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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

03 October 2006

Catch up...

i have been remiss in not blogging since Wednesday so here's the catch up entry...


the speed session involved 4 x 1k with 90sec standing recovery...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.7/35%
start time: 1:00pm
total distance: 8.94
total time: 56:24
total calories: 674
avg HR: 153
finish temp/humidity: 21.7/27%

lap details:

light stretching115
6x80m building from 75% to 100%

about the same or slightly better than when i last did this session in February...

cricket training @ 5.30pm - 1hr spent fielding then about 50mins in the nets...


took the day off work so that i could get stuff done before going to Albury/Wodonga...

went to the early session (7am) of Meteors training...basically did a solid session of ab work & stretching...

still managed the Customs run...another fair turnout of about 30...picked Jodie up from work...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: -
start time: 12:30pm
total distance: 5.00
total time: 23:07
avg pace: 4:37
total calories: 373
avg HR: 168
finish temp/humidity: -

1k splits: 4:24, 4:56, 4:42, 4:35, 4:30

a vast improvement on last week but not quite the sub 23:00 i want to do on this course...Jodie managed 29:50 with a toilet stop!

headed to Albury at 3.55pm after picking up my two passengers, arriving at the hotel at 7.20pm...


took a slight (oops) detour leading the team to the first ground @ Baranduda (7k outside of Wondonga)...

1st match v Riverina - we batted first and made 115 off our 30 overs and then kept them to 100 in reply...had a good all-round match with 42 off 50, 1/9 off 5 and 1 catch...

then in was back into Wodonga for our 2nd match v Central Coast...we again batted first & made 127 off our 30 overs...made 36no off about 38 or 39 balls...in reply they were 52 in the 13th over when one of their young batsman attempted a pull shot and dislocated her patella ...she was one of my club mates from Sydney and i was one of the first to reach her as she was obviously very distressed & in a great deal of pain...we didn't risk moving her so the match was delayed 45mins until the ambos got there...

meanwhile we were getting updates from the AFL GF (there was a big bunch of guys watching the game at the club at the ground)...they provided raucous support of our match when there were breaks in play...apparently they were just working up to one fo them doing a streak when our match finished!

eventually the equation was worked out by the umpires (after 2 other attempts which first had them need another 54 off 13.5 overs then 12 off 1 over) with Central Coast only needing 12 off 12...they got it with 5 balls to spare...no wickets this match but i bowled 4 overs for 2 runs and took a screamer at slip (even if i do say so myself!) to dismiss another (disbelieving) club mate (serves her right for bouncing me when i was batting!)...

we headed back to the hotel for a quick shower before going to the Lavington Panthers Sports Club for the official function - there were 405 people to be catered for and the last lot of people weren't fed until just before 10pm...fortunately we were amongst the early tables and were able to leave by 9pm...


1st match v Hunter - everyone seemed to be a bit lethargic and it showed in our play...we batted first again but only made 95 off our 30 overs...i made 23 off 25 before not quite getting hold of an attempted dab to backward point to be caught off a bottom edge...

they made the runs in the 23rd over with only the loss of 2 wickets...no wickets again with 0/11 off 4 overs...

that was the end of the round matches and then it was off to play our semi against the 3rd placed team in the other pool (we didn't earn points as an invitational side so were deemed 4th in our pool even though we would have been 3rd)...

this time against Western Zone we fielded first & dismissed them for 82...bowled my 6 overs straight, taking 2/12 including a diving caught & bowled...then took over the 'keeping duties for the rest of the innings to give our captain a break...

in reply we were very slow but got home in the end with 6 balls to spare...i was not out on 17 off 23...

back at the hotel we did some cold & hot recovery before heading out to dinner at The Bended Elbow where we also watched the NRL GF...


our final match was the play-off for 5th/6th against North Coast...this time it was a Twenty20 match...we batted first and made 93...we re-arranged the batting order to give some of the other players an opportunity but somehow i still managed to get a bat finishing unbeaten on 25 off 27 or 28...

this time i didn't bowl and just kept, picking up 2 catches including one down leg-side...we got them all out for 67 to round out a pretty good weekend...

back to the main ground for lunch & the presentation to find out that Riverina had betean North West in the final - turns out we were the only team to beat them...

eventually we left for home at about 1.30pm...had a short stop in Gundagai to stretch the legs and have a snack...dropped off the last of my passengers at 5.30pm before finally heading for home...


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