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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

17 October 2006

Weekend wrap & the week ahead...


for the 2nd week in a row i managed to play close to my handicap...won another ball too...then it was over to see mum for her best full leg(s) massage yet...luxury!

stayed for a little while checking out all the photos dad took at the Country Champs in Albury/Wodonga (plus giving him some tips on Outlook) then i was off to home-made hamburgers...


had company for the trip to Sydney for this match as two of my fellow Meteors were filling in for us...left home just after 7am and got to Hurstville at about 9.45am...the conditions were overcast and quite humid...

we batted first and made 4/191 (continuing on our vast improvement from last season)...i managed to bat out the 50 overs again, this time getting out off the last ball for 78 (gave 1 chance in my innings as i should have been caught behind)...

we were aiming at & on target for 220 but only scored 12 off the last 5 overs...a bit disappointing and to prove costly in the end as they got up with 1 wicket & three balls to spare...

i got a smart (even if i do say so myself!) stumping but dropped a sitter (a la Rod "Iron Gloves" Marsh in his first test)...but no byes which i had to work very hard to achieve, throwing myself all over the place (but i love it!)...

2 consecutive weeks of being on the field for 100% of the match...thank goodness i have skins which i wear from showering after the match until i get up the next morning...

we stopped on the way back at the Marulan service stop to have dinner and reached home at 9.30pm...


a little stiff in the right ankle - it's the only part of me that doesn't really enjoy the doubling up of batting & 'keeping!

umpire's monthly meeting after work...even though i'm not actively umpiring at the moment due to my increased cricketing commitments for the first part of the season it helps to stay in touch with what's going on...


the week ahead:

Monday - rest (gratefully taken & enjoyed!)
Tuesday - 1st Posture & Flexibility class
Wednesday - easy 60mins
Thursday - ABS Fun Run (7.3k) + Meteors training (fielding/net session)
Friday - Meteors fitness + Customs
Saturday - golf + massage
Sunday - Rd 3 v Bankstown @ Bankstown (11am)

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