About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

09 October 2006

The week ahead...

running schedule:

Monday - rest (phew!)
Tuesday - 15min Hills (30sec efforts, JR)
Wednesday - easy 50mins
Thursday - 2k/1k/500m/2k with 90secsSR
Friday - Customs

cricket schedule:

Thursday [5.30-7.30pm] - fielding (1hr)/net session (1hr) @ Manuka
Friday [7.00-8.00am] - fitness/abs/stretching
Sunday [11.00am-5.30pm] - Rd 2: St George Sutherland @ Hurstville


Wednesday [2pm] - golf (2nd round match play knockout)
Saturday - golf


R2B said...

Still driving those huge distances for your passion.
Caps off to you!

Thats commitment.Keep it up.
Cheers R2B

TD said...

You deserved that rest day. I am always astounded how you fit everything in, Allrounder.