About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

24 January 2007


on my ride home last night i kept overtaking then being overtaken by a guy in a three wheel recumbent with a little trailer...i wonder how comfortable it is?

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 33.2/20%
start time: 6:07pm
total distance: 15.51
total time: 44:39 (actual moving 43:27)
avg/max speed: 20.8/33.7kph
total calories: 448
avg/max HR: 134/158bpm
avg cadence: 79rpm
finish temp/humidity: 32.3/22%

didn't ride to work this morning as i have to carry a new printer home (bit hard on the deadly treadly)...will probably go for a caching run at lunchtime!

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