About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

24 October 2007


12 attendees at this morning's gym session, a record...

a strength circuit (3 x 10) was on the menu with:

  • Swiss Ball crunches / Swiss Ball tucks
  • dips/bench crunches
  • Arnies (shoulder press and pec dec motion)
  • squats
  • seated row
  • bench press (failure)
  • squat jumps/push ups
tonight's training was much better than last week...fielding @ Kingston Oval for about 50mins then nets @ Manuka for 80mins...

debating whether to do an 8k or 10k run tomorrow @ 5:30 pace given I'm rostered on for the opening day of Vets Track & Field...

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