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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

27 October 2007

Catch up..


had the day off work and represented my golf club in the Canberra Shield at Capital (teams of 8 from each club, each player plays a different club in match play)...my opponent was from Yass...

through a combination of good luck on my part and bad on hers, I won 8/6 and our match was finished after only 12 holes...

did some caching afterwards before heading home...

the evening was spent at a Trivia Night fundraiser for the Belconnen Dog Obedience Club...


up early to do my 10k @ 5:30 pace...didn't quite work out to that as I felt a bit tight in the legs and unable to lift the tempo...in my defence this 10k was undulating as required...it was already quite warm & humid as well...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 14.8/83%
start time: 7:56am
total distance: 10.00
total time: 58:14
avg pace: 5:49
total calories: 752
avg/max HR*: 152/215

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:03 [Z1: 93-111]
00:00 [Z2: 111-130]
30:41 [Z3: 130-148]
21:23 [Z4: 148-167]
01:35 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 5:50, 5:34, 5:48, 5:36, 5:46, 6:00, 5:47, 6:01, 6:01, 5:57

off to umpire at Queanbeyan only to be contacted by my fellow umpire when I was at Fyshwick to say the match had been called off...which was OK for me but he'd driven 2hrs from where he lives in Bombala to do the match...as we weren't contacted 2hrs prior to the scheduled start, Queanbeyan will still have to pay for a full days' umpiring (x2) and will probably get in trouble for not contacting us...

I quickly rang Suze who was on her way to golf to get me a start time then I contacted Jodie who meet me at the club with golf clothes!...luckily my clubs and shoes were still in the car from yesterday...

it was a nice day to play golf but I was back to my inconsistent self!

after golf I ducked over to Yarralumla to watch the Sri Chinmoy Sprint Triathlon - Tim & Al were competing and I got there to see them through the transition from bike to run and then the finish...this was Al's first triathlon while Tim finished 2nd in his category...

afterwards I did two more caches before heading home...

just watched the Thunderbirds Movie and now I'll have to get my cricket gear ready for tomorrow...

must remember to put the clocks forward!!


speedygeoff said...

And how will you fit everything on Sunday with only 23 hours in the day????

Ewen said...

It's OK, she's only got a 20/20 cricket game - after the short handicap and before caching, more golf, dog walking...