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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

02 August 2012



gym: Day 1 (chest/shoulders/triceps/abs)...changes...

  • db shoulder press - 10kg (2x10/1x7)

decided to rest my legs after Saturday's run and a hard game of footy...

not really much to say about footy training except I finished early due to copping a cork just above my right knee in just about the first warm up handball drill...I zigged when my fellow player zagged...tried to keep going and did a few more drills but as it got colder my leg got tighter...spent the rest of the night icing...


no running due to the cork - icing was order of the day.


gym: Day 2 (back/legs/biceps)...changes...

  • bb squats - weight increased to 57.5kg (3x8)

was concerned about my leg so was particularly careful but it survived ok...

Bush Capital Bush Marathon 16k results were published

162 finishers (145 runners & 17 walkers)

we were =107th overall / =40th females in 1:38:40

other Speedygeese results I noticed:

Jen 1:20:02
Emma 1:20:48
Ewen 1:26:14
Susan 1:28:20

footy training was held in cold conditions but at least it wasn’t windy...numbers were down but it was another good session...

so now for a footy finals update - current ladder....

  • Riverina 84.6% (11 wins including 3 forfeits/2 losses)
  • Eastlake 76.9% (10 wins/3 losses plus one deferred game to be played against ADFA)
  • Ainslie 69.2% (9 wins including 1 forfeit/4 losses)
  • Gungahlin 64.3% (9 wins/5 losses)
  • Tuggeranong 61.5% (8 wins/5 losses)
  • Belconnen 53.9% (7 wins/6 losses)

our remaining games are against Riverina (in Wagga), (BYE), Tuggeranong (at home)
Ainslie has Tuggeranong, ADFA, Queanbeyan
Tuggeranong has Ainslie, Queanbeyan, Gungahlin
Belconnen has ADFA, ANU, Riverina

after our loss to Belconnen on the weekend, we now need to win at least one of our two remaining games AND hope that Ainslie beats Tuggeranong this weekend to still have any sort of chance of making the finals...

we could finish as low as 6th which would be our worst performance in our short history....


easy run at lunch, conditions were cool and a little windy...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 10.0/45% (apparent temp 8.2)
start time: 1:06pm
total distance: 10.25
total time: 60:00
avg pace: 5:51
total calories: 623
avg HR*: 150

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:08 [Z1: 93-111]
00:08 [Z2: 112-130]
22:51 [Z3: 131-148]
35:13 [Z4: 149-167]
02:53 [Z5: 168-185]

this included 2 loops of my Acton peninsula loop (1.6k) so ran up my usual training hill 3 times....again no speedygeese tonight as I am managing my left heel and the cork I picked up at training on Monday....

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