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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

19 January 2007

Turtles & sub 25:00...

last night i rode to Dickson Oval from work where Jodie was doing a "speed" session with one of her footy teammates who's also an AFL umpire...

only a short ride but i decided i didn't want to get rained on & blown around later...it was however very pleasant temperature-wise...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 23.9/75%
start time: 5:44pm
total distance: 5.31
total time: 16:40
avg/max speed: 19.1/29.6kph
total calories: 149
avg/max HR: 121/139bpm
avg cadence: 74
finish temp/humidity: 22.9/77%

on the way home we rescued a couple of turtles trying to cross Horse Park Drive...actually Jodie was the real rescuer as she picked them up...originally we thought there was only one but as she ran out onto the road to rescue one, i spotted another one in the gutter...fortunately neither had been hit by traffic...after some thought Jodie placed them on the edge of Yerrabi Pond...we think all the construction at Forde combined with the weather is forcing them to seek out the pond - if only we could train them to use the stormwater drain to get to the pond...

today i completed two caches either side of Customs - "Circle's Centre" (which i didn't find yesterday as it had been muggled but got replaced this morning) & "Cultural Platfore!m" (another new one by Suze in an interesting little area)...

Customs was well attended with slightly cooler conditions than last week...not that that made much difference to me as i only had a long sleeve thermal top to run (d'oh) in as i'd forgotten to bring a running singlet...i could have run in my black crop top but i didn't want to scare/blind people...i did get it off straight away at the end of the run!

FlashDuck was running for the first time since her operation (she started off 5:00) while Jodie thought she'd put in an appearance as well...actually Jodie was quite bitter that her handicap was 7:00 (a reduction of 1:15 from her last run before Christmas) while mine had come back to 9:45 (from 10:30 last week)...i told her i'd catch her by the turnaround and i was only a step or two off doing that...i managed to pass quite a few people thanks to my generous handicap while only about 3 passed me (Paul B, Scott I & Simon aka Legs)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 28.4/44%
start time: 12:25pm
total distance: 4.99
total time: 24:34
avg pace: 4:55
total calories: 373
avg/max HR: 174/191bpm
finish temp/humidity: 29.0/40%

1k splits: 4:47, 5:01, 5:00, 4:59, 4:48
turnaround splits: 12:23/12:11

a vast improvement on last weekend with nearly 2mins improvement...maybe all my cycling this week has helped?

tonight we are go to see the movie "Deja Vu"....

tomorrow i have golf & a massage (and maybe some caching?!)...

Sunday i have cricket - we play UTS Balmain @ Killara (might also do some caching to break up the trip!)...

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