About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

17 January 2007

More cycling...

the ride last night home was so hot & dry i had to stop & get a drink (or two)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 35.7/17%
start time: 5:17pm
total distance: 15.50
total time: 52:46 (actual moving 51:18)
avg/max speed: 17.6/32kph
total calories: 397
avg/max HR: 131/155bpm
avg cadence 78rpm
finish temp/humidity: 35.7/16%

it took me quite a few more drinks at home to recover!

decided to ride in this morning even though we are doing O after work so i won't be riding home...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 23.2/56%
start time: 7:46am
total distance: 15.51
total time: 40:25 (actual moving 39:16)
avg/max speed: 23/40.6kph
total calories: 474
avg/max HR: 127/161bpm
avg cadence 77rpm
finish temp/humidity: 24.8/51%

already the temperature was hotter than previous days so maybe we will get that predicted storm later today...

BTW, i'm aiming to keep my cadence above 80 which means a lot more fiddling around with the gears for me...the fact i'm averaging high 70s is a big improvement as it's been around the high 50s/low 60s before...

because of O tonight i decided not to run at lunchtime, instead i went for a ride & did a cache called "A Ride around the Lake"...i had to visit 6 waypoints before finding the cache itself & it took just under 2hrs with a round trip of 33.4k!!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 32.3/33%
start time: 12:19pm
total distance: 33.38
total time: 1:57:15 (actual moving 1:36:32)
avg/max speed: 17.1/38.9kph
total calories: 843
avg/max HR: -
avg cadence: 50rpm*
finish temp/humidity: 24.8/51%
*includes all the time i was searching for the waypoints etc, actual cadence when riding would have been in the high 60s/low 70s

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