefoot Lawn Bowls...

    4 of us then stayed at our club president's house as we were going to watch the RWC final on the big screen...


    up at 4.45am to watch the game - we were all supporting the 'boks of course...

    we lost again at cricket, this time by 54 runs...it was quite hot & humid out at Campbelltown...we were missing 3 of our regular players due to HSC (2) & Uni (1)...

    but the good news was that Suze, the three-time defending club champion, came from 5 shots behind in the fourth and final round to defend her title, winning by a whopping 13 shots as she equalled the course record of 76...!!

    back to Canberra by 7:45pm...


    no early start today as our fitness trainer had to go to Sydney...so a sleep in of 45mins...

    just going to have a real rest day today with no speedygeese session tonight...

    so tomorrow will be day 2 of my new running schedule with 10k planned for lunch time @ 5:30 pace (depending, of course, on how warm it is!)...

    19 October 2007

    Just squeaked...

    ...in under 25:00...

    reverse Floriade course today and windy as usual...deceptively warm too...

    Customs #97

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 26.0/26
    start time: 12:27pm
    total distance: 5.02
    total time: 24:58 (starting off 12:15)
    avg pace: 4:58
    total calories: 376
    avg/max HR*: 168/181

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:02 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:10 [Z2: 111-130]
    00:25 [Z3: 130-148]
    08:42 [Z4: 148-167]
    16:42 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 4:38, 5:11, 5:08, 5:00, 4:58

    Running plans during the cricket season...

    got the chance to chat with speedygeoff via email yesterday and then further last night in the speedygeese warm up...

    the plan is, from next week, to (a) add in longer runs (10k @ 5:30 pace) on Tuesday (lunch) & Saturday (early morning) with Saturday to ideally be on an undulating course and (b) add in a run on Thursday of a similar pace but shorter duration (probably 40mins)...

    then my week should look like this up until December:
    • monday - gym (AM) & speedygeese (PM)
    • tuesday - 10k @ 5:30 pace (lunch)
    • wednesday - gym (AM) & fielding/nets (PM)
    • thursday - 40mins @ 5:30pace (lunch) & Vets (PM)
    • friday - Customs (lunch)
    • saturday - 10k @ 5:30 pace (AM) & umpiring (or the odd round of golf)
    • sunday - cricket
    after the first week in December (CA Cup) the gym sessions will be dropped as will the fielding/nets session...

    18 October 2007

    speedygeese #9...

    last night's net training was pretty ordinary after we'd all had a good fielding session...it was cold and miserable...

    tonight's speedygeese session on the other hand was a bit of fun...after our warm up we did some starts and then some finishes by running through the line...

    then speedygeoff decided we'd do a 600m TT...2:27 was the end result for me...

    finished off with our usual cool down lap...hopefully we'll be on track next week...

    17 October 2007

    Cardio gym...

    up early yet again...10 attendees (nearly a record) although 2 arrived late after our warm lap...

    the trainer decided to focus on cardio work today (in pairs as usual) with a little bit of abs...
    • boxing (2 mins each of jab/cross combo)
    • oval run (1.5 laps - 0.25 lap sprint / 0.25 lap easy)
    • skipping (5mins)
    • bike (5mins - 30sec hard / 30sec easy)
    • ab series 2 x (crunches with med. ball x 20 / reverse crunches x 20 / lying back raises x 20)
    then as a group we did some side planks and then finished with some stretching...

    no running at lunch...fielding @ Kingston then nets @ Manuka after work...

    just realised I forgot my contact lenses...d'oh...at least I have my glasses...

    16 October 2007

    Easy 40mins

    well it would have been easy if not for the wind!...31-39kph with gusts up to 63!!...

    did the Two Bridge run anti-clockwise...you never get as much assistance from a tailwind as you do hindrance from a headwind...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 23.4/10%
    start time: 1:23pm
    total distance: 7.25
    total time: 40:00
    avg pace: 5:31
    total calories: 544
    avg/max HR*: 172/239

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:00 [Z2: 111-130]
    02:58 [Z3: 130-148]
    22:31 [Z4: 148-167]
    07:25 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 5:22, 5:25, 5:34, 5:35, 5:43, 5:21, 5:44

    had to deal with a big bunch of schoolkids meandering all over the path...several decided they'd run about 20m or so alongside me as I went past...another one cut across my path twice...whatever happened to keeping left??...

    15 October 2007

    Turning back the clock...


    got to do two hobbies today - caching & umpiring...did one cache before and two after....

    watched the Caps come from behind to beat the Sirens then a quick change before turning up late to the 20 year reunion of Hawker College's class of '87...I missed the 10 year reunion because I was in England...I only recognised a handful of people...

    a late night meant I only got 4 hours sleep...


    up early (5:30am, groan) for the drive to Sydney...

    won the toss and fielded...a much improved effort over last week saw us restrict St George Sutherland to 9/168 off their 50 overs...

    in a complete turn around with the bat, we knocked off the required runs in the 35th over for the loss of only 1 wicket to pick up a bonus point as well...

    another early finish meant I was home about 8:30pm...


    gym this morning saw 8 attendees...

    did a boxing warm up instead of a lap then into another weights circuit...
    • bench press (2x12, 1x11)
    • DB hammer curl with shoulder press (3x6)
    • squat jumps (3x12)
    • dips (3x12)
    • ab series 3 x (swiss ball crunches x 10 / reverse crunches x 10 / obliques x 10 each side)
    • single leg bridges
    due to time limitations my partner & I didn't get to do squats / seated row (both exercises were conducted in the same spot)

    then it was off to work...

    after work was an umpires' meeting so I missed the speedygeese session at Parly House as did Jodie because she's sick...

    12 October 2007

    PS PB!!...

    that's Post-Surgery PB!...

    Customs #96

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 19.8/29%
    start time: 12:28pm
    total distance: 5.04
    total time: 24:17 (starting off 12:15)
    avg pace: 4:49
    total calories: 377
    avg/max HR*: 170/189

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:31 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:01 [Z2: 111-130]
    00:01 [Z3: 130-148]
    03:40 [Z4: 148-167]
    21:10 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 4:41, 5:16*, 4:49, 4:49, 4:35
    (* includes short sharp hill through the tunnel up to Liversidge St at the end of this k)

    started 30secs behind Aki, Denis and another guy whose name escapes me...made them the focus of my run but it was a good challenge...caught the guys by Commonwealth Bridge on the return and caught Thea going up the hill to the finish (she had quite a large lead on the guys at one stage but seemed to struggle in the last couple of ks)...

    really windy for the 2nd k but didn't really seem to bother me anywhere else...and as you can see I am VERY pleased with this run!

    no Jodie today as she's feeling a bit run down...

    in some sad news, Pete Davis announced he had been diagnosed with oesophageal & stomach cancer and wouldn't be running with us for a while due to treatment commencing...his son (from Melbourne) ran with us today too...

    the weekend ahead?

    • umpiring 2nd grade @ Kippax, Ginninderra v ANU (10:30am-5:30pm)
    • Canberra Caps v Christchurch Sirens @ Tuggeranong (7:30pm)
    • meant to be attending 20 year reunion for Hawker College from 6:30pm but it will depend how I feel after the above...might put in a late appearance...
    • Rd 2 v St George Sutherland @ Killara (10:30am-5:30pm)

    11 October 2007

    speedygeese #8...

    got rained on in the first warm up lap...

    5 x 400s on 6mins was the order of the day...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 22.3/39%
    start time: 5:37pm
    total distance: 6.57
    total time: 61:54
    total calories: 389
    avg/max HR*: 131/193

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    14:01 [Z1: 93-111]
    10:34 [Z2: 111-130]
    20:37 [Z3: 130-148]
    05:57 [Z4: 148-167]
    07:42 [Z5: 167-185]

    my splits, running on lane 5 off the right stagger this time: 94, 91, 90, 88, 87

    Jodie's: 115, 112, 109, 108, 108

    pipped Al, Tim's mate, on the last one...Tim's splits were were between 70-75...we joked about trying to knock him over on the last one - Jodie was going to be a rogue kangaroo...


    we trained at Manuka last night...started just after 5pm and finished on 7pm...

    batted for all of 10mins and then bowled the rest of the time...the facilities are pretty ordinary given that this is meant to be Canberra's premier cricket venue...

    missed the start of the AIS/Caps game at the AIS training hall - got there just after quarter time and then left after halftime as Suze was suffering a migraine....then it was a matter of getting three cars home with two drivers...

    later on (after 10pm) after picking my car up I did two caches out on Wallaroo Rd - that makes 350 found for me...kind of cool to do them at night (I do have a headlamp) and the night critters were in full voice...

    today there's no running at lunchtime given last night's session and then we'll all be at the speedygeese session at Dickson...

    10 October 2007

    Googong Short Course...

    Race report from the Sri Chinmoy site:

    "Last year's men's short-course winner Al Boyle drove from Wollongong on the morning. After giving up over a minute in the first run and a further minute in the paddle leg to the classy Tim Calver, Al then dug deep to pull out a new course record bike split to set up a gutsy come-from-behind victory."

    "classy" Tim Calver? don't know about that!

    at left, making a speech after accepting the trophy for 2nd...he has his pod espresso shirt on...getting the name out there!

    on the 1st run leg...

    starting the paddle...

    Al, Tim's mate, looking good...


    a hard session this morning...

    after a lap around the Manuka Oval stands & some stretching this is the order my partner and I did the circuit:

    • single leg bridges 2 x 10 each side
    • lunge jumps 2 x 10 each side
    • squats 3 x 10 (my quads were screaming after the lunge jumps!)
    • reverse cycle 2 x10 each leg
    • bike 5mins 30sec on / 30sec off
    • boxing 2min (combo jab/cross/hook/hook)
    • rowing 3 x (100m sprint/25m rest)
    then as a group we did 3 x the following

    • oblique twists x 20
    • reverse crunches x 10
    • seated knee tuck/leg extension x 10
    • crunches with 2 sec hold x 10
    then to top if off, I had to carry 7 x 2L bottles of milk to Tim aka espresso boy!

    resting at lunch then a net session after work (5pm) @ Manuka

    the start of Vets track & field has been pushed back a week to the 25th as the track won't be ready...I'm rostered on that day so won't be competing until 1 November...

    09 October 2007

    Easy 45...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 17.8/28%
    start time: 1:23pm
    total distance: 7.43
    total time: 45:00
    avg pace: 6:03
    total calories: 558
    avg/max HR*: 145/240

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:09 [Z1: 93-111]
    03:19 [Z2: 111-130]
    33:39 [Z3: 130-148]
    02:35 [Z4: 148-167]
    00:58 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 5:34, 5:49, 5:45, 5:57, 6:16, 6:22, 6:30

    dropped off some mail along the way and also picked up some WP info for caching out near the Museum...legs feeling the effects of last night...

    early start tomorrow with gym and then a net session after work at Manuka...

    08 October 2007

    speedygeese #7...

    this was our first time joining the Monday session and there was quite a few more people in attendance than for Thursdays...

    the main part of the session was 12 x "zig zag" runs each in teams of 2...the zig zag was approximately 260-270m...the session stopped when the first team reached 12...we managed 10...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 17.6/18%
    start time: 5:36pm
    total distance: 7.97
    total time: 66:01
    total calories: 532
    avg/max HR*: 140/190

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    09:29 [Z1: 93-111]
    07:05 [Z2: 111-130]
    24:46 [Z3: 130-148]
    11:11 [Z4: 148-167]
    10:46 [Z5: 167-185]

    my rough times were (in secs) 60, 62, 65, 68, 65, 63, 58 (raced Ken on this one uphill!), 70 (paid for it on this one!), 64, 63...

    Jodie's times were 73, 77, 76, 78, 77, 76, 77, 77, 75, 74 (pretty consistent)...

    Weekend Wrap...

    Friday night

    watched the Caps go down to the Flames in a grand final rematch...


    did a multi-cache near the Gungahlin Drive Extension at the back of Calvary Hospital either side of umpiring 2nd grade at Kaleen...felt I had a pretty good game except perhaps missing a snick (didn't see or hear it hit the bat) from the left hand opening bat off the right arm offie bowling around the wicket (he went on to make 98 out of 294)...team batting second was all out for 191...


    left for Sydney @ 6:15am...

    not much to say about the game except we got hammered!...batting first we were all out for 152 in the 49th over - I made 7 including a lovely drive through cover point for 4 before I was caught at 2nd slip (only just carried), pushing at a ball I needn't have played from their left armer...

    they made quick work of it, getting the runs in the 27th over for the loss of only 1 wicket...nearly took a screamer at backward square but only succeeded in slightly slowing its path to the boundary as it nearly ripped my little finger off my right hand (quite bruised and swollen now)...
    at least we got an early mark and made it back home just after 7:30pm...


    early start with gym - 8 attendees...

    focused on upper body & core work...

    my partner & I nearly completed all required:

    • DB bench press 3 x 12
    • reverse crunches 3 x 12
    • DB shoulder press 3 x10
    • crunch with Swiss Ball 3 x 12
    • incline flyes 3 x 12
    • dips 3 x 12
    • push ups 3 x 12
    • squat jumps 3 x 12
    • oblique twist with med. ball to partner (2 x 12 touching right, 1 x 12 touching left)
    was "First to Find" on a new cache at lunchtime without the assistance of my Garmin which I had left at home)...was good fun...

    Jodie and I will be joining the speedygeese at Parliament House tonight...

    Tim came second in the short course at Googong Dam...he actually lead until the 3rd leg (the mountain bike) before being passed...his mate, Al, was 4th male & 6th overall...

    05 October 2007

    Woo hoo sub-25:00...

    Customs #95

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 20.3/22%
    start time: 12:29pm
    total distance: 5.03
    total time: 24:40 (starting off 12:15)
    avg pace: 4:54
    total calories: 376
    avg/max HR*: 172/186

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:28 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:00 [Z2: 111-130]
    00:00 [Z3: 130-148]
    02:16 [Z4: 148-167]
    21:53 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 4:38, 5:16*, 4:55, 4:55, 4:50
    (* includes short sharp hill through the tunnel up to Liversidge St at the end of this k)

    Denis started 30secs in front so he was a good "rabbit" for me...focused on running consistently...managed to catch him with just under a k to go, caught a couple more towards the end...cruelly pipped Doug on the line...

    got passed by Ned, Scott & Rob (chatting away as if it was easy to run), Tony, maybe someone else as well...lots of holidaymakers out and about, especially in the 4-wheel bike pedal "cars"...

    anyway pretty pleased to be back in the land of sub-25:00 on a warm & windy (28-33kph, gusts up to 48kph) day...now I just have to stay there!...

    no Jodie today as she was having a PT session but she'll be back next week...

    tonight we are going to the WNBL season opener between the Caps and the Flames @ AIS Arena...we are season-ticket holders for the first time...

    the weekend ahead:

    tomorrow - umpiring 2nd grade @ Kaleen, 10:30am-5:30pm
    Sunday - Rd1 v Sydney (fka UTS Balmain) @ Killara 10:30-5:30pm

    04 October 2007

    speedygeese #6...

    Ken was in charge with Geoff swanning around Adelaide...

    6 x 400s on 5mins was the order of the night...we started on the 200m mark (I used lane 5) so probably ran closer to 425-430m?...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 15.4/33%
    start time: 5:37pm
    total distance: 7.23
    total time: 61:54
    total calories: 461
    avg/max HR*: 153/240

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    04:25 [Z1: 93-111]
    17:12 [Z2: 111-130]
    10:19 [Z3: 130-148]
    10:40 [Z4: 148-167]
    11:20 [Z5: 167-185]

    each lap finished with the "uphill stretch" into the wind, with a particularly stiff headwind for the first rep...definitely a challenge...

    400m splits: 99, 94, 96, 99, 101, 97...

    no Jodie tonight as she was coaching at Manuka (at least she remembered to pick me up!) and no Tim or Al as they were paddling on Lake BG in preparation for the short course Sri Chinmoy Googong Challenge event on Sunday (3.3k run, 5k paddle, 11k mountain bike, 3.3k run)...

    03 October 2007

    Gym & cricket news...

    another early start but what a great morning weather-wise...

    9 attendees today for a heavy weights session after a lap & stretching to warm up...

    my partner & I did the following order:

    • boxing (1min left/left/right combo then 1min right/right/left combo before swapping)
    • bike (8sec hard/15sec for 2min)
    • BB bench press (2 x 12 reps each; spotting for the other between sets)
    • rowing (2min as hard as you could, racing your partner!)
    • BB deadlifts (2 x 12)
    • squats (2 x 12)
    • dips (3 x 10)
    • boxing (1min left/left/right combo then 1min right/right/left combo before swapping)
    we finished with some core work and stretching...

    in response to Ewen's comment - (a) I'll claim I was heading uphill & into a headwind for that last k (in other words, that was all I had!) and (b) they even liked attacking people in helmets...at the Sunday morning game, two kids armed themselves with helmets and cricket bats - 1 of the magpies chose to fly straight over the fielders at them and they still squealed (the kids not the magpie)!...

    I'm getting back into umpiring this season - not every Saturday (so I can at least stay familiar with my golf clubs) by probably 3 out of every 4....

    really looking forward to club cricket too - there's now 8 teams in 1st grade in Sydney with 2 teams coming up from 2nd grade...we'll play each other twice (14 rounds) with a Twenty20 series in the middle of the premiership over January and the first week of February (I'm not a fan of playing T20s so I'll be more than likely having those weekends off)...looks like I'll be captaining the first couple of games as our regular captain has had knee surgery in the off season and isn't back to full fitness yet...we've also got the Dutch international 'keeper playing for us so I'll be bowling for the first five weeks which fits in nicely with the CA Cup being early December...after that I'll be back keeping fulltime....

    02 October 2007

    E a s y 4 0 . . .

    after the efforts over the past 4 days including the long distance bus travel, an e a s y run was all I was looking for and that's what I had...first run since the Sydney Half as well...

    the stats:
    start temp/humidity: 23.5/17%
    start time: 1:29pm
    total distance: 6.71
    total time: 40:00
    avg pace: 5:58
    total calories: 505
    avg/max HR*: 142/160

    *Time spent in HR Zones:
    00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
    00:14 [Z2: 111-130]
    35:02 [Z3: 130-148]
    05:00 [Z4: 148-167]
    00:00 [Z5: 167-185]

    1k splits: 5:41, 5:40, 5:51, 6:03, 6:00, 6:31

    bit windy out there again just for something different...nice and warm too although not as warm as Gunnedah was...

    Joint winners after tie...


    we all met at Manuka Oval around 8am for the trip to Gunnedah...one last player was picked up at Lyneham and then we were on our way...

    we had an old 20 seater coaster with a Kennards Hire trailer for our gear...the bus probably averaged about 80kph...uphills we were lucky to make 40kph!

    we arrived in Gunnedah at about 6:40pm...

    oh, we did have to stop at an RBT where we found out the left indicator in the trailer wasn't working - thankfully we were let off with a caution...


    first up we played Central Coast CA...we managed to make 9/94 off our 30 overs but were unable to defend that as they made the required runs with 7 wickets and 4.5 overs to spare...

    had my first experience of being swooped by magpies during a game of cricket...had just dived for a catch (didn't get it) and was picking myself up when "BAM" I was smacked in the head...it was very funny...we got used to it as we ended up with three games at this ground - it was funny seeing how the opposition reacted...we all had "eyes" on the back of our caps...

    our second game for the day was against Central North Zone...they batted first and made 5/117...a challenging target which looked out of reach when we were 3/63 needing about a run a ball to win...we got home in the end without losing another wicket with exactly an over to spare...

    after the first 2 rounds all teams in our pool had a win a piece with 1 round to go before finals...


    found out that at the meeting the night before that were were able to compete for points (last year we were just an invitational team)...this gave us even more incentive to perform well...

    our third match was against Western Zone, a relatively young side...they made 7/94 and we knocked off the runs for the loss of only 1 wicket with almost 3 overs to spare...

    we finished 2nd in our pool on net run rate so had to face the number 1 team - Riverina - from the other pool in the semi...

    thankfully we were at a different ground which had a lovely outfield but a diabolical pitch...we batted first and made 4/132 and then amazingly dismissed a side containing 2 Australian players and 1 NSW Breakers squad member for 62 to put us in the final!

    we went out for dinner that night to the Gunnedah Services & Bowling Club...managed to catch the last 30mins of the NRL final...


    and so we came to play Newcastle DCA in the final...they put us into bat on a surprisingly soft pitch...we were soon in trouble at 3/26 in the 8th over but rallied to make 5/121...

    the pitch was somewhat better for Newcastle (the weather was fantastic as you'd expect) and after we had tied them down initially they looked to have the game in the bag needing only 20 off 5 overs...then it was 6 off the last 2 overs before needing 3 off the last...

    thanks to some tight bowling and composed fielding we managed to take the last wicket (a run out) on the final ball with the scores level!!

    the presentation was held at the ground before it was back onto the bus for the drive home...we left Gunnedah about 1:45pm, arriving back at Manuka Oval just after midnight...

    a thoroughly tiring & testing weekend...I was pretty happy with my game - made runs every time I batted (only dismissed once in 4 innings while making 162 runs, top score 61*), very pleased with how my bowling went (no issues with my heel) - took 4 wickets @ 15.40 with an economy rate of 2.00...picked up 2 catches and, after a couple of stints with the gloves on in the finals, a stumping...

    not feeling too bad today (my Skins were my constant companions over the weekend post-match!)...planning to get out for an easy run at some stage...