About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

12 October 2006

Slack blogger...

another catch up entry:


15mins worth of hills - 30sec efforts with jog back down recovery

the stats:
start temp/humidity: -
start time: 1:10pm
total distance: 7.18
total time: 47:52
total calories: 540
avg HR: 153
finish temp/humidity: -

lap details:

light stretching117
6x80m building from 75% to 100%

managed 10 reps...


took the day off work as i had to put my car in to get the handbrake fixed and also had to play the 2nd round of the knock out match play...

after dropping my car in at Mitchell i ran back home (with some twists & turns to round out the time) to take care of my running session...got swooped for the first time this spring (twice by the same magpie) which made my 2k by & away the fastest of the run! (i'm sure i was quite a sight running with my head tucked madly waving my arms above my head!!)

the stats:
start temp/humidity:
start time: 8:10am
total distance: 9.00
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:33 (2nd k 5:09!!)
total calories: 676
avg HR: 158

got Suze to drop me off to get my car on her way to golf (she's on holiday)...

did a geo-cache on the way to golf (it was one of Suze's which i had found before but it had been muggled...it's now been replaced in a new location & in a new hide)...managed to win golf 2/1 after being 4 down at the turn...then it was off to dinner at Caph's before attending a presentation at Manuka on "High Performance Batting" by Jamie Siddons @ 7.30pm...


today's session was meant to be 2k/1k/500m/2k with 90sec SR between each but i hadn't updated the session in my Garmin so "only" did 1k for the last rep (just as well too as i was stuffed)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 28.7/22%
start time: 1:01pm
total distance: 9.15
total time: 59:59
total calories: 691
avg HR: 149
finish temp/humidity: 29.5/18%

lap details:

light stretching117
6x80m building from 75% to 100%

this was a hard session to complete & the last k rep was into a very strong headwind...

off to cricket training in a little while...

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