About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

15 January 2007

Back to work...

and here i am...

Saturday 13 Jan

played golf as usual, a much better round just finishing out of the "money" but i won a ball...

did two more of Suze's new caches - "Fore!ign Correspondent" & "Fore!1age around GZ" - on the way to mum & dad's for my massage...

took all the "heelectomy" paperwork + my MRI for mum to have a look at...

during my massage Jodie rang me with notification of another cache (Fore!ign Currency) just published - didn't give me any other info...logged on to dad's PC to look it up and then blindly followed the little arrow on my GPS to find it....ended up being the FOURTH to find...it was first found within 30mins of being published!!

Sunday 14 Jan

a day off cricket as it was only a Twenty20 match for my club side, not much point in me driving all that way for 3hrs of hit & giggle...

we did the grocery shopping then headed out to knock off a cache that had been re-planted after being muggled...involved swimming so we took Hux with us...

had a family dinner at mum & dad's because my brother is re-locating north (Gold Coast) on Tuesday....may well use my flight to the Gold Coast (originally for the Half Marathon) at the end of June to see how he's going, it's also his birthday on 1 July so it'll be a good time to go...


decided I'm going to fit in as much activity as i can before my "heelectomy" so will be attempting to ride to/from work every day except possibly Fridays...plus I'm going to focus on a 5k program as i won't have much opportunity to race over any other distances between now & then)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 15.7/74%
start time: 7:41am
total distance: 15.45k
total time: 42:19 (actual moving 40:49)
avg/max speed: 21.9/35.5kph
total calories: 529
avg/max HR: 134/158bpm
avg cadence: -
finish temp/humidity: 18.1/62%

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