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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

17 October 2007

Cardio gym...

up early yet again...10 attendees (nearly a record) although 2 arrived late after our warm lap...

the trainer decided to focus on cardio work today (in pairs as usual) with a little bit of abs...
  • boxing (2 mins each of jab/cross combo)
  • oval run (1.5 laps - 0.25 lap sprint / 0.25 lap easy)
  • skipping (5mins)
  • bike (5mins - 30sec hard / 30sec easy)
  • ab series 2 x (crunches with med. ball x 20 / reverse crunches x 20 / lying back raises x 20)
then as a group we did some side planks and then finished with some stretching...

no running at lunch...fielding @ Kingston then nets @ Manuka after work...

just realised I forgot my contact lenses...d'oh...at least I have my glasses...

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