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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

06 December 2017

BBQ Stakes #82 (reverse #19)...hunter 8 rabbit 14...

up early again this morning to walk the boys...that's three in a row I've been up at 5:40am!

decided to ride in as it wasn't raining...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 14.0/70% (apparent temp 13.0)
start time: 7:39am
total distance: 16.60
total time: 39:54 (including 0:21 stopped time)
avg speed: 25.0kph
total calories: 410
avg HR: 140

the rabbit advised that she was tired and work stressed so was going to start off the same time (2:00) as last week...

conditions were cool and breezy...I should have known she was going to do a good run as she prefers the reverse course...the first time I saw her was after I crossed the finish!

she'd run 47:40 to beat me by 1:19 and 13 places (9th to 22nd)!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 17.6/68% (apparent temp same)
start time: 12:30pm
total distance: 6.02
total time: 30:44
avg pace: 5:07
total calories: 413
avg HR: 158
TE: 3.8
recovery HR: 122/50
BPK: 808

splits: 5:09, 5:37, 5:23, 5:19, 4:44, 4:29, 0:03

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