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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

17 October 2006

Back in the saddle...

woke up early this morning and figured i may as well ride to work seeing as i wasn't running at all today...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.9/73%
start time: 7.22am
total distance: 15.53
total time: 43:30 (moving time: 40:18)
avg/max speed: 21.4/39.0 kph
total calories: 459
avg/max HR: 118 / 139
finish temp/humidity: 13.9/69%

first time i've used the 305 with the bike...couldn't get the cadence sensor to work but i think that's because i didn't keep the 305 within 3m of the sensor when i first turned it on...hopefully i'll have it sorted for the ride home...

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