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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

25 January 2007

Tramping around Red Hill...

didn't exactly do a caching run at lunchtime yesterday but did cover quite a bit of ground around & over Red Hill...

bussed over and then looked for four caches ("Focal Point", "Andrei's Red Hot Spot", "Red's Rear" & "Deakin Beacon") but found only three with Deakin Beacon not where it was supposed to be!

back on the bike this morning...much cooler although predicted max today is still low 30s...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 17.1/81%
start time: 7:48am
total distance: 15.47
total time: 40:03 (actual moving 39:13)
avg/max speed: 23.2/41.0kph
total calories: 474
avg/max HR: 119/147bpm
avg cadence: 77rpm
finish temp/humidity: 18.2/77%

a blackout at work for over 90mins this morning left everyone twiddling their thumbs...

1 comment:

TD said...

I'm curious Allrounder that you seemed to burn less calories during Wednesday's ride, yet it was about the same length and duration as Thursday's ride and you worked harder according to you heart rate!