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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

06 February 2010

Longest long run...

why? because if you haven't guessed by now, I'm training for a marathon and have had that focus for my running since early October...

I say "a" marathon because I haven't entered one yet - it all depends on how I cope with the longer runs...mind you, I've been having doubts about my ability to complete a marathon for the last 30-40 minutes of my long runs since hitting the 2hr20min mark in early January!

so to today's run...decided to do it today because I figured it would give me more time to rest before baseball than it would before the golf pennant season starts tomorrow...we will see if I made the right call!

I started near the Carillon and did just over a complete loop of Lake BG in an anti-clockwise direction...passed an ex-footy teammate going the other way (walking) early then no-one else I knew until Molonglo Reach where a gaggle of speedygeese were resting after their run...Ruth now knows my "sekrit" training for the spiral...I'm not sure who was there (I didn't have my glasses on!) but got comments from Ruth, Ewen, Brett and Nadine as I made my way slowly past (so lots of comments!!)...there seemed to be about 10 or so people?

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 17.1/79% (rising to 22.2/61%)
start time: 7:11am
total distance: 29.37
total time: 3:00:00
avg pace: 6:08
total calories: 1287
avg HR*: 149

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:07 [Z1: 93-111]
00:12 [Z2: 111-130]
105:48 [Z3: 130-148]
75:59 [Z4: 148-167]
01:08 [Z5: 167-185]

struggled to maintain a consistent pace (just trying to run easy really) and definitely struggled in the last hour...I guess practice will help (or not!)...

- 1st hr 5:45 pace
- 2nd hr 6:08 pace
- 3rd hr 6:33 pace

now I'm in recovery mode before baseball!


Ewen said...

That's a long not-so-sekrit training run! We were wondering how far that loop would be - now we know. A wimpy 23-26k for us. Michelle was fast - gave us a 25 minute start and caught us not long after the Wetlands.

Good geese guessing. Also Michelle W and Chris L. You're welcome to join us anytime Sat morning fits in. Start time is 'variable' - usually decided late in the week depending on weather, and who's doing what. Some small hills in the first half, then usually Central and East Basins. Will be a longer option for marathoners though...

Nadine said...

You have confirmed our suspicions! We knew something was on the cards! Hope the training is going well.

Add to Ewen's list - also Graeme S, Stuart R, Michael F and Andy. Cathy and Graeme were also still out there, doing an exceptionally long run in prep for the Six Foot Track... Yes, more than welcome to join us if you need some company to take your mind off the niggles that rear their ugly heads during long runs!

Aki said...

Wow. I was starting to wonder, lol. Good luck!