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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

29 October 2007

speedygeese #10...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 19.3/29%
start time: 5:34pm
total distance: 9.26
total time: 67:00
total calories: 700
avg/max HR*: 142/188

*Time spent in HR Zones:
07:14 [Z1: 93-111]
11:16 [Z2: 111-130]
19:01 [Z3: 130-148]
10:32 [Z4: 148-167]
16:48 [Z5: 167-185]

this was a tough session with the main component being 4 intervals of about 650m with equal distance jogging recovery except for the last one (we only jogged back to the stretching spot - see below)...

my splits were 2:31, 2:47, 2:56, 2:51 but more interesting was the consistency of my recovery jog - 3:39, 3:38, 3:37....

speedygeoff introduced 2 stretching components in the (non) rose garden - one lot after the warm up but before the intervals and then again after the intervals before the cool down lap...

Jodie managed three good intervals even though she didn't feel much like running...

I'm disappointed I'm going to miss the next 4-5 Monday sessions due to cricket training...the 5th session I am due to miss is during the CA Cup so unless we have the bye that day I'm unlikely to make it...

after training I attended the remainder of the Cricket Australia Level 1 Umpiring Pilot (as a senior umpire)...it ran over time as usual and I didn't get home until after 10:30pm...still, picked up some interesting tips for my game...

tomorrow will be my second mid week 10k tempo run...hopefully I'll make it through that better than Saturday's effort!

1 comment:

Ewen said...

I'll buy you a Tooheys if your 8th and 9th kms aren't the slowest ;)

A tip from my umpiring career - don't call a no-ball because of a suspect arm action.