About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

20 February 2018

Wind beneath my wings...not

I'm not enjoying the windy conditions (just in case you didn't know that already!)

was muggy yesterday morning...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.3/70% (apparent temp same)
start time: 8:06am
total distance: 16.58
total time: 41:06 (including 1:10 stopped time)
avg speed: 24.2kph
total calories: 342
avg HR: 126

it was windy for my BRun although this time I had to deal with the headwind as I headed out to the wetlands instead of on the way back...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 23.9/54% (apparent temp same)
start time: 1:14pm
total distance: 14.91
total time: 47:10 (including 0:27 stopped time)
avg speed: 19.0kph
total calories: 413
avg HR: 129

and even windier for my s l o w ride home...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.3/63% (apparent temp same)
start time: 5:53pm
total distance: 17.62
total time: 52:01 (including 0:28 stopped time)
avg speed: 20.3kph
total calories: 426
avg HR: 125

a bit cooler this morning, and yes, breezy!

dropped my bike in for a service...probably need a new chain and cassette...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 14.1/63% (apparent temp 12.7)
start time: 8:05am
total distance: 16.47
total time: 41:54
(including 0:20 stopped time)
avg speed: 23.6kph
total calories: 366
avg HR: 129

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