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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

18 January 2007

More cycling & more caching...

last night's O was held at Bluett's West which is off Uriarra Rd at Stromolo...

Jodie & I elected to run the course together so had the one control card but a map each as this was the first time we'd been orienteering in quite some time...

the course was measured at 5.2k with 19 controls...we took 78:43 and covered 6.32k...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 32.7/30%
start time: 5:29pm
total distance: 6.32
total time: 78:43
avg pace:
total calories: 405
avg HR: 144/170bpm
finish temp/humidity: 28.4/45%

we'd forgotten how hard it was with all the uphill stuff and the uneven ground underfoot...i had to dispense with the ankle brace on my right foot as it was digging into me...fortunately i wasn't going at any great speed later to need it!

did two caches on the way home - "Not Fore!gotten" & "To be Encompassed by the Brilliant Earth" (do you recognise the quote?*)...the first cache is near the Hughie Edwards Rest Area as you come into Canberra from Sydney & was easily found however the second cache on a little hill in Kenny just off Horse Park Drive proved elusive as it had been muggled!...Jodie & Suze headed back out after dinner to check as Suze was the one & only person to find it...it had only been available for two days!

after sleeping well, i bussed into work this morning...

around morning tea time did a cache (Triangle's Apex) with Suze which I'd solved using Google Earth...then at lunchtime elected to do another caching ride instead of a run...this time up Mt Pleasant!...i'd never been up there before & it was a tough little ride for me in the heat but worth it for the views...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 29.9/38%
start time: 12:51pm
total distance: 13.70
total time: 1:05:23 (actual moving time 47:15)
avg speed: 12.6/42.4kph
total calories: 337
avg HR: -
avg cadence: 50rpm
finish temp/humidity: 32.2/32%

around afternoon tea did another cache called "Mirror Image" in a location which Jodie & I had visited during the metrogaine in August last year...then tried to find another one called "Circle's Centre" (another puzzle one solved using Google Earth) but I think it's been muggled as it was nowhere to be seen...

as you can see it's been a quiet day at work!

i'm not looking forward to the ride which i will be undertaking shortly, i might get blown home!

* Dylan Thomas

1 comment:

R2B said...

Hi AR!
Just checking in again.
You are very lucky to be able to Geo Cache and especially Orienteer on a regular basis.

Have a happy new year R2B