About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

23 January 2007

More riding...

last night's ride home was quite warm...still in the 30s...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 31.7/25%
start time: 5:46pm
total distance: 15.48
total time: 47:06 (actual moving 46:37)
avg/max speed: 19.7/37.4kph
total calories: 444
avg/max HR: 122/143bpm
avg cadence: 77
finish temp/humidity: 28.2/41%

a little cooler for this morning's ride in...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 18.4/74%
start time: 7:38am
total distance: 15.48
total time: 41:58 (actual moving 41:30)
avg/max speed: 22.1/38.7kph
total calories: 462
avg/max HR: 116/146bpm
avg cadence: 77
finish temp/humidity: 20.2/68%

rode over to Manuka in my lunch break to watch some of the U17 final between NSW & Victoria...NSW were doing it easy in their run chase as I left...(they won by 8 wickets with more than 10 overs to spare)...

did a cache on the way back to work near Russell Offices ("Pins & Needles")...

looking ahead to the long weekend...will do Customs Friday, golf Saturday & maybe Vets at Campbell Park on Sunday...hopefully we'll get the canoe back out on the lake as well at some stage...

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