About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

16 January 2007

Cycling & maybe running...

the ride home last night was hot & windy (as usual)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 32.4/21%
start time: 5:26pm
total distance: 15.49k
total time: 48:29 (actual moving 47:21)
avg/max speed: 19.2/35.6kph
total calories: 431
avg/max HR: 138/169bpm
avg cadence: 78
finish temp/humidity: 31.9/23%

to work this morning, quite pleasant conditions but it started to warm up fairly quickly...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 17.2/75%
start time: 7:37am
total distance: 15.50k
total time: 43:05 (actual moving 41:07)
avg/max speed: 21.6/37.8kph
total calories: 456
avg/max HR: 129/157bpm
avg cadence: 79
finish temp/humidity: 19.3/66%

planning on running at lunchtime, nothing major, probably about 5k or so...

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