About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

16 January 2007

Little cache run...

combined my run with a cache find ("Thin Blue Line 2")...

the stats:
start temp/humidity:32.3/27%32.9/26%
start time:1:08pm 1:41pm
total distance:
total time:24:0612:3236:38
avg pace:5:456:165:55
total calories:314152487
avg/max HR:160/173bpm164/201bpm163/201bpm
finish temp/humidity:32.5/27%33.5/23%

nothing flash about this run but it's a start back...

probably looking to get back into some orienteering with the Twilight series event on the "Bluetts West" map tomorrow night...

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