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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

31 January 2010

Campbell Park Handicap (Thomas Series)

finished 45th out of 133, passed 67, passed by 15...

overall 34th fastest - fastest Bruce Graham 20:30 M45; 7th fastest female (out of 54) - fastest Nadine Morrison 27:04 W40

Jodie was there as well - 39:32, 104th, 105th fastest overall, 40th fastest female...I caught her with about 1k top go...she started in Group 14 to my Group 31 so 9:05 ahead...


the stats:
start temp/humidity: 20.8/65% ("apparent temp": same)
start time: 9:00am
total distance: 6.01
total time: 28:37
avg pace: 4:45
calories: 312
avg HR*: 168

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:00 [Z1: 93-111]
00:02 [Z2: 111-130]
01:04 [Z3: 130-148]
08:11 [Z4: 148-167]
19:46 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 4:48, 4:53, 5:22, 4:28, 4:32, 4:32, (0:02)

spent 4hrs or so at the inaugural Royal Canberra Ladies Classic...good to see Laura Davies in action...

then helped a friend with a deck they are building out the front of their house...that took about 2hrs...


yesterday's golf started well but fell in a heap, played to 23 instead of 15 (oops!)...

baseball was a close game...we were up by 4 then down by 1 and then in the last innings (they batted first) they scored 1 to level the scores at 9-9...it came down to runners on 2nd & 3rd with 2 out...Jodie was the runner on 3rd and I was the next bat...let a couple of balls and a strike go past then managed to miss hit a ball near 3rd...they only had to field cleanly and throw to 1st to get the 3rd out and draw the game (Jodie's run wouldn't have counted as it would have been the 3rd out)...I took off like the hounds were after me but we'll never know if I would have beaten the throw (I think I would have as 3rd to 1st is a fair throw) as 3rd base misfielded and we won!...you beauty!

ended the day watching the Caps beat the Logan Thunder at Tuggeranong and then had a late dinner at La Porchetta...

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