About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

08 February 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees: Andrew, Caroline, Chris, Craig, Sindia, Emma, Ewen, Garry, Jennifer, Jenny (new), Joel, Katherine, Helen, Kim, Leanne, Lucy (new), Maria, Mel, Miranda, Noeline, Neil, Richard, Ruth, SG, Tim, Victoria, Warrick, Yelena and me...how did Ruth pass the naming test??!

warm up: 2.37 (big loop + jog back to oval + jog to hill start)

12 x ~100m hills on 90secs + hill attrition sprints on 90secs + 1 last hill to make 20...the last 6 were "removed" in the first two attrition sprints, then the last 3 in the next 2 then I lost track of how many got cut!...I made the "final" by default after Garry decided he would give up his place...Joel, Tim, Andrew were the leading three in that order..

rough times:
25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 26, 26, 26
24, 25, 24, 23, 22, 24, 24

total 8.27k in 79:47...starting temp/humidity: 26.2/57%...avg HR: 144

a tough session and the last of the speedygeese hill sessions until later in the year...

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Ruth said she 'cheated' by studying the names during the warm-up ;)

Nice going to make the final of the final (woohoo!) hill sprints.