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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

01 February 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees: Andrew, Bronia, Craig, Cyndia Sindia (new), Ewen, Garry, Gary, Jennifer, Jodie, Helen, Kat, Kim (new), Leanne, Maria, Mat, Mel, Noeline, Neil, Ruth, SG, Steve, Susan, Tim, Victoria, Warrick, Yelena and me...phew!

warm up: 2.90k (big loop + jog down to grassy area between Questacon and the National Gallery

3 lots of strides (~100m) then drills with jog/walk back between each repeat, each drill type separated by 1 lot of strides (~100m):
  • skipping x 2 (~100m),
  • high skipping x 2 (~50m),
  • skip kicks x 2 (~50m)(almost like the cancan or some sort of kungfu move!),
  • flat foot marching (~100m),
  • high knees x 2 (~50m),
  • bum kicks x 2 (~50m),
  • grapevine x 1 on each side
warm down: 0.97k (didn't join the others for some hill sprints)

total 7.12k in 64:48...starting temp/humidity: 28.8/25%...avg HR: 134

Tim felt a twinge in high in his left hammy after the first lot of high skipping (I think) so he elected to take it easy and avoid the drills that put stress on it...hopefully he'll be right...


speedygeoff said...

I have it on good authority she's "Sindia".
Joel found us on the hill and did the sprints!

Ewen said...

I was going to say you were 99% correct (Joel). And you remembered Jodie this time ;)