About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

28 December 2009

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees: Andrew, Caroline, Craig, Jennifer, Jodie, Joel, Miranda, Ruth, SG, Tim, Tony, Yelena and me...

warm up: 2.49k (jog to Rose Garden + big loop + jog of effort loop)

~330m efforts (2 x loop with steps next to Rose Garden) + 1 loop jog in teams of two for 20mins...Craig and I managed 6 repeats, I think Tim & Joel did 8 while Andrew & Tony finished just ahead of us...Ruth teamed with Jodie, Yelena with Caroline (?) and Jennifer with Miranda (?)...

rough effort times (me/Craig): 1:30/1:36, 1:35/1:47, 1:38/1:46, 1:39/1:44, 1:38/1:45, 1:37/1:56

we finished with a couple of run-throughs up to the Rose Garden (~100m)...

warm down: 1.18k (lap back to stairs)

total 7.51k in 63:14...starting temp/humidity: 26.7/48% ("apparent temp": 27)...avg HR: 147


speedygeoff said...

Congratulations on completing an excellent year of running!

Ewen said...

I think I'm glad I missed that one! Have you started your taper for Cadbury?

Happy New Year, and let the PBs keep on rolling in 2010 :)