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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

31 January 2007

A little swim...


didn't ride home Monday as I had Suze's birthday present to carry...

we had dinner at The Grill at the casino and then Jodie & I played roulette while Suze played blackjack...left there around 11-11.30pm...Jodie & Suze were the winners while I did my dough...


bit of a slack day yesterday except for riding home...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 30.3/12%
start time: 5:40pm
total distance: 15.51
total time: 46:51 (actual moving 46:08)
avg/max speed: 19.9/32.6kph
total calories: 436
avg/max HR: 119/147bpm
avg cadence: 74
finish temp/humidity: 29.5/12%


with orienteering after work at Goorooyarroo no riding to work today...

did however get back into the pool for a short session, it's been a year since I've been!

2 x 50m freestyle (no legs, pull buoy)
1 x 50m breaststroke
1 x 50m freestyle
1 x 50m kick
1 x 50m freestyle (no legs, pull buoy)

I told you it was a short session!

plans for the rest of the week?

probably ride to/from work, do something at lunchtime, maybe attend Vets track & field

no work (yay) as Jodie & I are flying up to Sydney to watch the day-nighter (hope the Poms put up a better fight)

fly back from Sydney to play golf, have a massage

cricket v Universities @ The Village Green, UNSW

29 January 2007

Vets Monthly Handicap...


finally managed to play better than my handicap but was pipped at the post for 1st...had 87 off the stick which is a nett 71, 2 shots better than my handicap...

had my regular massage before heading home to do some more caches...we found the one we couldn't find yesterday ("Non-Stop Classic Rock") after a hint from the owner and then found another we had previously had trouble finding ("Intercepted Transmission III")...the first one was in the Black Mountain Nature Park while the second one was on Bruce Ridge...

had dinner to finish the day at Ginger & Spice, a new Asian restaurant in Gungahlin...


did the Vets Handicap at Campbell Park, my 3rd such run...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: -
start time: 8:56am
total distance: 6.03
total time: 29:44
avg pace: 4:56
total calories: 450
avg/max HR: -
finish temp/humidity: -

1k splits: 4:59, 4:56, 5:33, 4:31, 5:05, 4:41

quite pleased with this after Friday's run...

did 2 caches on the way home - 1 up Mt Ainslie ("Fallen") and 1 in the Mulanggari Grasslands Nature Reserve next to Gungahlin Drive ("Mulanggari")...

after a break at home we headed out with the boy to do some more caching - no luck finding the first one "Governor's Gold" near Warrina Inlet next to Royal Canberra golf course, we searched for over an hour while the boy had great fun in the undergrowth...we did find "Himalayan Hideout" which was in Stromlo Forest near where the arboretum is to be...

after that there wasn't much else to do except watch the cricket!


back on the bike to work...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 14.7/52%
start time: 7:46am
total distance: 15.46
total time: 43:05 (actual moving 41:21)
avg/max speed: 21.5/38.1kph
total calories: 455
avg/max HR: 111/134bpm
avg cadence: 74
finish temp/humidity: 16.8/45%

27 January 2007

Australia Day Customs Run...

yesterday's ride home was another hard slog into the wind...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: -
start time: 5:50pm
total distance: 15.51
total time: 49:12 (actual moving 48:37)
avg/max speed: 18.9/39.3kph
total calories: 422
avg/max HR: 128/155bpm
avg cadence: 79rpm
finish temp/humidity: -

this morning had a sleep in (until 8:45am!) before getting up & pottering around...

heading out with the rest of the human household to do the Customs run with plans t do some caching afterwards...

ran the Floriade course in anticipation of Australia Day crowds, wasn't too hot but was a bit windy...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 26.7/31%
start time: 12:26pm
total distance: 5.02
total time: 25:02
avg pace: 5:00
total calories: 376
avg/max HR: 172/185bpm
finish temp/humidity: 28.5/27%

1k splits: 4:37, 5:10, 5:09, 5:03, 5:04...a harder course for me so I'm not bothered by the slow time...

reasonable turn up for a public holiday...winners to be announced next week due to SHERPA being unavailable for handicap purposes for this run (we all ran off last week's handicap)...

managed to find two caches "Creek Crossing" & "Canberra's Smallest" but spent about an hour searching for another one ("Non-Stop Classic Rock") without luck...the guys had done a couple while I was running while Jodie did two more that I had already done...

back home before heading out to watch the first half of the Brumbies last trial match and then the Capitals v Flames at the AIS...

tomorrow is golf, massage, caching(?)....

25 January 2007

Mt Ainslie's turn...

did a couple of caches at lunchtime through a combination of riding & walking, both on Mt Ainslie..."City Country" - could ride within 50m of this one on the fire trails..."Cache on the Hill" - rode within 400m of this one & then scaled the heights of "little" Mt Ainslie in my cycle shoes...this one was definitely hard work... was going to do a third one ("Fallen") but ran out of time...

Tramping around Red Hill...

didn't exactly do a caching run at lunchtime yesterday but did cover quite a bit of ground around & over Red Hill...

bussed over and then looked for four caches ("Focal Point", "Andrei's Red Hot Spot", "Red's Rear" & "Deakin Beacon") but found only three with Deakin Beacon not where it was supposed to be!

back on the bike this morning...much cooler although predicted max today is still low 30s...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 17.1/81%
start time: 7:48am
total distance: 15.47
total time: 40:03 (actual moving 39:13)
avg/max speed: 23.2/41.0kph
total calories: 474
avg/max HR: 119/147bpm
avg cadence: 77rpm
finish temp/humidity: 18.2/77%

a blackout at work for over 90mins this morning left everyone twiddling their thumbs...

24 January 2007


on my ride home last night i kept overtaking then being overtaken by a guy in a three wheel recumbent with a little trailer...i wonder how comfortable it is?

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 33.2/20%
start time: 6:07pm
total distance: 15.51
total time: 44:39 (actual moving 43:27)
avg/max speed: 20.8/33.7kph
total calories: 448
avg/max HR: 134/158bpm
avg cadence: 79rpm
finish temp/humidity: 32.3/22%

didn't ride to work this morning as i have to carry a new printer home (bit hard on the deadly treadly)...will probably go for a caching run at lunchtime!

23 January 2007

More riding...

last night's ride home was quite warm...still in the 30s...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 31.7/25%
start time: 5:46pm
total distance: 15.48
total time: 47:06 (actual moving 46:37)
avg/max speed: 19.7/37.4kph
total calories: 444
avg/max HR: 122/143bpm
avg cadence: 77
finish temp/humidity: 28.2/41%

a little cooler for this morning's ride in...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 18.4/74%
start time: 7:38am
total distance: 15.48
total time: 41:58 (actual moving 41:30)
avg/max speed: 22.1/38.7kph
total calories: 462
avg/max HR: 116/146bpm
avg cadence: 77
finish temp/humidity: 20.2/68%

rode over to Manuka in my lunch break to watch some of the U17 final between NSW & Victoria...NSW were doing it easy in their run chase as I left...(they won by 8 wickets with more than 10 overs to spare)...

did a cache on the way back to work near Russell Offices ("Pins & Needles")...

looking ahead to the long weekend...will do Customs Friday, golf Saturday & maybe Vets at Campbell Park on Sunday...hopefully we'll get the canoe back out on the lake as well at some stage...

22 January 2007

A good all-round weekend...


managed to come 2nd in the golf by playing exactly to my handicap then later on was, with Jodie, the First To Find Suze's new cache ("Chemical Fore!mulae")...


did a cache ("Picture This (2): Cryptic") at Rookwood Cemetery on the way to cricket then played a part in inflicting the first loss upon UTS Balmain, the league leaders...we made 6/175 and then dismissed them for 162...batted for almost 47 overs in the heat & humidity to make 59 (i'm definitely not a flashy opener!), had a bit of luck along the way with edges not going to hand except when i was eventually out!...

tried for 3 more caches in Sydney without luck before heading home...it was a long trip with a couple of stops due to fatigue!


managed to ride into work albeit a little later than usual (by 9am)...my body is still feeling the effects of yesterday's match...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 18.4/69%
start time: 8:13am
total distance: 15.47
total time: 41:31 (actual moving 40:09)
avg/max speed: 22.4/38.8kph
total calories: 465
avg/max HR: 117/146
avg cadence: 74
finish temp/humidity: 19.2/65%

this is post #500!

19 January 2007

Turtles & sub 25:00...

last night i rode to Dickson Oval from work where Jodie was doing a "speed" session with one of her footy teammates who's also an AFL umpire...

only a short ride but i decided i didn't want to get rained on & blown around later...it was however very pleasant temperature-wise...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 23.9/75%
start time: 5:44pm
total distance: 5.31
total time: 16:40
avg/max speed: 19.1/29.6kph
total calories: 149
avg/max HR: 121/139bpm
avg cadence: 74
finish temp/humidity: 22.9/77%

on the way home we rescued a couple of turtles trying to cross Horse Park Drive...actually Jodie was the real rescuer as she picked them up...originally we thought there was only one but as she ran out onto the road to rescue one, i spotted another one in the gutter...fortunately neither had been hit by traffic...after some thought Jodie placed them on the edge of Yerrabi Pond...we think all the construction at Forde combined with the weather is forcing them to seek out the pond - if only we could train them to use the stormwater drain to get to the pond...

today i completed two caches either side of Customs - "Circle's Centre" (which i didn't find yesterday as it had been muggled but got replaced this morning) & "Cultural Platfore!m" (another new one by Suze in an interesting little area)...

Customs was well attended with slightly cooler conditions than last week...not that that made much difference to me as i only had a long sleeve thermal top to run (d'oh) in as i'd forgotten to bring a running singlet...i could have run in my black crop top but i didn't want to scare/blind people...i did get it off straight away at the end of the run!

FlashDuck was running for the first time since her operation (she started off 5:00) while Jodie thought she'd put in an appearance as well...actually Jodie was quite bitter that her handicap was 7:00 (a reduction of 1:15 from her last run before Christmas) while mine had come back to 9:45 (from 10:30 last week)...i told her i'd catch her by the turnaround and i was only a step or two off doing that...i managed to pass quite a few people thanks to my generous handicap while only about 3 passed me (Paul B, Scott I & Simon aka Legs)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 28.4/44%
start time: 12:25pm
total distance: 4.99
total time: 24:34
avg pace: 4:55
total calories: 373
avg/max HR: 174/191bpm
finish temp/humidity: 29.0/40%

1k splits: 4:47, 5:01, 5:00, 4:59, 4:48
turnaround splits: 12:23/12:11

a vast improvement on last weekend with nearly 2mins improvement...maybe all my cycling this week has helped?

tonight we are go to see the movie "Deja Vu"....

tomorrow i have golf & a massage (and maybe some caching?!)...

Sunday i have cricket - we play UTS Balmain @ Killara (might also do some caching to break up the trip!)...

18 January 2007

More cycling & more caching...

last night's O was held at Bluett's West which is off Uriarra Rd at Stromolo...

Jodie & I elected to run the course together so had the one control card but a map each as this was the first time we'd been orienteering in quite some time...

the course was measured at 5.2k with 19 controls...we took 78:43 and covered 6.32k...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 32.7/30%
start time: 5:29pm
total distance: 6.32
total time: 78:43
avg pace:
total calories: 405
avg HR: 144/170bpm
finish temp/humidity: 28.4/45%

we'd forgotten how hard it was with all the uphill stuff and the uneven ground underfoot...i had to dispense with the ankle brace on my right foot as it was digging into me...fortunately i wasn't going at any great speed later to need it!

did two caches on the way home - "Not Fore!gotten" & "To be Encompassed by the Brilliant Earth" (do you recognise the quote?*)...the first cache is near the Hughie Edwards Rest Area as you come into Canberra from Sydney & was easily found however the second cache on a little hill in Kenny just off Horse Park Drive proved elusive as it had been muggled!...Jodie & Suze headed back out after dinner to check as Suze was the one & only person to find it...it had only been available for two days!

after sleeping well, i bussed into work this morning...

around morning tea time did a cache (Triangle's Apex) with Suze which I'd solved using Google Earth...then at lunchtime elected to do another caching ride instead of a run...this time up Mt Pleasant!...i'd never been up there before & it was a tough little ride for me in the heat but worth it for the views...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 29.9/38%
start time: 12:51pm
total distance: 13.70
total time: 1:05:23 (actual moving time 47:15)
avg speed: 12.6/42.4kph
total calories: 337
avg HR: -
avg cadence: 50rpm
finish temp/humidity: 32.2/32%

around afternoon tea did another cache called "Mirror Image" in a location which Jodie & I had visited during the metrogaine in August last year...then tried to find another one called "Circle's Centre" (another puzzle one solved using Google Earth) but I think it's been muggled as it was nowhere to be seen...

as you can see it's been a quiet day at work!

i'm not looking forward to the ride which i will be undertaking shortly, i might get blown home!

* Dylan Thomas

17 January 2007

More cycling...

the ride last night home was so hot & dry i had to stop & get a drink (or two)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 35.7/17%
start time: 5:17pm
total distance: 15.50
total time: 52:46 (actual moving 51:18)
avg/max speed: 17.6/32kph
total calories: 397
avg/max HR: 131/155bpm
avg cadence 78rpm
finish temp/humidity: 35.7/16%

it took me quite a few more drinks at home to recover!

decided to ride in this morning even though we are doing O after work so i won't be riding home...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 23.2/56%
start time: 7:46am
total distance: 15.51
total time: 40:25 (actual moving 39:16)
avg/max speed: 23/40.6kph
total calories: 474
avg/max HR: 127/161bpm
avg cadence 77rpm
finish temp/humidity: 24.8/51%

already the temperature was hotter than previous days so maybe we will get that predicted storm later today...

BTW, i'm aiming to keep my cadence above 80 which means a lot more fiddling around with the gears for me...the fact i'm averaging high 70s is a big improvement as it's been around the high 50s/low 60s before...

because of O tonight i decided not to run at lunchtime, instead i went for a ride & did a cache called "A Ride around the Lake"...i had to visit 6 waypoints before finding the cache itself & it took just under 2hrs with a round trip of 33.4k!!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 32.3/33%
start time: 12:19pm
total distance: 33.38
total time: 1:57:15 (actual moving 1:36:32)
avg/max speed: 17.1/38.9kph
total calories: 843
avg/max HR: -
avg cadence: 50rpm*
finish temp/humidity: 24.8/51%
*includes all the time i was searching for the waypoints etc, actual cadence when riding would have been in the high 60s/low 70s

16 January 2007

Little cache run...

combined my run with a cache find ("Thin Blue Line 2")...

the stats:
start temp/humidity:32.3/27%32.9/26%
start time:1:08pm 1:41pm
total distance:
total time:24:0612:3236:38
avg pace:5:456:165:55
total calories:314152487
avg/max HR:160/173bpm164/201bpm163/201bpm
finish temp/humidity:32.5/27%33.5/23%

nothing flash about this run but it's a start back...

probably looking to get back into some orienteering with the Twilight series event on the "Bluetts West" map tomorrow night...

Cycling & maybe running...

the ride home last night was hot & windy (as usual)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 32.4/21%
start time: 5:26pm
total distance: 15.49k
total time: 48:29 (actual moving 47:21)
avg/max speed: 19.2/35.6kph
total calories: 431
avg/max HR: 138/169bpm
avg cadence: 78
finish temp/humidity: 31.9/23%

to work this morning, quite pleasant conditions but it started to warm up fairly quickly...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 17.2/75%
start time: 7:37am
total distance: 15.50k
total time: 43:05 (actual moving 41:07)
avg/max speed: 21.6/37.8kph
total calories: 456
avg/max HR: 129/157bpm
avg cadence: 79
finish temp/humidity: 19.3/66%

planning on running at lunchtime, nothing major, probably about 5k or so...

15 January 2007

Back to work...

and here i am...

Saturday 13 Jan

played golf as usual, a much better round just finishing out of the "money" but i won a ball...

did two more of Suze's new caches - "Fore!ign Correspondent" & "Fore!1age around GZ" - on the way to mum & dad's for my massage...

took all the "heelectomy" paperwork + my MRI for mum to have a look at...

during my massage Jodie rang me with notification of another cache (Fore!ign Currency) just published - didn't give me any other info...logged on to dad's PC to look it up and then blindly followed the little arrow on my GPS to find it....ended up being the FOURTH to find...it was first found within 30mins of being published!!

Sunday 14 Jan

a day off cricket as it was only a Twenty20 match for my club side, not much point in me driving all that way for 3hrs of hit & giggle...

we did the grocery shopping then headed out to knock off a cache that had been re-planted after being muggled...involved swimming so we took Hux with us...

had a family dinner at mum & dad's because my brother is re-locating north (Gold Coast) on Tuesday....may well use my flight to the Gold Coast (originally for the Half Marathon) at the end of June to see how he's going, it's also his birthday on 1 July so it'll be a good time to go...


decided I'm going to fit in as much activity as i can before my "heelectomy" so will be attempting to ride to/from work every day except possibly Fridays...plus I'm going to focus on a 5k program as i won't have much opportunity to race over any other distances between now & then)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 15.7/74%
start time: 7:41am
total distance: 15.45k
total time: 42:19 (actual moving 40:49)
avg/max speed: 21.9/35.5kph
total calories: 529
avg/max HR: 134/158bpm
avg cadence: -
finish temp/humidity: 18.1/62%

12 January 2007

Back to Customs..

i managed to do 2 out of the 3 things planned for today...

did 4 caches - 1 before Customs & 3 after and, of course, ran Customs...btw, i'm only 3 off 150 finds...no golf though...

the list of caches:
"Aussie Trivia Cache"
"Code 39"
"Sullivan's Meander"
"Northside Meander"

today was the first day of the new point score series and also the third hottest day on record with temp's topping 40...probably not the best day to return to running!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: -
start time: 12:27pm
total distance: 4.98k
total time: 26:32
avg pace: 5:19
total calories:
finish temp/humidity: -

everyone's start time had been re-adjusted so most people got to start 2-2:30 minutes early than previously...i got to start of 10:30 as opposed to 13:00...

reasonably happy with my run given that i hadn't run since the Friday before Christmas when I trotted around the Customs course with Jodie in my slowest recorded 5k...it was also windy in places as well...

i figure i've got about 9 run to do in this series so i'll try & make the most of them...

watched the ODI v England...will they win a game against us this summer?...the last person they need to lose is Kevin Pieterson but he was asking for trouble by going down the wicket to McGrath...

golf & a massage planned for tomorrow...

11 January 2007

Cricket & the doctor...

Wednesday 10 Jan

did a cache before heading to the cricket - "Pining Fore! Me" - a very sneaky hide...

Day 3 of online scoring at the cricket - QAS got first innings points after dismissing ACT for 368...they are batting again and are 2/89 overnight...

did a cache at the lunch break - "Fore! Runs" - yes, believe it not located within the the ground...Suze (aka Fore!) had sneakily placed it on Monday without me noticing when she bought Hux to the cricket...

Thursday 11 Jan

D-day as in "D for doctor"...he was pretty positive about it all...i think the procedure is called "retrocalcaneal decompression" & i will be having the surgery on Tuesday 27 March (I got to pick when) which means I can finish the cricket season...it will only take 30-45mins but will require an overnight stay...recovery will probably require 4-5 months before I'm back up to speed so that means no trip to Gold Coast for the half (I'd already booked a cheap flight there)...I'm hoping I'll be OK to run in the City to Surf for the 5th consecutive time...

he's also happy with me to get back into running in the meantime...i do however need to up the amount of achilles/calf stretching I do as well...

the cricket ended at 5pm (an hour early) with QAS 9/393 in their second dig...

on the way home I found another cache - "Fore!ming Paw Behaviouor" - which overlooks, funnily enough, the Belconnen Dog Obedience Club...as you can tell, Suze has been busy placing new caches this past week...

tomorrow i hope to do Customs as well as play in the Chicken Run at the golf club...and maybe some more caching!

09 January 2007


Sunday 7 Jan

found two caches on my way to Sydney - "Gurney's Gallantry" & "McForest"...

played some cricket - took a catch which also could have been a stumping & made 18 runs before being fired LBW...a rain delay of 50mins couldn't save us from a massive defeat (133 runs)...

found three more caches on the way home - "Between 59 and 110", "Walking the Dog" & "Limb"...

Monday 8 Jan

Day 1 of the Cricket Australia Cup (state 2nd XIs) match between the ACT Comets and the Queensland Academy of Sport at Manuka where I was doing my first official match as the online scorer for Cricket Australia...

ACT won the toss and put them in and they were 4/387 at stumps after former Australian player Martin Love made 138, sharing a partnership of 218 with Greg Moller (120)...Michael Kasprowicz is also playing in this match...

Tuesday 9 Jan

walked the boy because Suze had an early round of golf...we met up with Bruce the lab and they got to play for a little while before Bruce's owner had to go...Hux then ran himself silly chasing swallows....

Day 2 of the Cricket Australia Cup match saw QAS declare at 5/477 about 50mins before lunch...at stumps ACT were 6/208 with some work to do to avoid the follow on...Kasper took 4/41 and was on a hat-trick...

home in time to watch the Twenty20 on TV...

06 January 2007

Yet another catch up post...

Thursday 4 Jan

didn't get out for a run but i volunteered to drop Jodie's car in for its 140000k service...put my bike in the back & after dropping the car at Mitchell headed for Civic (but only after i bought another bike lock because i forgot to put one in my bag, d'oh!)...

i was going to Civic to get a haircut (the mullet is alive & well & still blonde)...

then i rode home a different way to my normal commute route...up Northbourne Ave & then up Flemington Rd (where they were setting up for Summernats) & then through the suburbs from there...actually worked out a couple of minutes quicker...

the stats:
Mitchell-Civic: 8.95k, 21:59
Civic-Amaroo: 14.45k 41:16
TOTAL: 23.40k, 1:03:15

didn't do much else for the day except watch the cricket!

Friday 5 Jan

as today was Jodie's last official weekday on leave for the holidays we decided to see how many caches we could get in the cache mobile...they had to be caches none of us had done which made things harder as Suze as collected a few more than us...all the while keeping an ear on ABC radio as the Aussies wrapped up a 5-0 series victory...

all up we did 21 (with no DNFs) with the first found @ 9:43am & the last @ 8:58pm with the aid of headlamps...

along the way we got to meet some geo-cachers from Melbourne, two of who had over 1000 finds each (!) and one who had over 900...

the majority of the caches were in South Canberra with lunch (Tuggeranong) & dinner (Manuka) stops included along the way...


back to golf as usual with a below average round (32pts, not even enough to win a ball) in the heat (but not because of the heat!)...then onto mum & dad's for a massage...

spent tonight getting my gear together for the resumption of the cricket season tomorrow...

at least i have one more week on leave...

03 January 2007

Welcome to 2007...

finally i get around to posting for the New Year...i'll start with the quote from my new motivational calendar for January:

"Patience and tenacity of purpose are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness"

interestingly enough this quote is attributed to Thomas Henry Huxley, an English biologist who advocated Darwin's natural selection theory...and after whom Huxley is named...

i also think this quote is particularly relevant for me this month given i'll be seeing the specialist about my heel next week...

now to catch up with my doings since my last post...

Sunday 31 Dec

cache count for the day: 2
golf count for the day: 1

completed Silk Purse in much nicer weather than the day before then headed off to golf...managed 34pts which is just in the "buffer" (i.e. no change to my handicap)...i think it was also enough to win a ball...

hung out at the club for a little while before heading home...

picked up Jodie & Suze from the airport at 8.50pm then did our last cache for 2006 on the way home - The ever changing face of Canberra - an easy find just off Majura Rd...

didn't do anything special for New Year's Eve but we were all still up & about as the clock ticked over...

Monday 1 Jan

cache count for the day: 0
golf count for the day: 1

stared off the New Year with a round of golf and managed to play one shot better than my handicap with 37pts...had some fun after the round betting on a couple of horse races...we won on the first one but lost out on the next two...

Tuesday 2 Jan

spent the day at the cricket in Sydney...left home around 6.35am and drove (variously) through intermittent & quite heavy rain...play started 70mins late but we still got to see 80 overs as they extended the middle session...bad light stopped play in the end around 6.20pm...

arrived back home by 10.00pm..

they played with the lights on in the last session...

McGrath about to bowl the first ball of the Test

Warnie about to bowl his first ball

"The cordon" - Clarke (forward point), Hayden (2nd gully), Langer (1st gully), Ponting (2nd slip),
Warne (1st slip) & Gilchrist ('keeper)...

Mr Cricket (& Billy Bowden)

Wednesday 3 Jan (today!)

cache count for the day: 0
golf count for the day: 1

a later start but still out on the course before lunch...another round of 34pts to once again stay in the buffer...there's a good round lurking just around the corner...

i'll probably go for an easy run tomorrow seeing as cricket re-starts for us on Sunday (v Universities @ David Phillips North)...

Friday we are planning to do a big caching expedition so no Customs for me or Jodie...