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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

03 January 2007

Welcome to 2007...

finally i get around to posting for the New Year...i'll start with the quote from my new motivational calendar for January:

"Patience and tenacity of purpose are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness"

interestingly enough this quote is attributed to Thomas Henry Huxley, an English biologist who advocated Darwin's natural selection theory...and after whom Huxley is named...

i also think this quote is particularly relevant for me this month given i'll be seeing the specialist about my heel next week...

now to catch up with my doings since my last post...

Sunday 31 Dec

cache count for the day: 2
golf count for the day: 1

completed Silk Purse in much nicer weather than the day before then headed off to golf...managed 34pts which is just in the "buffer" (i.e. no change to my handicap)...i think it was also enough to win a ball...

hung out at the club for a little while before heading home...

picked up Jodie & Suze from the airport at 8.50pm then did our last cache for 2006 on the way home - The ever changing face of Canberra - an easy find just off Majura Rd...

didn't do anything special for New Year's Eve but we were all still up & about as the clock ticked over...

Monday 1 Jan

cache count for the day: 0
golf count for the day: 1

stared off the New Year with a round of golf and managed to play one shot better than my handicap with 37pts...had some fun after the round betting on a couple of horse races...we won on the first one but lost out on the next two...

Tuesday 2 Jan

spent the day at the cricket in Sydney...left home around 6.35am and drove (variously) through intermittent & quite heavy rain...play started 70mins late but we still got to see 80 overs as they extended the middle session...bad light stopped play in the end around 6.20pm...

arrived back home by 10.00pm..

they played with the lights on in the last session...

McGrath about to bowl the first ball of the Test

Warnie about to bowl his first ball

"The cordon" - Clarke (forward point), Hayden (2nd gully), Langer (1st gully), Ponting (2nd slip),
Warne (1st slip) & Gilchrist ('keeper)...

Mr Cricket (& Billy Bowden)

Wednesday 3 Jan (today!)

cache count for the day: 0
golf count for the day: 1

a later start but still out on the course before lunch...another round of 34pts to once again stay in the buffer...there's a good round lurking just around the corner...

i'll probably go for an easy run tomorrow seeing as cricket re-starts for us on Sunday (v Universities @ David Phillips North)...

Friday we are planning to do a big caching expedition so no Customs for me or Jodie...


Friar said...

At this rate, when will you have captured/visited all the available cahes.??

Carolyne said...

No Customs???


TD said...

Happy New Year Allrounder and all the best for your running and other activities for the year.

Great effort by Australia for the 5-0 whitewash and I wish I had gone to see the game in Sydney.