About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

19 October 2007

Just squeaked...

...in under 25:00...

reverse Floriade course today and windy as usual...deceptively warm too...

Customs #97

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 26.0/26
start time: 12:27pm
total distance: 5.02
total time: 24:58 (starting off 12:15)
avg pace: 4:58
total calories: 376
avg/max HR*: 168/181

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:02 [Z1: 93-111]
00:10 [Z2: 111-130]
00:25 [Z3: 130-148]
08:42 [Z4: 148-167]
16:42 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 4:38, 5:11, 5:08, 5:00, 4:58

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