About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

31 January 2007

A little swim...


didn't ride home Monday as I had Suze's birthday present to carry...

we had dinner at The Grill at the casino and then Jodie & I played roulette while Suze played blackjack...left there around 11-11.30pm...Jodie & Suze were the winners while I did my dough...


bit of a slack day yesterday except for riding home...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 30.3/12%
start time: 5:40pm
total distance: 15.51
total time: 46:51 (actual moving 46:08)
avg/max speed: 19.9/32.6kph
total calories: 436
avg/max HR: 119/147bpm
avg cadence: 74
finish temp/humidity: 29.5/12%


with orienteering after work at Goorooyarroo no riding to work today...

did however get back into the pool for a short session, it's been a year since I've been!

2 x 50m freestyle (no legs, pull buoy)
1 x 50m breaststroke
1 x 50m freestyle
1 x 50m kick
1 x 50m freestyle (no legs, pull buoy)

I told you it was a short session!

plans for the rest of the week?

probably ride to/from work, do something at lunchtime, maybe attend Vets track & field

no work (yay) as Jodie & I are flying up to Sydney to watch the day-nighter (hope the Poms put up a better fight)

fly back from Sydney to play golf, have a massage

cricket v Universities @ The Village Green, UNSW

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