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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

03 October 2007

Gym & cricket news...

another early start but what a great morning weather-wise...

9 attendees today for a heavy weights session after a lap & stretching to warm up...

my partner & I did the following order:

  • boxing (1min left/left/right combo then 1min right/right/left combo before swapping)
  • bike (8sec hard/15sec for 2min)
  • BB bench press (2 x 12 reps each; spotting for the other between sets)
  • rowing (2min as hard as you could, racing your partner!)
  • BB deadlifts (2 x 12)
  • squats (2 x 12)
  • dips (3 x 10)
  • boxing (1min left/left/right combo then 1min right/right/left combo before swapping)
we finished with some core work and stretching...

in response to Ewen's comment - (a) I'll claim I was heading uphill & into a headwind for that last k (in other words, that was all I had!) and (b) they even liked attacking people in helmets...at the Sunday morning game, two kids armed themselves with helmets and cricket bats - 1 of the magpies chose to fly straight over the fielders at them and they still squealed (the kids not the magpie)!...

I'm getting back into umpiring this season - not every Saturday (so I can at least stay familiar with my golf clubs) by probably 3 out of every 4....

really looking forward to club cricket too - there's now 8 teams in 1st grade in Sydney with 2 teams coming up from 2nd grade...we'll play each other twice (14 rounds) with a Twenty20 series in the middle of the premiership over January and the first week of February (I'm not a fan of playing T20s so I'll be more than likely having those weekends off)...looks like I'll be captaining the first couple of games as our regular captain has had knee surgery in the off season and isn't back to full fitness yet...we've also got the Dutch international 'keeper playing for us so I'll be bowling for the first five weeks which fits in nicely with the CA Cup being early December...after that I'll be back keeping fulltime....

1 comment:

Ewen said...

I guess having a flag on your helmet (as I've seen some cyclists do) wouldn't look that cool ;)

If these westerlies keep up, your last km at Customs should be pretty good!