About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

30 October 2006

No Wagga trip for me...

just found out i am excused from the trip to Wagga Sunday to play Riverina...

gives me a week's break from interstate travel!!

Weekend wrap & the week ahead...


back to ordinary golf (12 shots worse than my handicap!)...followed by full leg massage...

put the clocks forward!


up early for the trip to The Village Green @ UNSW where we played an understrength & undermanned side missing 2 of their Australian players plus 2 others through injury...they had 10 players while we had quite a few new faces in the side as we struggle with our own player supply issues!

we won the toss & fielded, dismissing them in about the 36th over for 112...i took two catches NOT given (so frustrating) & dropped one (good work Iron Gloves)...

we passed the target in the 21st over for the loss of only 1 wicket...managed to get back amongst the runs to finish unbeaten on 43*...now we have a week off from club cricket due to the City v Country matches...

thanks to the early finish we were back home by 7.30pm...

meanwhile back in Canberra Suze won the Club Championship for the 3rd year in a row, coming back from a 4 shot deficit to win by 7!!...amazing...

my brother Tim competed up at Noosa completing the tri in 2:08:37 to finish 108th overall, 100th male & 11th in his category (35-39)...i was also surprised to see him feature prominently (well he stood out to me!) in the photo of the transition area which was in today's Daily Tele!


the week ahead:

Monday - fielding training @ Manuka [5.30pm start]
Tuesday - ride to/from work + Posture & Flexibility (#3/9)
Wednesday - easy 60mins + net session @ Manuka [5.30-7.30pm]
Thursday - golf (Canberra Shield) + 5 x (1k/90secSR)
Friday - Meteors fitness session [7-8am] + Customs
Saturday - golf
Sunday - trial match: ACT v Riverina @ Wagga

27 October 2006

I'm excited...

to run sub 24:00 at Customs today...LOL...

last night's cricket training was good even had an extra little hit with Jodie at the end...she also had a hit as she's filling again for Gordon this week against Unis...

this morning we met up at Manuka for our regular Meteors training session only to find that we had to run to Kingston Oval for a circuit session...another hard session as i worked with Jodie...

started with sit ups/crunches for 2x2mins, followed by jumping/hopping through hoops with each leg for 4mins, stair runs/dips for 2x2mins, skipping/squat sits for 2x2mins, partner sit ups with 2kg medicine ball (touching ball to ground overhead to work the triceps as well) for 4mins, high knees & butt kicks for 4mins, boxing with running for 2x2min and finished with zig-zagging sprint runs for 4mins...stretched a bit then ran back to Manuka....phew...

smaller turnout to Customs this week, about 20 i think...windyish (17-20kts with gusts up to 28kts)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 21.9/16%
start time: 12:31pm
total distance: 5.04k
total time: 23:51
avg pace: 4:43
total calories: 377
avg HR: 166
finish temp/humidity: 22.2/18%

1k splits: 4:32, 5:07, 4:47, 4:43, 4:31

going to The Runners Shop with Jodie after work (she wants to get new shoes) and then maybe to the Durham Castle Arms in Kingston later on to watch a friend's band do covers with a promise of a song dedication & a rare autograph for me as an enticer (LOL)...


the weekend ahead:

saturday - golf + massage
sunday - Rd 4 v Universities @ The Village Green, UNSW (11am)

26 October 2006


the stats:
start temp/humidity: 21/27%
start time: 1:21pm
total distance: 7.57
total time: 48:24
total calories: 571
avg HR: 142
finish temp/humidity: 22.9/23%

lap details:
light stretching109
6x80m building from 75% to 100%

tried to maintain a consistent pace across the efforts...feels like i haven't done any "faster" stuff for ages...

25 October 2006

Bike, work, bike, golf, run...

Tuesday was the bike/work/bike day with some posture/flexibility work thrown in at lunchtime...the cadence sensor now works thanks to a new battery...


the stats:
start temp/humidity: 9.9/73%
start time: 7:19am
total distance: 15.54
total time: 40:44 (40:16 actual moving)
avg/max speed: 22.9/38.3kph
total calories: 474
avg/max HR: 120/143
avg cadence: 68rpm
finish temp/humidity: 12.4/62%


the stats:
start temp/humidity: 25.4/21%
start time: 5:07pm
total distance: 15.56
total time: 47:11 (45:20 actual moving)
avg/max speed: 19.8/33.2kph
total calories: 451
avg/max HR: 124/149
avg cadence: 69
finish temp/humidity: 23.9/25%

experience some interesting new positions at lunchtime including one i think was called Squashy Frog!


up early this morning to play my 3rd round/semi-final match play...had to give my opponent 3 shots and we ended up going to the 19th hole where i won 1up...the margin was never more than two and it was a tight tussle played in the best of spirit...

so late start to work which meant i didn't get out for my run until nearly 2pm...it was quite windy again in parts (15-23kts with gusts up to 33kts)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 26.2/22%
start time: 1:46pm
total distance: 9.47
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:17
total calories: 709
avg HR: 161
finish temp/humidity: 25.8/18%

pretty pleased with this hit out as it's back to half-marathon easy run pace...

23 October 2006

ABS Fun Run Results...

last year (in May) there were 486 finishers, 256 female - i was 127th across the line & 24th female...

this year (in October) there were 247 finishers, 75 females - i was 73rd across the line & 8th female...


quick weekend wrap - managed to play to my handicap for the third week in a row despite the cool & windy conditions on saturday...mum did another good full leg massage (worth her weight in gold)...watched the first half of the Australia-England Champions Trophy match...

yesterday we lost by 98 runs...pretty poor effort in the field saw bankstown reach 207 and we were all out for 109...kept alright (no dropped catches this week!) but failed (5) with the bat...


the weeke ahead:

Monday - rest day
Tuesday - cycle to/from work + "Posture & Flexibility" class (#2 of 9)
Wednesday - semi-final of match play (7.30am) + easy 50mins
Thursday - 15 x 30sec on/off + cricket training (fielding & nets) [5.30-7.30pm]
Friday - fitness session [7-8am] + Customs
Saturday - golf
Sunday - Rd 4 v Universities @ The Village Green

20 October 2006

Hard work..

had a good session last night at training (fielding then nets)...Jodie had a hit at the end of training as she is filling in for us this weekend...

this morning's Meteors session was a 2k warm up, followed by a gym circuit then abs/stretching...fairly hard workout...

i think there were about 30 people at Customs today, still on the Floriade course until the fences come down (soon please!)...back to being very windy - 17-20kts with gusts up to 29kts...

so another slow run...Jodie couldn't maintain her sub 30:00 streak which ended at 11...today she managed 30:43 & i passed her going up the hill to the finish as she had been hit with an extra 60secs by the handicapper...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 25.2/23%
start time: 12:31pm
total distance: 5.04
total time: 24:42
avg pace: 4:54
total calories: 377
avg HR: 161
finish temp/humidity: 25.1/23%

1k splits: 4:27, 5:22 (oops), 5:04, 4:56, 4:44


the weekend ahead:
saturday - golf + massage
sunday - Rd 3 v Bankstown @ Bankstown (11am start)

19 October 2006

The ABS Fun Run...

and a PB!

my first attempt at this run was in May last year* just three weeks after starting with the Custom Joggers (& running for running rather running for cricket etc), it was also pre-Garmin & pre-blog!

*the reason the run was held so late this year was due to some construction on the course

i thought the conditions were pretty good for running, certainly much better than yesterday...the breeze wasn't too strong and was certainly welcome under the sun...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 25.3/23%
start time: 12:35pm
total distance: 7.23 (advertised as 7.3)
total time: 33:52 (official time 33:50 i think)
avg pace: 4:41
total calories: 540
avg HR: 175 << couldn't have gone much harder!
finish temp/humidity: 25.6/21%

1k splits: 4:17, 4:36, 4:45, 4:49, 4:54, 4:54, 4:45, 0:51

this was an official PB of 2:23 (for some reason my time for last year is recorded as 36:13 when i recorded 35:59 so i make my PB "only" 2:07!)...

mum & dad had kindly picked me up from work so after the run we did another of Suze's new caches (Fore!st Ranger) which was nearby...they really enjoy caching (they've now done 6 with me) so hopefully with daylight saving coming we can do some more after i finish work...

off to cricket training soon!

18 October 2006

No rain but talk about windy...

didn't get to run in the rain that came & went after i got to work...

quite hot & windy (avg speed 18-20kts, gusts 26-34kts) around the lake and today's run was slow...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 27.2/36%
start time: 1:04pm
total distance: 10.45
total time: 1:00
avg pace: 5:45
total calories: 789
avg HR: 161
finish temp/humidity: 27.8/32%

now i'm off to Manuka to attend a compulsory Cricket Australia Code of Conduct presentation...i'm glad i don't have to ride all the way home!

A detour...

on the ride home from work last night i decided to find one of Suze's new caches (Fore!fathers)...i left work at 5pm and eventually got home at around 6.30pm so adding just over 2ks & 40mins to my trip home but at least i found the cache...as usual the wind had picked up to make it a hard ride home even wihtout the detour...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 21.4/48%
start time: 5:01pm
total distance: 17.77
total time: 57:33 (moving time: ??:??)
avg/max speed: 18.5 / 31.4 kph
total calories: 477
avg/max HR: 116 / 152
finish temp/humidity: 20.3/52%


this morning it looked like the predicted rain & storms were well on their way...in fact by the time i left for work it was already raining down south & it was my aim to get to work before it rained in Civic (a few spots beat me)...it was also quite windy as well...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.4/61%
start time: 7:25am
total distance: 15.50
total time: 40:22 (moving time: 39:31)
avg/max speed: 23.0/44.1 kph
total calories: 477
avg/max HR: 121 / 147
finish temp/humidity: 21.1/61%

the cadence sensor still isn't working (it did when i initially set the bike up) so i'm going to replace the battery to see if that's the problem...

might be running in the rain at lunch will be a relief from the heat...

17 October 2006

Back in the saddle...

woke up early this morning and figured i may as well ride to work seeing as i wasn't running at all today...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.9/73%
start time: 7.22am
total distance: 15.53
total time: 43:30 (moving time: 40:18)
avg/max speed: 21.4/39.0 kph
total calories: 459
avg/max HR: 118 / 139
finish temp/humidity: 13.9/69%

first time i've used the 305 with the bike...couldn't get the cadence sensor to work but i think that's because i didn't keep the 305 within 3m of the sensor when i first turned it on...hopefully i'll have it sorted for the ride home...

Weekend wrap & the week ahead...


for the 2nd week in a row i managed to play close to my handicap...won another ball too...then it was over to see mum for her best full leg(s) massage yet...luxury!

stayed for a little while checking out all the photos dad took at the Country Champs in Albury/Wodonga (plus giving him some tips on Outlook) then i was off to home-made hamburgers...


had company for the trip to Sydney for this match as two of my fellow Meteors were filling in for us...left home just after 7am and got to Hurstville at about 9.45am...the conditions were overcast and quite humid...

we batted first and made 4/191 (continuing on our vast improvement from last season)...i managed to bat out the 50 overs again, this time getting out off the last ball for 78 (gave 1 chance in my innings as i should have been caught behind)...

we were aiming at & on target for 220 but only scored 12 off the last 5 overs...a bit disappointing and to prove costly in the end as they got up with 1 wicket & three balls to spare...

i got a smart (even if i do say so myself!) stumping but dropped a sitter (a la Rod "Iron Gloves" Marsh in his first test)...but no byes which i had to work very hard to achieve, throwing myself all over the place (but i love it!)...

2 consecutive weeks of being on the field for 100% of the match...thank goodness i have skins which i wear from showering after the match until i get up the next morning...

we stopped on the way back at the Marulan service stop to have dinner and reached home at 9.30pm...


a little stiff in the right ankle - it's the only part of me that doesn't really enjoy the doubling up of batting & 'keeping!

umpire's monthly meeting after work...even though i'm not actively umpiring at the moment due to my increased cricketing commitments for the first part of the season it helps to stay in touch with what's going on...


the week ahead:

Monday - rest (gratefully taken & enjoyed!)
Tuesday - 1st Posture & Flexibility class
Wednesday - easy 60mins
Thursday - ABS Fun Run (7.3k) + Meteors training (fielding/net session)
Friday - Meteors fitness + Customs
Saturday - golf + massage
Sunday - Rd 3 v Bankstown @ Bankstown (11am)

13 October 2006

"Double-up" Friday...

after a reasonable fielding & net session last night at Manuka (i bowled well but batted indifferently), this morning we had a hard circuit session at Meteors training after our usual 2k warmup...7 stations, 4mins at each station working in pairs...there was only 1 station (boxing) where only 1 person was working, the rest everyone was moving...

this was the sequence Jodie & I did:

1. sit-ups with 2k medicine ball throwing
2. alternating butt kicks / high knees with a jog back over 20m
3. boxing with running - (10jabs/run/8/run/6/run/4/run/2/run/2/run and so on, back up to 10), swapping at 2mins
4. skipping / jumping jacks, swapping at 2mins
5. high bench step-ups / dips, swapping at 2mins
6. crunches / push ups, swapping at 2mins
7. hoop (8) sprints (for fast feet) run through 10m then return

finally we finished with some stretching (phew)...

with temps topping 30 degrees it was also quite windy (18-20kts, gusts 24-30kts) for Customs...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 30.4/49%
start time: 12:30pm
total distance: 5.01
total time: 24:31
avg pace: 4:54
total calories: 375
avg HR: 170
finish temp/humidity: 30.3/19%

1k splits: 4:29, 5:06, 4:56, 4:56, 5:04

Jodie managed to keep her sub 30 streak going with 29:44...

while my times aren't flash i figure it's gotta be good for me...i generally work pretty hard at the morning sessions which means i haven't had much left in my legs by lunch where again i work as hard as i can...i have 7 more "double-up" Fridays then it'll be back to normal...

my average time for Customs over the past 8 runs (where it's been a "double-up" Friday, plus the past 6 have been on the harder Floriade course) has been 23:32 (ranging from 23:03 to today's run of 24:31)...my previous 8 runs averaged out at 22:20, ranging from 21:50 to 22:48...


the weekend ahead:

saturday: golf + massage (hooray)
sunday: Rd 2 v St George Sutherland @ Hurstville

12 October 2006

Slack blogger...

another catch up entry:


15mins worth of hills - 30sec efforts with jog back down recovery

the stats:
start temp/humidity: -
start time: 1:10pm
total distance: 7.18
total time: 47:52
total calories: 540
avg HR: 153
finish temp/humidity: -

lap details:

light stretching117
6x80m building from 75% to 100%

managed 10 reps...


took the day off work as i had to put my car in to get the handbrake fixed and also had to play the 2nd round of the knock out match play...

after dropping my car in at Mitchell i ran back home (with some twists & turns to round out the time) to take care of my running session...got swooped for the first time this spring (twice by the same magpie) which made my 2k by & away the fastest of the run! (i'm sure i was quite a sight running with my head tucked madly waving my arms above my head!!)

the stats:
start temp/humidity:
start time: 8:10am
total distance: 9.00
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:33 (2nd k 5:09!!)
total calories: 676
avg HR: 158

got Suze to drop me off to get my car on her way to golf (she's on holiday)...

did a geo-cache on the way to golf (it was one of Suze's which i had found before but it had been muggled...it's now been replaced in a new location & in a new hide)...managed to win golf 2/1 after being 4 down at the turn...then it was off to dinner at Caph's before attending a presentation at Manuka on "High Performance Batting" by Jamie Siddons @ 7.30pm...


today's session was meant to be 2k/1k/500m/2k with 90sec SR between each but i hadn't updated the session in my Garmin so "only" did 1k for the last rep (just as well too as i was stuffed)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 28.7/22%
start time: 1:01pm
total distance: 9.15
total time: 59:59
total calories: 691
avg HR: 149
finish temp/humidity: 29.5/18%

lap details:

light stretching117
6x80m building from 75% to 100%

this was a hard session to complete & the last k rep was into a very strong headwind...

off to cricket training in a little while...

09 October 2006

The week ahead...

running schedule:

Monday - rest (phew!)
Tuesday - 15min Hills (30sec efforts, JR)
Wednesday - easy 50mins
Thursday - 2k/1k/500m/2k with 90secsSR
Friday - Customs

cricket schedule:

Thursday [5.30-7.30pm] - fielding (1hr)/net session (1hr) @ Manuka
Friday [7.00-8.00am] - fitness/abs/stretching
Sunday [11.00am-5.30pm] - Rd 2: St George Sutherland @ Hurstville


Wednesday [2pm] - golf (2nd round match play knockout)
Saturday - golf

What a weekend...

after electing not to run Saturday morning (& i won't until after my ACT cricket commitments are finished), the weekend got off to a great start on with me actually playing to my handicap...just pipped for a podium finish but managed to win a ball...

Saturday night we had a BBQ & watched Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason on Fox...been meaning to watch it for ages & thoroughly enjoyed it...

Sunday was up early (5.55am) for a 6.15am leave for Sydney...arrived at the ground at 9.30am for an 11am start...we played the reigning premiers who had a significantly stronger team on paper while we were missing 2 regulars through serious injury (neither likely to be back until December)...plus just before the start we found we would only have 10 players (1 player's father had gone into hospital the day before)...

Wallsend won the toss & put us in whereupon we amazed ourselves by managing to score 2/238 off our 50 overs - our newly installed captain made 108 off 111 while i, in my new role as opener, managed to anchor myself for an unbeaten 74!...we combined for 200 for the 2nd wicket...

in reply, they got off to a flyer and were 1/54 off only 10 overs...however, through a combination of bowling manipulation & some good fielding (for the most part) we managed to dismiss them for 200 in the 44th over as conditions grew steadily darker...

my other new role as 'keeper (as opposed to opening bowler) saw me on the field for all 93.2 overs...only 8 byes conceded (4,2,1) partly due to me getting mesmerised by the batter at times & forgetting to catch the ball (i stood up to the stumps for all bar two bowlers)...i must say though that the "1" was an inside edge & thus a missed opportunity (although the umpire wouldn't have given it out even if i'd caught it!)...

home by 9pm for a well earned rest!

06 October 2006


didn't do my planned running session yesterday as i tweaked a few muscles in my lower back/hip the night before at training & thought it better to have a rest...

had a 4k run this morning for Meteors training...had the slower guys go off first then a middle group then my group (2 players & the assistant coach)...reeled everyone in by half way without going too hard...everyone was back under 28mins from when the clock started...finished with about 20mins of abs & stretching as per usual...

big turnout at Customs today...no Jodie though as she's crook (she was, however, at this morning's session & pushed one of the slower girls to run all the way @ 6:00 pace)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.3/21%
start time: 12:31pm
total distance: 5.02
total time: 23:22
avg pace: 4:39
total calories: 376
avg HR: 172
finish temp/humidity: 20.9/21%

1k splits: 4:23, 4:47, 4:47, 4:47, 4:36

ran as hard as i could but like the last time i did the morning 4k had no speed in the legs...happy though as no real complaints from my back/hip...


the weekend ahead:

saturday - easy 70mins (depends how my back/hip feels) + golf
sunday - Rd 1 v Wallsend @ Killara, 11am start

04 October 2006

Easy 50mins...

heck my team-mates are going down like flies...just found out another player is out for 8 weeks due to torn ankle ligaments playing soccer...looks like we won't be at full strength until December...

now to today's run:

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 23.2/31%
start time: 1:06pm
total distance: 9.05
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:32
total calories: 679
avg HR: 158
fnish temp/humidity: 23.6/30%

definitely took it easy in warm conditions...

03 October 2006

Mt Ainslie Run Up

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.5/38% [12:25pm]

Warm up2.30k13:145:45171166
rest 8:46
rest 9:59
Warm down4.15k27:226:36312134

finish temp/humidity: 20.7/37% [1:42pm]

this was my first attempt and i think i prefer it to the Black Mountain Run Up...all the usual suspects were there including Aki who's on school holidays...

i made sure i got there nice and early so i got to rest a bit before the start...once we got underway tried to maintain a steady pace and managed to hold off Geoff Barker who normally passes me on Black Mountain...headed back down the main walking trail after FlashDuck had finished...

pretty happy with the effort after the long weekend of cricket...

The week ahead...

running schedule:

Tues - Mt Ainslie Run Up (1st one)
Weds - easy 50mins
Thurs - 4x4min/1minSR
Fri - Customs
Sat - easy 70mins

cricket schedule:

Weds - skills training 5.30-7.30pm @ Manuka
Fri - fitness session 7.00-8.00am
Sun - 1st round of club cricket @ Killara v Wallsend 11am start


Sat - golf

Catch up...

i have been remiss in not blogging since Wednesday so here's the catch up entry...


the speed session involved 4 x 1k with 90sec standing recovery...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.7/35%
start time: 1:00pm
total distance: 8.94
total time: 56:24
total calories: 674
avg HR: 153
finish temp/humidity: 21.7/27%

lap details:

light stretching115
6x80m building from 75% to 100%

about the same or slightly better than when i last did this session in February...

cricket training @ 5.30pm - 1hr spent fielding then about 50mins in the nets...


took the day off work so that i could get stuff done before going to Albury/Wodonga...

went to the early session (7am) of Meteors training...basically did a solid session of ab work & stretching...

still managed the Customs run...another fair turnout of about 30...picked Jodie up from work...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: -
start time: 12:30pm
total distance: 5.00
total time: 23:07
avg pace: 4:37
total calories: 373
avg HR: 168
finish temp/humidity: -

1k splits: 4:24, 4:56, 4:42, 4:35, 4:30

a vast improvement on last week but not quite the sub 23:00 i want to do on this course...Jodie managed 29:50 with a toilet stop!

headed to Albury at 3.55pm after picking up my two passengers, arriving at the hotel at 7.20pm...


took a slight (oops) detour leading the team to the first ground @ Baranduda (7k outside of Wondonga)...

1st match v Riverina - we batted first and made 115 off our 30 overs and then kept them to 100 in reply...had a good all-round match with 42 off 50, 1/9 off 5 and 1 catch...

then in was back into Wodonga for our 2nd match v Central Coast...we again batted first & made 127 off our 30 overs...made 36no off about 38 or 39 balls...in reply they were 52 in the 13th over when one of their young batsman attempted a pull shot and dislocated her patella ...she was one of my club mates from Sydney and i was one of the first to reach her as she was obviously very distressed & in a great deal of pain...we didn't risk moving her so the match was delayed 45mins until the ambos got there...

meanwhile we were getting updates from the AFL GF (there was a big bunch of guys watching the game at the club at the ground)...they provided raucous support of our match when there were breaks in play...apparently they were just working up to one fo them doing a streak when our match finished!

eventually the equation was worked out by the umpires (after 2 other attempts which first had them need another 54 off 13.5 overs then 12 off 1 over) with Central Coast only needing 12 off 12...they got it with 5 balls to spare...no wickets this match but i bowled 4 overs for 2 runs and took a screamer at slip (even if i do say so myself!) to dismiss another (disbelieving) club mate (serves her right for bouncing me when i was batting!)...

we headed back to the hotel for a quick shower before going to the Lavington Panthers Sports Club for the official function - there were 405 people to be catered for and the last lot of people weren't fed until just before 10pm...fortunately we were amongst the early tables and were able to leave by 9pm...


1st match v Hunter - everyone seemed to be a bit lethargic and it showed in our play...we batted first again but only made 95 off our 30 overs...i made 23 off 25 before not quite getting hold of an attempted dab to backward point to be caught off a bottom edge...

they made the runs in the 23rd over with only the loss of 2 wickets...no wickets again with 0/11 off 4 overs...

that was the end of the round matches and then it was off to play our semi against the 3rd placed team in the other pool (we didn't earn points as an invitational side so were deemed 4th in our pool even though we would have been 3rd)...

this time against Western Zone we fielded first & dismissed them for 82...bowled my 6 overs straight, taking 2/12 including a diving caught & bowled...then took over the 'keeping duties for the rest of the innings to give our captain a break...

in reply we were very slow but got home in the end with 6 balls to spare...i was not out on 17 off 23...

back at the hotel we did some cold & hot recovery before heading out to dinner at The Bended Elbow where we also watched the NRL GF...


our final match was the play-off for 5th/6th against North Coast...this time it was a Twenty20 match...we batted first and made 93...we re-arranged the batting order to give some of the other players an opportunity but somehow i still managed to get a bat finishing unbeaten on 25 off 27 or 28...

this time i didn't bowl and just kept, picking up 2 catches including one down leg-side...we got them all out for 67 to round out a pretty good weekend...

back to the main ground for lunch & the presentation to find out that Riverina had betean North West in the final - turns out we were the only team to beat them...

eventually we left for home at about 1.30pm...had a short stop in Gundagai to stretch the legs and have a snack...dropped off the last of my passengers at 5.30pm before finally heading for home...
