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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

29 August 2012

Another catch up post...


Gym - Day 1 (chest/shoulders/triceps/abs)...changes:

  • incline db bench press (2x4-6) - 20kg, managed 2x6 for the first time
  • cable crossovers (2x8-10) - 9kg, 2x12
  • db seated overhead tricep extension (2x8-10) - 17.5kg, 1x10/1x9
  • jack knife on swiss ball bench/hanging knee raises/crunch pulses on back extension (2xmax) - 42&32/40&32/76&76


golf - stroke round: windy again...played better than last week EXCEPT for two holes so my overall score was worse than last week (95, net 81)...at least I birdied the 9th...handicap back out to 15...

did a couple of caches afterwards...and rounded out the day with a nice dinner at mum & dad’s...


watched our junior girls, the mini-Jettetes, play in their major semi final at Reid...they went down to Ainslie but have a second chance next week...

then it was off to Football Park, Phillip to watch the women’s elimination semi between Ainslie (3rd) and Tuggeranong (4th)...Tuggeranong were never headed and won by 14pts, they will play Eastlake (who lost to Riverina on Saturday) in the preliminary final this coming Sunday...

stayed to watch our Div 3 men play ANU in their elimination semi, unfortunately their season ended with 27pt loss...


not at work so went to the gym later than normal, opting to ride to & from...

Gym - Day 2 (back/legs/biceps)...changes:

  • db bench row (2x4-6) - 22.5kg, managed 2x6 for the first time
  • single leg leg press (3x6-8) - increased weight to 50kg, 3x8
  • single leg back extension (2x10 each leg) - increased weight to +10kg, 2x10 each leg

did a couple of caches in the afternoon, nice day for it...


not at work again, did some cycling (to cache), mostly central basin of Lake Burley Griffin and around Acton Peninsula...

made a wagon wheel slice - have to distribute to my taste testers to see if it’s OK (wasn’t a wagon wheel kid myself and not that big on marshmallow!)


Gym - Day 1 (chest/shoulders/triceps/abs)...changes:

  • bb bench press (2x8-10) - 40kg, 1x8,1x6
  • cable crossovers (2x8-10) - 9kg, 2x13, weight will increase next time (my final session at Flames)
  • jack knife on swiss ball bench/hanging knee raises/crunch pulses on back extension (2xmax) - 42&34/42&34/78&76

23 August 2012


piked on running in the rain so did a session at the gym...

30mins on the treadmill, 3% incline, 5.2k...
20mins on the bike, random program, level 15 (highest level is 25)...

last time I ran on a treadmill was to rehab my heel in '07...I forgot how much you sweat doing cardio indoors!

22 August 2012


Day 2 (back/legs/biceps)...changes:

  • dumbbell bench row (2x4-6) - 22.5kg, 2x5
  • barbell squats (3x6-8) - increased weight to 60kg, 3x8
  • ezybar bicep curls (2x8-10) - increased weight to +10kg, 2x10

appointment made regarding my ankle/heel for Friday week...

nice lunch at Cream for Cookie's birthday with the C2S crew (a surprise for Cookie!)...good fun...

21 August 2012


back on the bike to work, first time in ages...

easy run at lunch, conditions weren’t too bad although it was a bit breezy...just going to ease back into running...so short runs to start with...but it looks like I'm going to have to see someone about my heel/ankle...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 13.5%/37 (apparent temp 11.1)
start time: 1:05pm
total distance: 6.97
total time: 40:00
avg pace: 5:44
total calories: 407
avg HR*: 156

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:02 [Z1: 93-111]
00:02 [Z2: 112-130]
04:10 [Z3: 131-148]
30:29 [Z4: 149-167]
04:47 [Z5: 168-185]

just a loop around Central Basin (aka The Two Bridges Run) from work and back...

slow ride home after work!

20 August 2012

The run-free week that was...

see what happens when I don't run? I don't blog!


gym - Day 2 (back/legs/biceps)...changes:

  • lat pulldowns (2x6-8) - 50kg (2x8), change in technique
  • dumbbell pullovers (2x8-10) - 12.5kg, 12 in 2nd set
  • ezybar bicep curls (2x8-10) - +7.5kg, back to 10 in 2nd set

footy training was good...Cookie wore her Garmin to see how many ks we ran at training, I think she said 7.65k (and that was before the warm down which I had to skip)


gym - Day 1 (chest/shoulders/triceps/abs)...changes:

  • dumbbell incline bench press (2x4-6) - increase in weight to 20kg (1x6/1x5)
  • barbell bench press (2x6-8) - 40kg, managed 2x7
  • dumbbell seated shoulder press (2x8-10) - 10kg, managed 3x10
  • assisted dips (3x4-6) - 25kg, 10 in 3rd set
  • dumbbell tricep extensions (2x8-10) - 15kg, 13 in 2nd set
  • swiss ball bench jack knives/hanging knee raises/back extension crunch pulses - 42&32/42&36/75&75

footy training was again good with a bigger turnout than Monday...


gym - Day 2 (back/legs/biceps)...changes:

  • dumbbell bench row (2x4-6) - weight increased to 22.5kg, 2x4
  • ezybar bicep curls (2x8-10) - +7.5kg, 15 in 2nd set

watched The Dark Knight Rises at Dendy...


played comp golf for the first time since June...it was a bit windy but I managed to win a ball despite playing 6 over my handicap...


this was the Jets' day of reckoning - a win would give us a chance at 4th while a loss would condemn us to 6th...

unfortunately we didn't play our best game while Tuggeranong were on the ball from the start...we lost 0.2-2 to 7.12-54...

Tuggeranong will now play Ainslie in next week's semi (3rd v 4th)...at least we were in with chance right until the last round...

we finished with 9 wins and 6 losses, our best season win-wise which included a win over the minor premiers Riverina...however, we need to recruit some key forwards for next season or work on developing what we have as we didn't really have the firepoweer to match other teams...

did some caching in the afternoon before heading to Zefferelli's in Dickson for a team dinner...just about everyone was there which was really good...


gym - Day 1 (chest/shoulders/triceps/abs)...changes:

  • barbell bench press (2x6-8) - 40kg, back to 2x6
  • assisted dips (3x4-6) - decrease in weight to 20kg (which is harder), 3x6
  • dumbbell tricep extensions (2x8-10) - increase in weight to 17.5kg, 1x10/1x8
  • swiss ball bench jack knives/hanging knee raises/back extension crunch pulses - 46&36/40&34/78&

tonight we had a small party to celebrate Cookie's 35th birthday...a good night as we made our own pizzas followed by birthday cake!

13 August 2012



Gym - Day 1 (chest/shoulders/triceps/abs)...changes:

  • db incline bench press (2x4-6) - weight increased to 20kg, 1x5/1x4
  • bb bench press (2x6-8) - 40kg, 2x6 (a result of the above increase)
  • db shoulder press (3x8-10) - 10kg, 1x10/1x9/1x8
  • swiss ball bench jack knives/hanging knee raises/pulse crunches on back extension (2max) - 48/47/76, 31/36/67


caught the bus to Sydney with Cookie, arrived just after midday to very windy conditions with rain on and off...

caught up with the other two members of our crew before heading to the expo

also visited Haigh's, picking up orders for the usual suspects

dinner was at the usual spot - Fujiya - 9 of us this time as we watched the wild wet weather outside...


up at 6 to get ready and check out...met Cookie in the foyer at 6:45 then it was off to the start...

we dropped our bag in the red truck then I left Cookie in the portaloo line so I could go meet mum, dad and Tim...

Tim and I were at the back of the red group and it probably took me 2mins to cross the start (Tim was long gone by then!)...

I knew this run was going to be hard work so I just tried to maintain a steady pace...didn't really feel the wind until after topping Heartbreak Hill and it was quite strong in some places...happy to cross the line under 80mins...

Tim managed 54:21 while Cookie clocked an impressive 77:54 from the green group...we worked out that Tim had finished before I reached 10k!

we headed up to the Bondi RSL to grab a table for an early lunch while we waited for the two remaining members of our crew to finish (starting from the yellow group)...

after lunch is was back along the beach to catch the bus then train back to Central...

a very early dinner was had at a lovely Thai restaurant near our hotel then is was back on the bus to Canberra by 5pm...a very tiring weekend!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.2/64% (apparent temp 9.0)
start time: 8:02am
total distance: 14.12
total time: 76:29
avg pace: 5:25
total calories: 1046
avg HR*: 165

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:05 [Z1: 93-111]
00:08 [Z2: 112-130]
02:17 [Z3: 131-148]
47:19 [Z4: 149-167]
25:29 [Z5: 168-185]

I got the splits for the C2S markers (which seemed to be in different spots this year?!) at 2k, 4k then every k to 13k:

9:58, 11:21, 4:34, 5:34, 7:13, 5:18, 5:32, 5:14, 6:11, 5:30, 4:09, 5:56

my splits via sporttracks are:

5:05, 4:55, 5:16, 5:23, 5:07, 5:20, 6:13, 5:45, 5:27, 5:43, 5:48, 5:26, 5:10, 5:11, 0:31

09 August 2012



Nothing to report other than no gym, no run and footy training was cancelled


Nothing to report other than no run


Gym...Day 2 (back/legs/biceps)...changes:

  • db bench row (2x4-6) - 20kg, 1x6/1x7
  • lat pulldown (2x6-8) - 50kg, 1x8/1x9
  • db pullovers (2x8-10) - 12.5kg, 1x10/1x12
  • standing ezybar bicep curls (2x8-10) - +7.5kg, 1x10/1x12

footy training was good but we were still missing a few people...

Footy update - current ladder (2 rounds to play)...

  • Riverina 85.7% (12 wins including 3 forfeits/2 losses)
  • Eastlake 78.6% (11 wins/3 losses plus one deferred game to be played against ADFA)
  • Ainslie 71.4% (10 wins including 1 forfeit/4 losses)
  • Gungahlin 60.0% (9 wins/6 losses)
  • Belconnen 57.1% (8 wins/6 losses)
  • Tuggeranong 57.1% (8 wins/6 losses)

despite our loss to Riverina on the weekend, we still stand a chance of finishing fourth because Ainslie did us a favour by beating Tuggeranong...so the last round becomes final-like for three teams - with our game against Tuggeranong being a must win for both teams and Belconnen looking to upset Riverina and overtake both us into the top 4...


easy run at lunch, conditions were very windy and quite cool as a result...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 11.2%/30 (apparent temp 8.0)
start time: 1:46pm
total distance: 7.03
total time: 40:00
avg pace: 5:41
total calories: 475
avg HR*: 145

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:20 [Z1: 93-111]
00:36 [Z2: 112-130]
24:49 [Z3: 131-148]
14:55 [Z4: 149-167]
00:00 [Z5: 168-185]

I have no plan or real goal for Sunday other than to finish, hopefully in 75 or better....

05 August 2012


  • db incline bench press - 17.5kg, 1x6/1x9
  • bb bench press - 40kg, 2x8
  • bb eccentric bench press - 55kg, 1x8
  • db shoulder press - 10kg, 1x10/1x7/1x8...bit of a struggle today
  • swiss ball bench jack knives/hanging knee raises/crunch pulses on back extension - 2 x 37/32/66


road trip to Wagga where we played the top team Riverina...we lost 1.2-8 to 9.11-65...we had two players pull out before the game and as Jodie wasn't required to umpire (pity), she made a comeback after last playing in 2008...she played fullback and stopped the score from probably being double what it was...

cached on the way home making 15 finds...


didn't want to run as yesterday was a very physical game and I was quite sore in the legs but I eventually got up and did it very slowly...it was cold and very windy despite the sun...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.5/54% (apparent temp 10.0)
start time: 11:12am
total distance: 11.04
total time: 70:00
avg pace: 6:20
total calories: 710
avg HR*: 142

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:28 [Z1: 93-111]
00:34 [Z2: 112-130]
61:29 [Z3: 131-148]
04:48 [Z4: 149-167]
03:30 [Z5: 168-185]

watched the Raiders v Broncos game at Bruce Stadium, courtesy of some tickets picked up at a trivia night earlier in the year...an entertaining game despite the cold and windy conditions, won by the Riaders 28-12...

now I'm watching the women's marathon...

02 August 2012



gym: Day 1 (chest/shoulders/triceps/abs)...changes...

  • db shoulder press - 10kg (2x10/1x7)

decided to rest my legs after Saturday's run and a hard game of footy...

not really much to say about footy training except I finished early due to copping a cork just above my right knee in just about the first warm up handball drill...I zigged when my fellow player zagged...tried to keep going and did a few more drills but as it got colder my leg got tighter...spent the rest of the night icing...


no running due to the cork - icing was order of the day.


gym: Day 2 (back/legs/biceps)...changes...

  • bb squats - weight increased to 57.5kg (3x8)

was concerned about my leg so was particularly careful but it survived ok...

Bush Capital Bush Marathon 16k results were published

162 finishers (145 runners & 17 walkers)

we were =107th overall / =40th females in 1:38:40

other Speedygeese results I noticed:

Jen 1:20:02
Emma 1:20:48
Ewen 1:26:14
Susan 1:28:20

footy training was held in cold conditions but at least it wasn’t windy...numbers were down but it was another good session...

so now for a footy finals update - current ladder....

  • Riverina 84.6% (11 wins including 3 forfeits/2 losses)
  • Eastlake 76.9% (10 wins/3 losses plus one deferred game to be played against ADFA)
  • Ainslie 69.2% (9 wins including 1 forfeit/4 losses)
  • Gungahlin 64.3% (9 wins/5 losses)
  • Tuggeranong 61.5% (8 wins/5 losses)
  • Belconnen 53.9% (7 wins/6 losses)

our remaining games are against Riverina (in Wagga), (BYE), Tuggeranong (at home)
Ainslie has Tuggeranong, ADFA, Queanbeyan
Tuggeranong has Ainslie, Queanbeyan, Gungahlin
Belconnen has ADFA, ANU, Riverina

after our loss to Belconnen on the weekend, we now need to win at least one of our two remaining games AND hope that Ainslie beats Tuggeranong this weekend to still have any sort of chance of making the finals...

we could finish as low as 6th which would be our worst performance in our short history....


easy run at lunch, conditions were cool and a little windy...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 10.0/45% (apparent temp 8.2)
start time: 1:06pm
total distance: 10.25
total time: 60:00
avg pace: 5:51
total calories: 623
avg HR*: 150

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:08 [Z1: 93-111]
00:08 [Z2: 112-130]
22:51 [Z3: 131-148]
35:13 [Z4: 149-167]
02:53 [Z5: 168-185]

this included 2 loops of my Acton peninsula loop (1.6k) so ran up my usual training hill 3 times....again no speedygeese tonight as I am managing my left heel and the cork I picked up at training on Monday....