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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

27 October 2006

I'm excited...

to run sub 24:00 at Customs today...LOL...

last night's cricket training was good even had an extra little hit with Jodie at the end...she also had a hit as she's filling again for Gordon this week against Unis...

this morning we met up at Manuka for our regular Meteors training session only to find that we had to run to Kingston Oval for a circuit session...another hard session as i worked with Jodie...

started with sit ups/crunches for 2x2mins, followed by jumping/hopping through hoops with each leg for 4mins, stair runs/dips for 2x2mins, skipping/squat sits for 2x2mins, partner sit ups with 2kg medicine ball (touching ball to ground overhead to work the triceps as well) for 4mins, high knees & butt kicks for 4mins, boxing with running for 2x2min and finished with zig-zagging sprint runs for 4mins...stretched a bit then ran back to Manuka....phew...

smaller turnout to Customs this week, about 20 i think...windyish (17-20kts with gusts up to 28kts)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 21.9/16%
start time: 12:31pm
total distance: 5.04k
total time: 23:51
avg pace: 4:43
total calories: 377
avg HR: 166
finish temp/humidity: 22.2/18%

1k splits: 4:32, 5:07, 4:47, 4:43, 4:31

going to The Runners Shop with Jodie after work (she wants to get new shoes) and then maybe to the Durham Castle Arms in Kingston later on to watch a friend's band do covers with a promise of a song dedication & a rare autograph for me as an enticer (LOL)...


the weekend ahead:

saturday - golf + massage
sunday - Rd 4 v Universities @ The Village Green, UNSW (11am)


Ewen said...

I'd give my right calf for a sub-24 right now. Must be still the Floriade course by the look of that second km.

TD said...

Fantastic effort for your <24 and a great run.

I'm intriqued by that "Squashy frog" reference in your earlier post. You must tell us about it in more detail one day.