About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

19 October 2006

The ABS Fun Run...

and a PB!

my first attempt at this run was in May last year* just three weeks after starting with the Custom Joggers (& running for running rather running for cricket etc), it was also pre-Garmin & pre-blog!

*the reason the run was held so late this year was due to some construction on the course

i thought the conditions were pretty good for running, certainly much better than yesterday...the breeze wasn't too strong and was certainly welcome under the sun...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 25.3/23%
start time: 12:35pm
total distance: 7.23 (advertised as 7.3)
total time: 33:52 (official time 33:50 i think)
avg pace: 4:41
total calories: 540
avg HR: 175 << couldn't have gone much harder!
finish temp/humidity: 25.6/21%

1k splits: 4:17, 4:36, 4:45, 4:49, 4:54, 4:54, 4:45, 0:51

this was an official PB of 2:23 (for some reason my time for last year is recorded as 36:13 when i recorded 35:59 so i make my PB "only" 2:07!)...

mum & dad had kindly picked me up from work so after the run we did another of Suze's new caches (Fore!st Ranger) which was nearby...they really enjoy caching (they've now done 6 with me) so hopefully with daylight saving coming we can do some more after i finish work...

off to cricket training soon!


Ewen said...

Well done AR! Pretty good splits too - except for that first one ;)

speedygeoff said...

well done Bron. I was sorry I couldn't make my "home town" race as track started the same day.