About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

29 October 2007

A win...


it was quite a tiring trip to Sydney and I had to stop for breaks more than usual...

fortunately the winning Gordon team turned up today as we won with a double bonus point - after 4 rounds we have two wins (+ 3 bonus points) and two losses (conceding a bonus point each time)...

we had an dinner at Blue Gums afterwards as a partial farewell to our visiting Dutch international...

arrived home by 9:45pm, admiring the lightning show as I drove...


another double figure attendance at the gym session (10) as we did a cardio circuit with some weights:
  • boxing (2mins each just left right)
  • squats (3 x 10)
  • running (1.5 laps of oval - outside stands - 1/4 lap sprint / 1/4 lap recovery x 3)
  • bench press (3 x 10)
  • 5min bike (30sec hard / 30sec easy)
  • abs (2 x 10 of each of: med ball throw with push up / reverse crunches / oblique twist with weight)
will be attending the speedygeese session tonight BUT it will be the last Monday one for me until after the CA Cup as the coach has kindly (not) put our second session on this night...bummer...

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